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"Bhai!" said Twinkle with a shocked face.

And I noticed Yuvraaj gulping besides me.

So, she's Laksh's sister!

"I asked something! What are you doing here?" asked Laksh sternly.

"Bhai... I was..." she glanced at Yuvraaj and then looked back at Laksh.

"Piya is going to accompany me. She must be on the way." Twinkle lied.

"Oh! Then you should have come with her. Why the hell you came alone at this time? Do you think that you've grown up a lot?" shouted Laksh making Twinkle flinch along with all of us.

He was mad!


"Ma and papa knows about it?" asked Laksh with a serious face.

Twinkle first nodded and then shook her head and then again nodded.

"What does it mean?" asked Laksh gritting his teeth.

"They... They knows that I have stayed the night with my friend, nothing else." answered Twinkle timidly.

"You know what, this is the last time you've come here. If I ever saw you out at this time in the night then be ready to get house arrest and you know I mean it. I don't allow my twenty years old sister to hang out in any club in the night." said Laksh dangerously.

Twinkle immediately nodded with a scared face.

"Laksh!" I said finally interrupting.

He was being too strict with her.

"There's no problem in coming here. Even I have come here. The place is safe." I said as a matter of fact.

"There is a problem. You have come with me, not alone like her! And let me tell you, she has never come to this side of the city before so this is a bigger problem." Laksh said still in his serious tone.

I looked at Twinkle who nodded her head slightly.

Why the hell this stupid Yuvi let her come alone when she doesn't know anything about the surroundings?

"Let's go before I lose it. My head is already on fire." he said holding his sister's hand.

"Laksh, we didn't even do anything. Why did we even come here?" I said shaking my head.

"I don't care! If you want then you can enjoy with your friends. I'm sitting here with her. Tell me when you're done, we'll leave." he said as he sat down on the couch.

I rolled my eyes at that. I then looked at my friends who were equally dissapointed. We moved a away from the duo, not too far because Laksh didn't allow me to go away from his eyes.

"Damn! I didn't know that Twinkle is Laksh's sister." said Yuvraaj pulling his hair.

"Haha... Congratulations Yuvi, you're going to get a very lovely brother in law. We just saw the demo of his loveliness." said Arjun laughing, earning a glare from Yuvraaj.

"Shut up! He isn't any ghost. Ok! And the fault is yours Yuvi. You shouldn't have let her come alone. It's not safe." I said glaring Yuvraaj.

"I didn't know she'll come alone. I thought she'll come with any of her friends." Yuvraaj defended himself.

"Ha ha... You'll take Laksh's side only. After all, he's your boyfriend." said Arjun.

"Guys, she's right and he's also right at his place. If I found my brother here then the situation will be similar with me as well." Naina said, agreeing with me.

"But still there will be a big difference in your case." Yuvraaj said.

"And what's that?" all of us asked together.

"Aru will not get so much scared of your brother like I am of Twinkle's brother. I can't even stand in front of him. He looks so dangerous." said Yuvraaj gulping.

All of us laughed at that while Yuvi made faces.

"I'm imagining what will be your condition when Laksh will come to know about your relationship with Twinkle. Haha..." said Shreya as she hified with Arjun.

I shook my head and glanced at the brother sister duo. Laksh was sitting with the angry look still on his face, his hands were crossed at his front while Twinkle was sitting besides him like a scared child who just got scolded by her parents.

"I'll be right back." I said and started moving towards them.

"Laksh, you didn't introduce me to your sister." I said as I sat at his other side.

Laksh looked at me and then at his sister.

"Introduce yourselves to each other. And she knows you already." said Laksh uninterested.

I shook my head at that.

Bad bad mood!

"Hello, I'm Ragini Gadodia." I said smiling at her and giving my hand for a handshake.

"Twinkle Maheshwari..." she said shaking her hand with mine.

We were holding hands at Laksh's front because we were sitting on either sides of him.

"I know you already because I follow you on the social media. I just love your fashion sense." she said smiling widely.

Atleast I could make her smile otherwise her khadoos brother ruined her mood completely.

"Thank you!" I said smiling back.

"Now as you're bhai's girlfriend and my soon to be sister in law then I'll be getting free tips from you. I'm so happy." she said in an excited tone.

I chuckled at that.

We were talking with our faces coming in front of Laksh because he was sitting in between us.

We're going to get along greatly. She talks a lot, just like me.

I looked up at Laksh who I guess was also thinking the same because I could literally feel him cursing his fate for having two non stop radios in his life.

I chuckled inwardly at that.

We kept talking about fashion, clothes, shops n all.

"Just keep quiet both of you." said Laksh as he pushed both of us from his front to sides.

We glared him and he glared us back.

"Girls!" he said shaking his head.

Me and Twinkle made faces as he said that.

"Where is your dear friend, Piya?" asked Laksh frowning.

Twinkle looked on nervously.

"Uhm... I think her parents caught her and she didn't come." she finally said.

"And what would you have done in this case, if I wasn't here?" asked Laksh as he turned completely to her and gritted his teeth again.


"Ahm... I would have... Uhm..." she started stammering.

"Laksh, that didn't happen. Why are you acting like a CBI officer? Let it be now. Why are you thinking about the thing which didn't even happen!" I said trying to stop him from asking more questions and scaring the girl.

Laksh looked at me and frowned. I looked at him with puppy eyes and he rolled his eyes in return but didn't ask anything after that.

After about half an hour, we decided to leave. My friends left in their cars. Twinkle and I were following Laksh who was walking towards the car.

"Thank you for saving me." said Twinkle.

"Arre, there's no need to thank. And I not only saved you but also my friend from your brother." I said chuckling and she also chuckled with me.

"Thank God I didn't wear a dress but jeans otherwise my brother would have brought a tornado." she said with wide eyes.

"Indeed!" I said laughing.

As we reached the car, Twinkle ran and sat on the backseat.

She was still feeling scared of him.

I chuckled as I sat on the passenger seat and Laksh started the car.

"Where will you drop me bhai?" asked Twinkle.

"Nowhere..." replied Laksh.


"You're coming with us. I'll drop you at home, tomorrow morning." he said and none of us spoke anything after that.

We reached my house and got out of the car.

"Good night." I said looking at both of them.

"Good night..." said Twinkle.

I looked at Laksh and sighed.

"If I'm being the third wheel then I'll turn my face away. You both can say good night to each other, you know what I mean." said Twinkle winking at us.

I blushed at that while Laksh glared at her and she laughed. He signed me to go inside. I nodded at that. He stayed there until I was inside the house.

I told my parents that I was home and then walked upstairs to my room. I changed into a pair of shorts and T-shirt and then fell on the bed. I picked up my phone and messaged Laksh.

Good night Mr Angry Bird😘.

I didn't even get a good night kiss.

Haha... Twinkle was giving us space but you didn't take her seriously😜.

Ya ya... You don't know her. She's my sister. No one knows her better than me. She was just pulling our legs. I know she would have immediately turned to us  even after promising to not look at us.

It's okay😙!

It is not okay. Now, I'll get my kiss along with a penalty.

Okay baby🙈!

I'm not a baby!!

Alle le...😆

Shut up and go to sleep.

There's no hurry because tomorrow is Sunday😎.

Just go to sleep. It's late.

Okay okay! Take a chill pill😚.

Don't send this emojis to me.


You don't know why?

No, I don't know. You tell me😁.

But I know you very well.


Good night.

Gud night❤

I smiled at I kept my phone aside and closed my eyes to sleep.

I love this man so damn much.


I jumped because of the sound of ringing of my phone. I groaned as I picked up my phone from the side table.

"Hello... Who's this?" I asked lazily, without looking at the caller I'd.

"Ragini, you're still sleeping and here, your bodyguard brought your sautan!" I heard Ryan's voice from the other side.

I jumped out of the bed at that.

"What? What nonsense!" I shouted.

"Come to our apartment right now!" he said before disconnecting the call.

And I ran out of the room with rocket speed. I stopped as I entered inside the apartment and found Ryan standing in the hall.

"Where's Laksh?" I asked him.

"He's in the gym. When I got up today, I found him sleeping in the hall. I was confused as to why he didn't sleep in his room, so I went to look in his room and saw a girl sleeping on his bed. He brought a girl in the house when he's dating you." he said with a serious face.

I started analysing what he said and then it hit me.

How can I be so stupid? I'm so dumb!

"God Ryan, you spoiled my sleep just because of this!" I said annoyed as I fell on the couch.

"How can you act so cool after knowing all this? A girl is sleeping in your boyfriend's room and you're behaving like nothing happened." he said throwing his hands up in the air.

"Relax Ryan! She's not any girlfriend of Laksh. I know her." I said.

"Did he tell you that she's just a friend? Ragini, don't believe him, okay! He's lying! I have seen in a picture. Boyfriend lies to his girlfriend and then have relationship with other girl, behind his girlfriend's back" he said with wide eyes.

God Ryan!

"Ryaaannnn!!!!!" I shouted stopping his imaginative brain.

"Calm down! She's not his girlfriend, not even his friend. She's his sister!" I said and then took a deep breath.

"Real sister? Are you sure?" he asked frowning.

"Yes, blood sister! And I'm thousand percent sure." I said.

"Then it's okay!" he said as he fell besides me on the couch.

"What's going on here?" we heard Laksh's voice from our behind.

We turned around and found Laksh standing there. He was wearing shorts and T-shirt and his hair was a hot mess.

"Nothing! We were just talking." said Ryan.

I chuckled as that. He got up and left. But not before giving me a look like 'don't tell anything to him'.

Laksh came towards me and sat besides me. He draped his hand around my waist and pulled me to him.

"Laksh! What are you doing? What if someone came?" I said trying to get free from him.

"No one is going to come. Yash already left with your dad and Ryan has gone to take a shower. He takes very long to shower and Twinkle is still sleeping." he mumbled as he started kissing my neck.

"Means, mom is at home. I need to go!" I said as he started to run his lips on my nape.

"Fine!" he said pulling back.

I chuckled and pecked on his lips.

"Good morning!" said Twinkle as she started coming towards us.

"Morning!" I said smiling.

"Get ready fast. We're leaving." said Laksh.

I got up and hugged Twinkle.

"It was very nice to meet you. Hope we'll meet soon." I said.

"Yeah, we'll meet soon. When you'll come to our house, bhabhi." she said winking at me.

I bit on my lower lip and looked at Laksh.

"See, you are my brother's girlfriend and my would me sister in law so I'm supposed to call you bhabhi. Also, you're older to me but I can't call you di na because it'll change your relationship with my brother. Haha..." she said laughing hard.

"Ha ha... Ho gaya. Now go and get freshen up." said Laksh pushing her in the direction of his room.

"Bye bhabhi..." she said laughing.

"Bye..." I said laughing as well.

"Bye..." I said pecking on Laksh's cheek and ran out of the house.


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