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I was talking with my friends when I saw Laksh entering inside. He ran his eyes throughout and then finally his eyes landed on me. He smiled and signed me to follow him. I nodded and he left. I excused myself and followed him. I reached the backside area of the party hall and looked around for him.

"Laksh?" I called for him.

Then I felt him behind me. I turned with a wide smile and jumped upon him. He chuckled but didn't respond.

"Happy Birthday to you, monkey!" he said kissing my cheek.

"I'm a human, not a monkey!" I said glaring him cutely.

"But you always keep jumping upon me." he said ruffling my hair.

"Bruh... Wishes aren't enough, ok. I want my birthday gift. What did you bring for me?" I asked as I broke the hug and crossed my arms around my chest.

He brought his hand to the front and I smiled seeing the beautiful bouquet of roses in his hand. I snatched it from him and inhaled them, running my hands on the soft petals.

"Thank you... They're beautiful!" I said as I looked up at him.

"Not more than you..." he said, making me turn red.

"Hihi... I know I'm the single piece in the world." I said laughing and he laughed along.

"Ragini..." we heard Ryan's voice as he came towards us.

"Hmm... The party is going on there and you both are enjoying yourselves here. Love birds ha..." he said teasingly.

"See, what Laksh gave me!" I said as I showed the bouquet to him.

"Bas! Only a bouquet! Aww, I thought your boyfriend will give you something special and expensive on your birthday!" he said laughing.

I glared him and hit him in his stomach.

"Shut up! These are more precious to me than any expensive gift. He has brought them for me so they're special. Tum nahi samjhoge.(You will not understand.)" I said as I kept glaring him.

"Ya ya... I don't understand anything. Everyone else besides me is intelligent. Huh... By the way, your mom is calling you." he said.

"I'm coming. You go. Shoo shoo..." I said.

He glared at me but didn't say anything and left. I then looked at Laksh.

"Don't listen to him. I loved them." I said as I hugged him.

"I know!" he said as he hugged me back.

He broke the hug and was about to claim my lips but I stopped him by keeping my hand on his mouth.

"My lipstick will get spoiled and I don't even have a spare lipstick." I said giggling.

He groaned and pulled me to him and then I felt him running his lips on my neck.

"Laksh, we should go inside otherwise everyone will start looking for me. I'm the birthday girl na." I said.

"Hmm..." he hummed but didn't pull away.

"Laksh!" I said chuckling and he finally pulled away.

"Let's go!" he said unwillingly and both of us went back inside.

After about half an hour, I cut the cake and made my parents eat it with my hands. I wanted to do the same to Laksh but I needed to control myself for some more time. We then danced and enjoyed to the fullest. But I couldn't dance with my boyfriend.

Pout. Pout. Pout.

I don't know whether he knows dancing or not!

Slowly, all the guests left and at eleven in the night, we also left for the house.

Laksh parked the car and we got out. My parents started walking inside. I looked at Laksh who was looking at me already. I gave him an assuring smile.

"Let's do it!" I said as I held his hand.

"Yes!" he said as he tightened his grip on my hand.

We followed my parents and got inside the house and left each other's hands. I didn't want to give a sudden attack to my parents, lol.

As we reached the hall, my parents turned to look at us and gave a confused look seeing Laksh.

"Mom... Dad, I need to talk about something very important." I said and I was suddenly getting nervous.

"What's that?" asked Dad.

"Dad, I know you think that I'm still a little baby but that's not true. I've grown up now. I've grown up enough to take the decisions of my life and see what is good for me and what's not. I know what I want." I started.

I didn't want to drop the bomb directly. So I decided to create the environment first.

"We know baby. You have never given us any reasons to complain or anything. We know that our daughter is mature enough to see the difference between right and wrong." mom said.

"I don't know how you both are going to react after this... I'm sorry for hiding this from you till now but I wanted myself to be sure first. And, I think this is the high time." I said nervously.

"What do you want to say? Say it!" dad said.

"I love Laksh and want to spend all my life with him!" I finally said.

I saw my parents' eyes widening as the words left my mouth. They stared me for a few seconds and then looked at Laksh.

"What nonsense! Did you make our daughter fall in this trap?" asked dad with an angry tone.

What the hell?

"Dad, what are you saying? He didn't make me fall in any trap! Infact, I was the one to take the first step!" I accepted honestly.

"From when all this is going on? Ragini, I don't think you're right about this decision of yours." mom said, shaking her head in disapproval.

"Mom, he is a nice guy! No, he's the best man and bestest for me. You don't know him as much as I do. Try to know him. You'll also like him. He loves me." I tried to explain.

"Or loves your money!" said dad.

Now, that was too much.

He is calling Laksh a gold digger! This is absolutely not done!

"No! He don't love my money but me. Infact, every boy in the list you showed me yesterday for alliances were the ones who wants to get married to me because of your money and status, not because of me. They wants me because I'm your daughter not because of my personality or nature." I said and my words were telling that I was getting angry.

"I am not satisfied with this love thing of yours because you're young and you're not understanding the difference between love and attraction..."

"I know the difference well dad." I said with confidence.

"Okay, fine! We got that you love him and he also loves you but love isn't enough for spending your entire life." dad said with pressure on his last words.

"Sorry to interfere sir. I know love isn't enough for surviving and living but I'm capable enough of providing her everything she needs. And, you're wrong sir. I don't want a single penny of yours. I don't want your wealth. I just want your daughter." said Laksh.

"Huh... She's the only daughter of the billionaire, Shekhar Gadodia! She has lived her life with all the luxuries of the world. Can you provide her everything she's getting now?" dad asked mockingly.

I was about to reply but Laksh was faster.

"No, I can't! I'm not a billionaire like you, sir. I'm just an upper middle class boy. I can't give her luxuries but, I can give her my love, respect and enough for her needs to be fulfilled and happiness is what I will give her, till my last breath. I can't give her diamond necklace but just a diamond ring. I can't give her a bungalow but a small house for her to call as hers. That's my capability sir. This is only what I can give her." he said making me feel loved.

"Man, these are just the words. And words don't work!" said dad.

"Dad! What's the problem? I don't have any problem about his status or anything. I don't want a rich man but a man who can give me happiness. Who can make me smile and for whom I matter more than money! And, he is that man!" I said getting irritated.

"Ragini, what are you even seeing in him as your future? What can he give you?" dad asked.

"He gives me what you couldn't give me ever!" I said smiling bitterly.

My parents looked at me cluelessly.

"Time. He gives me his time. He gives me his priority. He makes me feel special and wanted. He just don't say that he loves me but shows it by his actions. He don't break promises. You know what dad, even he's doing a tough and long hours job but that couldn't stop him from going to meet his family in every chance he gets and here I am... I'm living with my parents but I hardly see them during the day, even Sundays. Interacting and spending time is a very far thing. He don't let me feel low or lonely. I am not saying that you don't love me. I know you do. But dad, money isn't everything. This luxurious life I'm getting, it's not my foremost desire. I don't wish for it. I don't want this as much as I want him. I'll not die without this secured life but without him, I'll die." I said and I felt tears filling up my eyes.

"Ragini, you're not thinking practically and being your parents, it's our duty to see your good and show you the right way. I don't approve of your relationship with him. Just forget about it. If I knew about it before then I wouldn't have let all this grow." dad said making me angrier.

"Ya, you would have known only if you would have given some attention to your daughter and must have tried to know what's going on in her life! But you were busy in earning money!" I said angrily.

He just can't think that he's right here, because he's not! I want Laksh over all the wealth of the world. He is my life!

Dad moved towards me and held my hand.

"I'll not let you make a mistake which you'll regret later." he said to me and then looked at Laksh.

"You're fired! Take all your stuff and leave!" he said making me widen my eyes.

"Dad! No, you can't do this. Please... I love him very much dad. I can't live without him. Please don't do this." I said as I started crying badly.

"I'll leave!" said Laksh, making me shocked.

"Laksh!" I said in my broken voice.

"But I'll just leave this house and this job, not Ragini's life. I'm not going to give up on her. Never." he said as he shifted his gaze from my father to me.

He stared me for a few seconds and then turned around.

"Laksh! Please don't go. Dad, please stop him. Please... Mom... Please don't let dad do this. Please... Laaksshh!!!" I shouted as I tried to get free from dad but of no use.


I was packing all my stuff in my bags and Ryan was standing near the door.

Ragini's crying face wasn't leaving my mind and it was making me feel terrible.

I need to do something to make her parents agree because I don't want to be in her life at the cost of her parents. She needs them too.

"I don't understand this old man! What's the problem with him when his daughter is happy? He should be happy in her happiness." he said angrily.

"What are you going to do now?" he asked as he walked inside and stood beside me.

"I don't know. But I know one thing, I love her. I'm sure I'll make a way out." I said as I zipped my bag.

"God! They spoiled her birthday." he said sadly.

I was going to propose her today but...

"Laksh!" entered Yash inside my room, panicked.

"What happened?" me and Ryan asked together.

"Ragini!" he said huffing.

"What happened to Ragini?" I asked and I felt my heart beating the fastest.


Ignore any mistakes.

Thank you for reading.

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