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I got out of the car and started looking around for her but there were no traces of her presence.

"Shit!!" I banged my hand on the headboard of the car and started looking here and there for her.

I didn't even notice in which direction she went. I started running, don't know where.

God!! Please keep her safe. What if she met with an accident? She was hurt with my burstout. Her mind was occupied. Or what if someone kidnapped her? No no... Nothing will happen to her.

I kept assuring myself as I kept looking for her on the roads like a mad man. I was pulling my hair in frustration.

It was all my fault. I should have thought twice before shouting on her like that. She's a very sensible girl. I know her act was childish but I should have made her understand politely but no!! Mr Laksh Maheshwari was angry with the fact that she kissed him just because he called her a kid, because she took it as a challenge and did that to win and to prove that she's not a kid. He must have been very happy if the reason of her kissing was something else. Egoistic jerk!!

"Ragini!! Where are you?" I kept shouting, screaming her name like an insane person in the streets.

An unknown fear was slowly occupying my heart. The fear of losing her. There was no chance of her getting away from here in such a small time then where is she? Laksh, think!! Where she can go? Kids park? Shut up!! All this is happening because of that kid thing only. Don't you dare to call her kid ever again!!

I brought out my phone from my pocket and dialled her number. Thank God I have her number at least. The bell kept ringing and then went silent but I didn't hear her angelic voice from the other side. I dialled again and again but there was no response. I dialled one last time and she picked it up after a few rings. I took a breath of relief as I felt that I got my life back.

"Ragini, where are you? Stay there and tell me!! I'm coming there." I started.

"Sir, I found this phone on the side of the road." I heard a young boy's voice from the opposite side.

I held my head in tension and hit my right leg on a stone in anger but it hurted me only.

"Where are you right now?" I asked and he told me the place.

I immediately ran from there. I found that boy and took the phone from him. I saw missed calls from me and her college friends. That means she didn't go to her college. What should I do now? Where to find her?

"God dammit, show me a way." I shouted looking up at the sky.

I'm getting mad. I swear next time I'll think billion times before shouting on her but please... I want her. Where she went? If anything happened to her then I'll never be able to forgive myself.

I pulled my hair back and ran to the car. I got in and started driving towards her house. Maybe, she went back home. I should check there once. No one must be at home at this hour so that I can call and ask.

"Ragini, where you went? I'm so sorry. I'll never shout on you for anything. Please come back."

I was driving the car with rocket speed. As soon as I reached home, the guards opened the door. I hurriedly parked the car and ran inside the house. I kept shouting her name while looking for her in the whole house. I went to my house as well but couldn't find her there too. Now, I was losing my patience.

I thought to check in the backyard of the house. I went there and... There she was!! My heartbeats got normal as soon as my eyes fell on her. She was laying on the bench in the garden. Her legs were folded and her head was placed on her hands. She was looking just like a ki... No!! She's not a kid.

I went to her and realised that she was sleeping. There were tear stains on her cheeks. It pinched my heart so bad. It was evident that she cried too much. I sat on my knees on the ground, so that I was at her level. I caressed her face.

"I'm sorry!!"

I picked her up in my arms and made my way to her room. I made her lay on the bed and removed her boots. I covered her with the blanket. I stared at her for a few seconds and then left from there.


I was sitting in my room and was thinking about what happened earlier. So many thoughts crossed my mind in such a short span of time. I was feeling like my whole life depended on one glimpse of her. Am I falling for her? When she kissed me, only I know how I controlled myself from grabbing her and kissing the hell out her. God!! I'm thinking so wild. I never felt like this for any other girl but again she's not some other girl. She's the cute, chirpy, bubbly, innocent, beautiful, Ragini. She's out of the world.

"I think I should take a cold shower to get these thoughts off my mind."

I removed my suit and went to take a shower but then also, only her thoughts were coming in my mind. She's driving me crazy.


When I opened my eyes, I found myself on the bed, in my room. But as far as I remember, after coming back home by the taxi , I was crying in the backyard then how? I got out of the bed and went to washroom. I looked at my face in the mirror. I was looking hilarious. I washed my face and combed my hair. Then I went to the hall.

Mom and dad were still at work. I sighed and went to the kitchen. Rita aunty was preparing lunch. I told her to serve me and sat on the dining table. She served me the food and I started eating silently. Being the only child of your billionaire parents is the worst thing in the world. I wish I had a sibling. I took my phone and dialled my friends but disconnected it immediately. They must be in the lecture. Already they don't have any interest in studies. I should not disturb them.

Just then I heard some footsteps. I turned my face to the direction of the voice and there he was. I ignored him like I didn't see him and continued eating.

He came towards me and stood besides me but I didn't look at him. First, I was embarrassed about what I did and second, I was angry at him for shouting on me.

He coughed and I knew it was fake, to get my attention but I gracefully ignored him.

"Ragini..." he called out my name but I ignored him again.

"Ragini, listen to me once." he tried once again but I got up and started leaving but he stopped me by coming in front of me.

I still denied to look at him. I will not listen or obey anything he say.

"Ragini, look at me!!" he said and I refused to look at him.

His voice was not strict and demanding like always. It was calm. He was about to hold my hand but I pulled it away, stepping back.

"Please..." he begged but I'm the definition of stubbornness. I'll not melt.

Just then we heard some voices from the hall. I tricked him and ran to the hall and I heard him banging his fist on the table. I reached the hall and found mom and dad with Ryan and Yash. I felt his presence behind me.

"You came early today!!" I said. Not said actually but taunted.

They just don't care about their only daughter. For God's sake for whom they're even earning if they can't keep their daughter happy by spending some time with her! Money doesn't mean everything.

"Princess..." started dad in his sweet and convincing voice but I stopped him by showing my hand.

"You both must be tired like always. Go and take rest." I taunted again.

They both looked at me and then at each other. They sighed and left for their room. I huffed and fell on the couch. I somehow held the tears inside my eyes. I'm not weak. Yes, I'm not!!

"Bad mood?" asked Yash sitting besides me.

I just love him. He understands me so well. I hugged him from the side while he caressed my hair.

"They don't love me. No one loves me." I said as tears trickled down my eyes.

I hate my betrayer eyes. They always betray me. In one day only, they betrayed me twice.

"Shh... Don't cry!! They love you. If they'll not love their daughter then who will?" he started consoling me.

"Even we love you!!" said Ryan falling on my other side. It made me smile a little.

I half lifted my eyes to look at Laksh. He seemed angry now. He was making a fist of his hand.

"Yash, will you come with me to the college tomorrow?" I asked moving my eyes from Laksh to Yash.

"Why? Is everything okay?" he asked concerned.

"Ya, everything is okay!! I just want to spend some more time with my big brother." I replied.

"I'm so sorry Ragu but I have to go with Shekhar Sir tomorrow. It's important." he said and I nodded understandingly.

The main reason behind me going with Yash is that I don't want to go with Laksh. I don't want to see him. I hate him. He made me cry.

"And Laksh is there na, to company you." said Ryan looking at Laksh.

"Don't you know? He don't like kids." I indirectly taunted Laksh.

Great!! I'm getting so good at taunting. I should get an award but in actual it's the frustration which is coming out. Frustration about my life.

I looked at Yash and Ryan who were looking at me weirdly. Then my eyes fell on Laksh. He gave me a look and went away.

"Anything wrong? Between you two?" asked Ryan pointing at me and in the direction in which Laksh left.

I shook my head.

"Nothing much. You know na I don't like my bodyguards." I tried to make an excuse.

"But he's Laksh!!" he said and I rolled my eyes.

"So?" I asked.

"You like him na!!" he said winking at me.

That's true but I ignored him. I'm getting good at ignoring too. Huh...


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