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After not sleeping last night, I was yawning during the lecture. Now you all must be thinking why didn't I sleep? Hmm... Good question! So the answer to this question is that yesterday night I couldn't sleep because of happiness and excitement. So much happened in a single day. In the morning I was crying and in the evening I was so happy. Isn't it the thing to be happy that you have a hardcore crush on someone and the person is reciprocating to your feelings? He really do feel same for me and now we're together. Not only we're together but we kissed two times. That's a different thing that both of the kisses were incomplete. One from my side and the other from his side. Hehe... And today we're even going on a lunch date. I just can't wait for the classes to end so that we can leave. My first ever date with my first ever boyfriend who happens to be my bodyguard. Thrilling, right? I'm so excited.

For now we've to keep our relationship a secret from everyone and you can't disagree that secret relationships are more fun. I mean you meet secretly, hiding from everyone. That nervousness, that fear of getting caught. It makes your life adventurous and full of excitement. Agree?

I yawned again as the professor kept on singing a lullaby for us. I then turned my eyes to look at Laksh who was already looking at me with a 'focus on the lecture' look on his face. I pouted but it didn't work because his face became more serious. I huffed as I turned my eyes to the professor and the white board. Only face but not focus. Hehe... Because my focus was on my date with my hot and handsome bodyguard.

After attending three lectures we were moving towards the last one that happened to be maths. Huh... I looked at my watch. It was showing one in the afternoon. It's supposed to be lunch date. Isn't it? Then why the hell we're wasting our time here?

"I think we should skip this lecture today." I told my friends.

"Nothing new. You always want to skip studying maths." said Yuvi chuckling.

"Yaah, maths ki aatma Rags ko hamesha satati hai." it was Arjun this time.

"Whatever! But I'm not going to take this lecture today." I declared.

"You will." we heard his voice and all of us lifted our heads to look at the face of my bodyguard.

He's tall yaar. Whenever I wear flats or shoes then only I realize how tall he actually is. I'm 5"4 while he's surely more than six. I feel so small in front of him. From now on I'll always wear heels whenever I have to be with him. Hmm... Better!

"I don't want to." I tried arguing .

Why is he behaving like this? Did he forget that we have to go on date? I'll not leave him if he did.

"But you have to." he declared in his all time bodyguard tone.

I huffed as I stamped my feet angrily and started moving towards the maths class, followed by my friends who were laughing at my condition but the good part is that they also have to suffer because of me. I can't bunk the lectures because of my bodyguard and they can't bunk because of me. If I'll take the lecture then they have to. Why should I suffer alone?

All of us reached the class and were about to enter inside when we saw everyone from our class coming outside with their bags.

"Hey, where are everyone going?" asked Shreya to one of the students.

"The maths professor is one leave today. So, no maths lecture." he said as he moved away.

Yeah! For the first time God is at my side.

I clapped my hands as I started jumping. My friends were also happy to be spared from the boring lecture but my happiness was of another level know. I then turned to look at Laksh.

"Now, I don't have any other class. Let's go on da... I mean let's go home, Mr Bodyguard." I said.

I need to gain control over my tongue. It has a very bad habit of slipping.

He just nodded his head like he always do when he's on his 'bodyguard' mode and all of us moved to the parking area.

"Guys, we got free early today. Let's hangout." said Arjun.

Not today out of all days!

I looked at Laksh who was standing there unaffected. Either he really don't care or he's a master in masking his feelings and expressions.

"Yeah, good idea." said Shreya.

"No! Not today." I said immediately.

The three of them looked at me with raised eyebrows. Okay, now I have to give a hell lot of explanation for my denial.

"You're saying this!" said Arjun.

"The girl who's always ready to bunk and hangout!" completed Yuvraaj.

Yeah they're right! I'm always ready to hangout because I'm fed of being alone and getting bored of my boring life. I don't like staying at home. Spending fun time with my friends energizes me and gives me happiness. In fact, most of the times it's me who plans our hangouts.

"Why?" asked three of them together.

"Uhm... Actually... Arre, didn't I tell you that Yash is getting married? I didn't even do the planning completely and the marriage is after two days! I don't have much time left. There are so many things to do. That's why I'm denying otherwise you know I'm always ready to have fun. But not today." I said in one go.

Great! I should get an award for my on time excuse and dialogue delivery.

The three of them looked satisfied with my excuse as they nodded their heads in okay. Just then Arjun's phone started ringing.

"Hey baby! Yaah... Mine is free as well. Okay, I'm coming."

He looked at us after talking on the phone and smiled sheepishly. All of us understood what he was going to say.

"Go! Your baby Nania is waiting for you." I told him teasingly.

He smiled shyly as he started scratching the back of his head.

"As our plan of hanging out is already cancelled so you can go and enjoy!" said Yuvi.

Arjun chuckled and ran away after bidding bye to us. Yuvraaj and Shreya also left. I got inside the car and Laksh got onto the driving seat. He started the engine and we drove away from the college.

"Did you forget that you were going to take me out for lunch?" I asked looking at Laksh who was looking on the road.

"No!" he replied.

"Then why were you not ready to leave?" I asked confused.

"Because I don't want your studies to get affected because of our relationship." he said as he gave me a look and then turned his eyes to the road again.

"You're behaving like a strict headmaster." I told him.

"Because I want everything good for you. I don't want your focus to divert from your career and to be on me always." he said smiling teasingly at me.

I couldn't help the blush from coming to my cheeks.

"Where are we going?" I asked changing the topic.

"Where will you like to go?" he asked.

"Any less crowded place." I told him.

I don't want to go to a very crowded place. I don't want anyone to recognize me and then make a mountain of the fact that I'm on a date with my bodyguard.

"Okay! As my bachcha wish." he said smiling.

I smiled with a small blush on my cheeks when he called me with the nickname he gave me. I love to be called bachcha from him.

After a few minutes he parked the car near an isolated place. Not too many people were there. It was not any five star or seven star hotel but was a small but beautiful place. Both of us got out of the car. I looked at Laksh who was removing his coat. He placed it on the car seat and moved to my side. He was looking great in his white shirt with black pants and black tie. Something different from his usual bodyguard look. Although he just removed his coat but still he was looking different and handsome like always.

He smiled at me as he placed his hand at my back and lead me in. He opened the door for me and both of us got inside. The area was divided in sections with wooden walls so that people sitting at one table couldn't see the people sitting at the other table and I was happy seeing that. He led me to a table in the right corner and pulled out a chair for me like a gentleman. I smiled as I sat down. He also took a seat opposite to me.

"You liked the place?" he asked me.

"Yes! It's very calm and beautiful." I told him honestly.

"Hmm... I've come here only once, with my friends." he said.

I nodded. A waiter came to take our orders. Both of us gave him our orders and he left.

"So, tell me about yourself!" I said keeping my elbow on the table and my face in my hand.

"Like?" he asked.

"Anything! You know almost everything about me but I don't. Tell me about your family." I said.

"Hmm... My family has my mother, father and younger sister. They live in the other side of the city." he told me.

"You don't go to meet them?" I asked.

"Whenever I have a day off." he replied.

Then only I realized how his job is. Being in the same city, he have to stay away from his family.

"How old is your sister?" I asked him.

"She's 20." he answered.

Just then the waiter came back with our food. He placed it on our table. We thanked him and he left. Both of us started eating.

"And you?" I asked curiosly.

"I'm 25." He replied chuckling.

"Okay! So you're three years older to me. I'm 22." I told him.

"Don't girls try to hide their ages?" he asked chuckling again.

"I don't understand why they do so! And not all the girls are same." I said putting the spoon in my mouth.

"That's true. Not everyone is same." he said staring me.

My cheeks got heated up against his gaze. Then we kept eating in a comfortable silence. The waiter came back and took away the dishes. Laksh told him to bring the dessert.

After a while the waiter came back with our dessert.

"This is their special dessert. It's awesome. Try it." Laksh said.

I nodded as I attacked it. It was delicious.

"So..." he started.

"So?" I asked.

He smiled as he moved his hand inside his pocket and took out a square box from it. I stopped eating and looked at him curiosly. He brought the box in front of me.

"Ms Ragini Gadodia, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked me with a breathtaking smile on his lips.

My heart was doing Bhangra in happiness. I wanted to jump upon him and say a yes but I somehow controlled my excitement.

"Only if I liked the thing inside this box." I told him with attitude while pointing at the box.

"Okay! See it then." he said as he gave the box to me.

I took the box from him and opened it. I smiled looking at the beautiful silver bracelet inside the box. I then looked up at Laksh who was looking at me already, curious to know my reaction.

"Well, Mr Bodyguard my heart came on your gift. So, yes! I'll be your secret girlfriend." I replied as I winked at him.

He smiled widely as he came to my side and sat besides me. He took the bracelet from me.

"May I?" he asked.

I nodded my head immediately as I gave him my hand and he tied the bracelet around my wrist. I smiled widely as I moved my wrist.

"Thank you!" I said as I hugged him happily.

He was about to reciprocate when the waiter came. Both of us immediately pulled back. The waiter kept the bill on the table and left. I was smiling idiotically as I started devouring the dessert again.

"Laksh, I can't finish it. It's too much." I complained pouting.

He chuckled as he took the spoon from me and started eating. I blushed as he winked at me. We finished it by eating from the same spoon.

Both of us left after putting the bill. We got inside the car as we reached the parking lot.

"So, how was your first date experience?" he asked looking at me.

"Awesome!!" I replied happily.


Both of us kept looking at each other without saying anything and then started leaning towards each other. I closed my eyes as his hand reached the back of my head and our lips met and we started moving them against each other's, enjoying the taste of each other's lips. The kiss was slow and bliss. We were trying to get into sync because it was our first kiss in which both of us were reciprocating. Yep... And... We kept kissing until we felt the need to catch oxygen.


Three updates in less than 24 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Damn!!!!!!! I deserve an award😳😳😳.

How was their date🙈?

Please drop your comments to let me know what you feel about the chapter.

Thank you for reading.

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