Albert Tannis - The Gun-gineer

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AFFINITY :  Chaotic good

CLASS/TITLE : Gun-gineer, you most likely think he'll make sentries and turrets right? WRONG!(ha, spongebob reference) He actually modifies weapons around him, if he was in borderlands 3 his special ability would be " One-Man Army". When activates one man army what happens is that he takes out a special Drum Magazine, this drum (Depending on what skill tree you enter) will have special upgrades, when going in the " Quality over Quantity " skill tree his last upgrade in there makes the drum use 40% less bullets, but boost damage 180%. When upgrading under the " I don't have a gambling problem " skill tree, his last upgrade makes his bullets deal +400% critical damage, but decreases accuracy by half of that weapon. When upgrading under "I'm going to DIE!!! " he gains life steal for half of the damage of the weapon and he gains 0.01% increase to lifesteal for everysingle Health he has lost, not shield, health.

AGE : 17

HEIGHT : 5.11 ft

APPEARENCE : He wears a Hyperion welding mask with a large red Vault emblem made with blood(or red paint, depending on who you ask). He wears a dark grey vest that holds some ammo and he wears a belt that has a Bandit mask as a belt buckle. He wears blue jeans but they are covered in dust and dried blood from midgit phychos dying to close to him making it a brownish red with bullet holes and rips. He wears long  socks and he wears mismatching shoes, one is a grey boot while the other is a brown tennis shoe. He also wears a safety vest and sometimes he replaces his welding mask for a hard hat with a Vault emblem. He has hazel hair and red eyes.

(sorry for the low-quality, but you get to see it)

PERSONALITY : slightly insane, has ADHD, has trust issues, sociopathic, Irresponsible, quick thinker, deppressed and slightly suicidal

INSPIRATION : Came to me when I was reading a Borderlands m.reader x RWBY cross over but the main character relied more on his sword than his guns, he used his guns, but if he preffered to use his laser swords, and then there was his obvious self-insert of the author himself, self-inserting one self into a story is fine in my book, but it gets annoying when you made your self-insert stronger than the main character, and don't do OP oc's there are so many cringy OP oc's... if there's one thing I can't stand it's unoriginality, I was absolutely astonished on how someone can mess up, it's borderlands, the whole thing about borderlands is that it has a bazillion guns, even zero from borderlands 2 uses a sword, but he dosn't rely on it, it just for when you go invisible or you're playing melee Zero. This was also inspired when I read another Borderlands m.reader x RWBY, except this one was absolutely amazing, I loved everything about it, it takes a while for him to upload, but it's so good, it does so much right, if anyone would like to read it, just hit that link, I highly reccomend it if you like Borderlands, or RWBY(the reason it says mature is because borderlands is rather graphic and gorey)

FUN FACTS : He is super attached to his mom, Patricia Tannis, due to some serious child hood trauma having to do with her being kidnapped and a 7 year old Albert had to save her, it was extremely traumatic and he had to do and see things than no 7 year old would ever need to do. This Albert Tannis was actually supposed to be a male reader, his original name was Y/N  Tannis, but when I scrapped the idea of writing a borderlands m.reader x RWBY, I forgot about him until I played Borderlands 2 again

WEAPONS :  His weapons  are all references to science and math! So just search up things you don't know

Fluoroantimonic - Hyperion SMG
Fluoroantimonc is a Hyperion SMG, which means it get more accurate the longer you pull the trigger, the special things about this weapon is it's insanely fast firing rate, it's unique double element adaptor, this let's you choose from burning your enemies alive with fire element, or melting them with corrosive element. This SMG is unique from other hyperion SMG's because it's magazine is a lot compared to ther hyperion SMGs, enough to rival bandit weapons. This long magazine however is easily drained because of how fast this thing shoots.
The red text says " Am I on an acid trip? Because i'm melting my enemies! "
(melting is a term where someone deals so much damage the person they are attacking are killed in a matter of seconds)

Azidoazide - Hyperion shotgun
Azidoazide is Hyperion shotgun, which means it gets more accurate the longer you pull the trigger, the special thing about this shotgun is that this was co-manufactured by TORGUE, meaning that it is an explosive hyperion shotgun, which is almost impossible to find, but that's not what makes the gun so special, the thing that makes it so special is what the gyrojets contain, when the gyro jets explode, they release smaller explosions, if an enemy is caught under this explosion they are inflicted with corrosive damage, the reason being is that weapon is made using TORGUINIUM, made by MR.TORGUE when asked his team of scientists to create the most explosive thing imaginable.
The red text says " Made by love and care by Mr.Torgue, NOW BLOW SH*T UP LIKE THE BADASS MOTHERF*CKER YOU ARE! "

LHC - Jakobs sniper rifle
The LHC niper rifle from Jakobs is a rather odd one, Jakobs has been known to stay more old fasion, while all these other manufacturors increase their technology. This was made and designed by Albert himself, he was commisioned by Jakobs after his mother refused to make it, the whole point of this gun was to out perform other much more high-tech sniper rifles. The way he did was that he made it so that the gun uses a lot more powder to shoot, meaning it uses larger bullets, but it also makes it a lot stronger than most sniper rifles, Jakobs was surprised that the weapon didn't use high-tech, just a bit bigger than most sniper rigles to accomodate the new bullet size, the result? Your enemies heads pop like balloons.
The red text says " By all accounts this experiment is unnethical, society will hunt us down for this, but then again they will be our test subjects "

Parallel - Vladof pistol
Parallel is a Vladof pistol meaning that it has a fast firing rate. The parallel is unique pistol because it acts like a revolver, not as in a revolver, but as in the barrel revolves. The gun fires two bullets at a time, one from each barrel. That's it basically, it has decent damage, above average reload speed, and is just good over all
The red text says " Government is like a parallel line, you can't cross it, that's why we here at vladof, has made you all Transversal lines "

Quasar - Hyperion grenade mod
This grenade mod creates a singularity that sucks in enemies from a long range(about 5-7 meters) and sucks them all into the singularity, the bottom part of the grenade pops off and becomes a tesla, so while enemies stay in place, they get zapped, effective against enemies with shield
The red text says " E=mc^(OMG)/wtf "

He wears nothing but a sham shield from vladof, it's specialty is that it absorbs bullets, so any bullet shot at him is then converted into the ammo type of the gun he is currently using or is sent into his ammo reserves. However this shield has low defense and takes a few seconds to start regenorating

BIO : Albert was born when Patricia tannis had one a one-night stand with a dahl soldier, when albert was born he wasn't really tsken care of and was often left alone, she was so careless about him that she actually gave the vault hunters a mission to go take him back after some rakks came and swooped him. After he started to grow up Patricia saw that Albert made good company so she kept and decided to actually take of him. One day Patricia was kidnapped by some phsycho bandits who wanted her to become their leaders advisor to make sure they could kill the Vault hunters, Albert then went on a trip to take back his mother, all he had was weapons he would take from dead bodies and the occasional bandits he was able to kill, he finally reached it to their base when he was captured and forced to fight in a gladiator type of event, he was being watched by a bunch of bandits all cheering for their most badass member Möterhead Lemmy, he was huge and stronger than any badass Phsycho, Möterhead was easily able to kill the rest of the participints, Albert only had a tediore shot gun and a some grenades and a pangolin shield. Albert then started to shoot Möterhead but he was grabbed and smashed against the floor, Albert then grabbed a phsycho's sawblade and stabbed him in the dick, Albert then was stepped on in the head and was thrown across the arena, he was so hurt, he was bleeding and he was so tired, he then saw his shotgun and decided that he didn't want to live on this shitty planet, he cocked his shotgun and pulled the trigger, but he didn't die, it was out of bullets, he realized that he had to do, for his mom at least. He ran to grab a dead bandit's smg and fired at Möterhead, then in a moment of luck Möterhead's helmet came of, Albert then threw a grenade and blinded Möterhead, he then grabbed another saw blade and threw it at Möterhead's head, his face had a saw in the middle of it and Albert won, he soon took Möterheads shotgun and ran to where his mother was being held captive. The Bandit leader which was known as Mega Deth Jeff was surprised that he actually won, but he couldn't do much because Albert shot him until he was nothing but ripped flesh, guts, and his blood splattered everywhere, He un-tied his mother and grew up to become a close ally to the vault hunter until he actually became one, one day he went into a broken Hyperion Fast travel station that malfunctioned, he was soon teleported to some new location...

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