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My eyes literally popped out as Ryan said that.

"No, you can't go inside." I said as I blocked his way.

"Are you nuts? Just move. It's urgent." he said glaring at me.

"Then why are you not using the washroom of your own room?" I asked as a matter of fact.

"The door got jammed and it's not opening even after so many attempts. Now move aside for heaven's sake." he said gritting his teeth.

"Then go to Yash's." I said glaring at him.

"It's on the other end of the house. Man, what's the problem with yours?" he asked irritated.

"Uhm... There's no light inside. The bulb fused. You'll not be able to see anything." I made the stupidest excuse of my life.

Damn! Pyaar mein kya kya karna padta hai.

"I'll manage. Just get lost!" he said angrily.

"No, I'm not going to move." I said stubbornly as I shifted closer to the door of the washroom.

"Fine! If you don't move then I'll do it here because I can't hold the pressure anymore. Only I know how I made it to the house." he said passing daggers at me with his eyes.

"No!!!!" I shouted in horror.

"Then move!!!!" he shouted back.

I guess, it's the time. I can't stop him now. He's hell bent on exposing our secret to him.

I turned around and unbolted the door. I pushed it and as soon as the door got open, we saw Ragini standing with all her teeth on display. I chuckled at that and she came out.

Then both of us turned to look at Ryan who was looking at us with his eyes wide in shock.

"Hello!" said Ragini waving her hand to him.

I shook my head in disbelief at my cutest baby.

"What the f*ck is going on here?" he asked shouting at the top of his lungs.

"Both of you stay here.Dare you leave! I want to know everything. I'll be right back." he said as he stormed into the washroom and banged the door shut.

I then looked at Ragini who was looking at me already.

"It's okay! We'll tell him." I said as I ruffled her hair.

She nodded and both of us sat on the bed, waiting for Ryan to come out. He came out after a while and sat on the couch, right in front of us. He was looking at us like we were some thieves who got caught red handed and he was an investigation officer.

"So, what's going on in between you two?" he asked pointing his finger at Ragini and then at me.

"We're just dating!" I answered.

"Huh... Just dating!" he said frowning.

"Ha... Ye mera boyfriend main iski girlfriend..." Ragini said in a singing tone.

I chuckled at that while Ryan rolled his eyes.

"From when all this is going on?" he asked making his eyes small.

"We're going to complete a month in a few days." I said.

"From one freaking month and you didn't tell me!!!" he screamed.

We closed our ears at that.

"Why?" he asked glaring at us.

"Because your digestive system is very weak." I said rolling my eyes at him.

He gave me an angry look as I said that while Ragini giggled beside me.

"Now stop your drama and congratulate us." said she smiling at me.

"You both love each other or it's just temporary?" he asked in a serious tone.

"No! It's more than serious. We are very much in love." I said as I circled my hand around Ragini's shoulder who nodded smiling brightly.

Ryan finally smiled at us.

"I'm so happy for both of you. You'll be a great couple." he said happily.

"Thank you!!" we said together.

"When are you going to break this news to Mr and Mrs Gadodia?" he asked.

"On my birthday, which is next week." Ragini replied.

"Okay! But I'll be the one to tell this to Yash." he said excitedly.

We chuckled and nodded to him. We talked for a while and then he left for the office again. He just came to take some important files needed by Mr Gadodia.

"I should also leave now. I need to take a nap." said Ragini as she got up.

"You can sleep here, in my bed." I said as I winked at her.

Her face got flushed at that. She was looking so cute. Well, she always looks cute to me.

"I'm going." she said as he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and ran out of the room.

I chuckled as I kept looking in her direction. I just can't wait to make her mine, forever.



I got out of the house, all ready to go to the club. I was wearing a silver off shoulder dress which was reaching just above my knees with matching silver high heels. My hair was curled at the ends and was left open. I said to my parents' that I was going to the birthday party of my friend in the xyz club which was a half truth. I was going to the xyz club only but there was no birthday of any of my friends. The club was reputed so my parents didn't have any objections. They allowed me to go only if I took my bodyguard aka my boyfriend with me. And of course, Laksh was going with me.

As I was about to move in the direction of his apartment, I saw him coming in my direction already.

He was wearing blue ripped jeans with a red T-shirt and funky black jacket. He was wearing white sneakers and his hair was a mess. Damn! He was looking so hot. He was looking like a bad boy and I was clean bowled by his looks.

For the first time I was seeing him in something way different from his usual look of suit and gelled hair. He stopped in front of me and waved his hand in front of my face.

"Back to the earth, baby." he said chuckling.

"You're looking so different and..." I stopped.

"And?" he asked smirking.

"Nothing! Let's go." I said turning my face away.

"Nothing! I'm looking like nothing! What type of a compliment is this?" he asked making faces.

I looked at him again and giggled.

"You're looking good." I said.

"Just good?" he asked cutely.


"Handsome, attractive... You're looking the best!" I said smiling widely.

"That's what I wanted to hear. There's one more word which I wanted to hear by the way! I know you're feeling shy to say it." he said looking at me teasingly.

"And that is?" I asked, making an innocent face.

"Hot!" he said with a devilish grin.

I didn't say anything but blushed deeply.

"And you're looking the same!" he added.

"Same?" I asked, confused.

Did he mean that I am looking the same as I look everyday? Means all my hard work and time of getting ready went in vain!

"Hot!" he said looking at me passionately.

My face brightened like a bulb at that and we fell into an eye lock.

"Being a possessive boyfriend, I thought that you'll not like me wearing an off shoulder dress to a club." I told him honestly as both of us got seated in the car.

He wore the seatbelt and then looked at me. He moved towards me and started making me wear the seatbelt. He's just perfect.

"I will stop other men from coming closer to my girl and eyeing her not stop her from doing or wearing something she likes. She'll not stop doing anything she wants until her bodyguard is there to safeguard her and keep the unwanted creatures away from her." he said as he gave me a kiss on my exposed shoulder before pulling himself back to his seat.

I was so touched by his words. He always makes me feel special and loved by his words. I just kept staring at him as he started the engine and we drove out of the house.

"You know you're the bestest partner any girl can get and I'm the luckiest girl" I said smiling at him while his focus was on the road.

"Bestest! Is that even a word?" he asked as he glanced at me.

"Word pe na jao... Feelings samjho na baby..." I said giggling.

"Baby! Really! This six feet two inches tall, rough and tough man looks like a baby to you! You didn't get any other names for me?" he asked as he looked at me with wide eyes.

"If you can call me a kid then I can also call you a baby." I replied looking at him with a straight face.

"Wo to yaad hi mat dila." he said with a horrified expression on his face.

I laughed at his expression and he turned his focus back to the road.


"Badi hasi a rahi hai!" he said still looking at the road.

"Ha, bahut!" I replied as I kept laughing.

He didn't say anything but kept quiet after that.

"Aww... Mela baby guchcha ho haha?" I asked as I pinched his cheek.

"Ragini!!!" he said sternly.

"Yes sir..." I said as I kept giggling.

"Stop laughing..." he said looking at me for a few seconds.

"What if I don't?" I asked in a challenging way.

"I'll shut your mouth in my own way." he said and I noticed a smirk making its way on his face as he turned his face to me.

"Focus on driving Mr." I said as I turned his face to the front.

We got out of the car as we reached the club. Laksh draped his hand around my waist as we got inside. The club was crowded with people. After searching for about two minutes, we finally found my friends and made our way towards them. Arjun's girlfriend Naina was also with them.

"Hey Rags!" they chirped.


"Who's this handsome?" asked Shreya as she looked at Laksh.

I laughed at that.

"You meet him daily with me and beware, he's already taken" I replied with a serious face.

"He's..." the three of them said together.

"My bodyguard..." I started.

"I can't believe it!"

"He's looking so different."

"He's my bodyguard and..."


"My boyfriend..." I said and they literally went into a coma because of the shock.

"Your boyfriend!"

"Oh my god! How?"

"When did this even happen?"

"You didn't tell us!" they said together again.

And then I told them the whole story. Just yesterday Laksh and I decided to tell them about us.

Two days later is my birthday and we're going to tell my parents and I wanted to tell my friends before that. They're special to me. Laksh got a call so he went away from the noise, leaving me with my friends.

"I already knew that there's something cooking in between you two." said Shreya.

"How?" I asked, surprised.

"The way he behaved when Jai proposed to you... Damn! He was looking so dangerous. I thought he would kill Jai." she said with wide eyes.

I blushed at that.

"By the way, there's one more news. Yuvraaj is also dating a girl!" said Arjun.

"What??? Who's the girl? You guys didn't tell me!" I said glaring at them.

"Look who's talking!" said Arjun rolling his eyes.

"We are in a relationship for a week only, unlike you. I've called her here. She must be coming." said Yuvraaj.

"I'm so sorry for making you guys wait! I got stuck in traffic."

All of us turned to look at the source of the voice. A girl was standing there huffing.

"So guys, she's..."

"Twinkle! What are you doing here?" asked Laksh in an angry tone as he approached us.

The girl turned to look at him and her face turned pale.

What's going on here?


What do you think is going to happen next😹?

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Ignore any mistakes.
Thank you for reading.

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