The Solaris Squadron

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Hey guys this is just a thing I made up from spending way to much time on CYOAs,  well all of this is from the " Space Opera Refuge Adventure CYOA " here's a link to it, this was inspired by this cool dude TheWidowMaker, you can thank him for all of this, and the maker of this CYOA( not the guy on imgur, he simply uploaded it, he didn't make it )


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Name : Orion Perseus

Affinity : Neutral
Orion grew up on the Ming-Twin space station with his parents, he lived a poor life with his parents, but he earned enough money to go to the Athena strategy academy at the age of 12, there he learned how to be an effective leader, he learned how to strategize in all sorts of different situations, he learned how to use a galactic map, and he aced all of his tests, but on the last one, it was a virtual reality test to see how good of a leader he the students can be, the instructors expected to see him ace the test, but what they didn't know was that he wasn't emotionally ready for it. In the test he was doing fine until he made one mistake, he soon started to get sweaty and he started to have a panic attack, his" crew " were dieying waiting for his commands and he couldn't think at all, soon his ship started to get blasted by his enemies and he was about to take a rail gun magnetic projectile straight to the face but he fainted from the fear. The instructors were incredibly dissapointed in him for that cowardly behavior, he accepted his failure and gave up on his dream of being a galactic fleet admin at age 19. After that he went to the Plutus school of commerce, there he acquired knowledge of how to be a merchant and that's what he decided to do, after that however... the disaster struck. In the galaxy that he lived in at the time, had a old sun, so old that it entered the state of a supernova, that disaster completely destroyed that side of the galaxy and killed trillions of life forms, his parents were killed as well. The only thing that saved him was the Galactic Evacuation Collector, or GEC for short. He soon found out that he was on a unbelievably massive space station known as the Brunt-Maxis Space station. There he met many aliens and humans that were also affected by the super nova, he and everybody else was given 13,000 C(Cosmic coins). With that money he purchased a bunch of things and was finally able to get his life together, at the age of 24 he became Orion, the future captain of the galaxy renown " Solaris Squadron ".

Training : Strategist/Admin Training
      + Leadership
      + Strategical knowledge
      + People will listen to you more
      + Free Galactic Chart
   ●Trader Apprenticeship
      + Trading, Commerce and Bartering
      + 4 things are 20% cheaper
      + Free local/Modern attire

Starship : Gravship "Salmoneus "
      + Roomy, good crew quarters
      + very fast, good armor
      +1.5 Medium vehicle bay
      -  turrets deal half damage

Fighter : Chopter "Aeolus"
      + Quick and easy to fly
      + Easy to maintain
      + seats 2, 1 free turret for itself (gatling)
      -  can't fly in space

Vehicles : Armored Gravcar "Zephyrus"
      + Very fast, tough armor
      + Effectively a hover bike with powerful armor
      + Seats 8
      -  No weapons

Attire : he wears glasses. A whole wardrobe of modern/ local attire, has a synthskin underneath it to act as undershirt and pants(still wears boxers)

Weapons :

A revolver, the " Erubus " is a large heavy revolver that has a customized iron sight, holds 8 slug rounds, the first is a stun slug  round so that he sends out a warning, the next 3 are normal slugs, the last 4 are fragged, these 4 burst into less pellets, but they explode on contact which can blind an enemy or blow off a limb. Has a long and slow reload, meant for Orion to protect himself if a trade goes wrong

A tactical shotgun, the " Tartarus " is alarge auto shotgun that has a small red dot sight, it has a grip underneath the barrel to help with recoil. It has the ability to use swappable ammo, from buck shots, slugs to even small grenades. Must insert ammo like a normal shotgun so it takes a while to load but it can be used after inserting a single bullet, automatically drops used ammo. Meant for Orion to use to kill people, just in case he evers enter a dire situation where " Erubus " is too little, but his ship is to much.

Misc/Other :
●Galactic chart
      + updates every week
      + shows the entire galaxy map, including shipping lanes, short cuts, and closed areas of space
     + Lagless audio, visual, or both of another team mate
      + can be worn anywhere
      + comes in 6s
●Portable Medic Cache
      + Convenient and secure
      + contains all supplies to perform emergency surgery, to general life saving
●Entertainment systems
      + Tv
      + Videogames
      + Space internet
●Escape Pod
      + Cheap effective form of escape
      + will survive any landing
      + seats 1, comes in 6
●2 Artificial inteligences
      + Fully Custom AI, can help control and coordinate ship and life
      + has a hologram projection
      + can take over a service droid
●2 Service droids
      + will do all menial physical tasks
      + up to 6 ft tall, down to 4 inch
      + customizable & can have synth skin if you pay 150c(I did for both)
      -  cannot harm a living thing, hackable
●6 turrets
      + 3 gatling turrets
      + 3 laser turrets

Ship defenses : repair (tiny repair drones)

Citizenship : Ming-twins space station

Perks :
Suspicious : he has a good eye for findings out of the ordinary, may save his life one day
Lucky : Somehow, someway, he has never been crushed, and never will(dosn't just save him from crushing, just makes him lucky overall)
Helmsman : He has picked up a few things about flying ships, he can even do it himself
Greaser : He learned how to maintain his ship, a lot!

His two Artificial Intelligences :
He has two A.I. s, those are " Eris & Harmonia ", they both look like maids, whether in hologram or service droid form. The reason he made them look like maids was because he thinks it would appropriate, but most of his crew mates mock him for making them both maids, and that really irratates him because he isn't a pervert. He likes them both, but they often fight to prove their worth, but he knows that he made them both for special reasons, so he needs them both.

Eris - The Yandere Super virus, A.I. and "adorable" maid
Affinity : Neutral
Eris is the opposite of Harmonia, she was programmed to control all of the Salmoneus's turrets, speed and navigation, but she was never supposed to exist, she was a mysterious virus that infected his original A.I. " Nyx " and over rode all of her code, but Orion slightly liked her so he kept her, she allowed herself to be reprogrammed but, he could not predict her, nor control what she does online, but asking her nicely usually works. She speaks in a loud and obnoxious voice, but sometimes gets a super creepy high pitched voice. She was originally supposed to sound like a louder harmonia, but what a surprise she somehow got that instead. In her service droid form  (⬇)

she owns several weapons ranging from a simple pistol, to her signature sniper rifle.

Eris's Super Stash Of Fun Toys And Destruction Of All life( what she calls her arsenal )

●A silenced machine pistol " Enyo " it is a simple machine pistol that can be switched between semi and fully automatic, it has a red dot sight and a suppreser, and a laser and flashlight addition, it carries 20 bullets, these are normal, it has a controlable recoil. Has a quick reload and could be used for short to medium ranges

●A single fire revolver " Deino " it has a capacity of 6 and has a lensless sight, but it has a iron sight at the end of the barrel that works in tandem. Unlike " Erubus " it has a much quicker reload, but more recoil, highly accurate and can even be used up to long range.

●A fully automatic SMG " Epimetheus " it has an incredibly fast firing speed, but has only 20 bullets, making it wast ammo like crazy, highly innacurate and must be used in quick taps, has little to no recoil. Has a silencer and can be reloaded quickly, can only be used effectively at close ranges.

●A semi auto SMG " Prometheus " unlike " Epimetheus " it is highly accurate, it has 30 bullets but has a slow fire rate and a long reload, this gun requires precision hits to be most effective, has massive recoil. Has a silencer and a coyote sight. Can work at close to long ranges

●A semi-auto and auto assault rifle " Atlas " it has a bullet capacity of 30 and it has FMJ bullets to penetrate armor. It has a moderately fast firing speed and has some recoil. It comes 4x scope for medium to long range kills and has a red dot sight for much closer range, it comes with grenade launcher attachment, it can shoot any grenade as long as it can fit.can be used close to long range

●A dual barreled grenade launcher " Charybdis " it has an arc sight and has a leather strap for easy carry, it can only hold those two grenades, requires constant reloading, but makes for it for having quick reload. Can only be used in close range so one must be cautious.

●A automatic grenade launcher " Scylla " it has a collapsable grip and has a capacity of 5 grenades, it has a small recoil to make up for its innacuracy, is short to medium range and has a long reload speed.

A semi-auto sniper rifle " Polyphemus " it has magazine of 10 bullets and has huge recoil, but when planted on a flat surface with the bipod it no has a large scope that can be used at 6x zoom up to 18x zoom. It can only be used at long ranges

(Back to Eris's description)
Now normally service androids aren't supposed to harm bionic beings, but Eris being a super virus, changed the programming so that she can protect Orion. " Protect " to her can be used very loosely. She absolutely ADORES Orion, she tends to stay in her A.I. from, but when  he leaves the ship, she always goes with him, she hides her weapons on her and if anything goes wrong, she's always there, plus her robotic body makes her very durable.
      + Loyal to Orion, and Orion only
      + Has an entire armory of weapons free at Orion's disposal
      + Acts like a body guard
      + Can be carried in a USB or any storage device and hack into other hard ware or soft ware
   +/- Is super clingy and jealous
      -  Wants to keep Orion to herself
      -  Dosn't care about anybody else but Orion, most people and aliens are afraid of her
      -  She loots dead bodies, most of the weapons in her arsenal are stolen or looted. This might cause problems

Harmonia - The A.I. , the adorable maid, and a ray of sunshine
Affinity : Neutral
Harmonia is the complete opposite of Eris, she was programmed to take care of Orion(and his crewmates) , she controls the trades he accepts, helps calculate cost, makes sure everybody is healthy, and cleans up the ship, also cooks for them all. He programmed her to be a perfect maid, she is incredibly polite and shows such genuine emotions, that when she smiles, it usually causes somebody to fall in love with her. She speaks with a quiet, yet bubbly voice, she has an adorable laugh as well and can sing songs with the best(although she can also lip synch and just play the actual audio of the song). In her service android form (⬇)

she is the same as her A.I. form, but now with a physical body,she often works hard and executes orders flawlessly, however she dosn't like how Eris is so close to Orion, she dosn't even know why he likes Eris over her, she thinks she is much better then that terrifying virus. She really dosn't like the fact that Eris is just a virus, she wasn't needed, nor wanted in the first place, but no matter how hard she proves that she can do what Eris does but better, but she fails miserably because she wasn't programmed for that. When she was in sleep mode, Orion witnessed her code being infected by Eris, so he stopped her, but even though she has just that small amount, she was completely changed, the only thing that changed was that she also fell in love with Orion, but not nearly as much as Eris. She tends to go with Orion if he is going shopping or doing some chores, but mostly she travels in Orions holocomm as her normal A.I. form. When Orion introduced her to other crew members it often took her a while to get along with people, well except for " Claw-chan "
      + Can do chores and orders perfectly
      + Her singing can be used to make money
      + Speaks with a quiet and beutiful voice that can disarm most situations and pursuade most people
   +/- Tries her best to do things she wasn't programmed to
      -  Has no offensive capabilities
      -  gets shy around new people 


Nathan Baker - Intern, cabin boy, galactic virgin
Affinity : Neutral
Nathan is just a 15 year old kid Orion met when on the Brunt-Maxis Space station, Nathan lived on that space station ever wince he was born and the only thing that could trace him back to his parents was his last name, but with thousands of people officially recorded with the last name Baker, and all the different galaxies, he has almost no hope for meeting them. He finds Orion after he finds a flyer for joining his ship, he was expecting an awesome mercenary captain with a bunch of cool dudes, but instead he finds a tall loser with glasses and two cute maids, he is initially dissapointed but after Orion explains to him that he was a merchant going across entire galaxies, he immediately agreed.Nathan always wanted to see the galaxy and the universe so he thought travelling with him would be awesome. He and Orion quickly became best friends, but he feels pretty useless in the crew since all he does are just chores and counting the money, and even then he still messes up. He has a crush on Harmonia but isn't sure how to explain it, plus he feels like a human loving a huge string of code is wierd. When he enters some danger with Orion he usually stays in the back and tries to stay safe. He really dosn't like Eris but she threatens him so he usually stays quiet about what he thinks about her. His voice sounds like drake bell from jake and josh, the amazing spider man etc.etc.
(Look at page 3 of the companions to see his appearence, he is on the top row, the 5th column)
+ 15 and able with a free mind and body to new experiances and skills to learn
+ Been on the station his whole life and just wants to leave it to explore what the galaxy has to offer
+ Will do any oddjob Orion tosses at him provided he dosn't require him to have training prior to doing it
+ Enthusiastic
- Young, naive, green, nervous
- Gets nervous around women in general
- No real combat, tech, or pilot skills what so ever 

Miivii Ket - Plant maiden and organic healer
Affinity : Neutral
Miivii is an alien that originates from a planet of anthromorphic plant aliens. On her planet she was a knowledgable healer that would heal wounds. One day she was captured by the notorious Red Star Bandits that planned on selling her to the planet Kreigenfist since she was a rare type of alien. One day when Orion was on his way to deliver a product the Red Star attacked him and took the product and they took Nathen as a hostage. The bandits put Nathen in the same cell as Miivii. Nathen was wierded out by her, but soon found out that Miivii is actually a sweet person, both literally and figuratively, she smells really nice. Orion soon found the ship and followed them to the planet Kraigenfist, there they attacked their ship using the Salmoneus's turrets. Both Orion and Eris boarded the ship and fought the bandits, they soon found Nathan and they busted him out, but Nathen told Orion that they should save Miivii as well, he agreed quickly but Eris was against it since Miivii is technically a girl. She agreed to travel since she didn't really didn't like doing the same thing everyday. Her voice sounds just like fluttershy from my little pony, but not shy...huh.
(Look at page 2 of the companions to see her appearence, she is on the 6th row and the 2nd column)
   + Is quite bendy and agile, can run fast
   + Can release medicinal chemicals from her hands and apply them to wounds to quickly heal or repair them. Can heal most tissue damage.
   + Smells of an incredibly sour, tangy and pleasant aroma resembling a mix of citrus and pollen
   + Can grow fruit off her self
-/+ Insists on Orion showering her once a day (similar to watering a plant but it looks human-ish)
-/+ Kind but often forgetful
    - Cannot heal broken bones or remove bullets

Yolanda The Black - Titan huntress of bounty and beast
Affinity : Neutral
Yolanda is a bounty hunter who was hired by the Blood Moon Bandits to bring them Orion and Miivii back to them. She finds Orion on the planet Kamaruthus, where he was spending the day on a vaction. He was quickly taken by surprise of her. She expected somesort of resistence from him but instead he just gave into her demands almost immediately, Eris attacked her, but her being the 15 ft tall titan, she was easily able to beat her, she then took Miivii and boarded back on her ship, there Orion would try to talk his way out of that situation but would always fail, he was then taken back to the Blood Moon Bandits where they beat him near to death, but they believe he is dead, they soon take Miivii and travel to Kraigenfist, Yolanda stays and picks him up, she soon flies him back to his ship. There Eris tries to attack her but the fact that Orion was almost dead completely shocked her, so in return Yolanda told Eris where they were going to on Kreigenfist and Eris turned on the Salmoneus and travelled to Kreigenfist, there she used the ships turrets to completely destroy the Blood Moon Banits, Yolanda and Nathan soon boarded the ship to take back Miivii. Miivii soon healed Orion and he was sort of fine, his bones were still broken but that was nothing that time couldn't heal. Orion was thankful to Yolanda for taking him back to his ship and taking good care of him, he offered her a position in the Salmoneus and she decided to accept it, it was a much more stable job then being a bounty hunter. She has a deep spanish accent.
(Look at page 2 of the companions to see her appearence, she is on the 6th row and the 3rd column)

   + Strong and versatile fighting style. Proffesional with using her laser chainsaw and using her size and strength against the      enemy
   +A good tracker. Intimidation does the rest
-/+ Confident and headstrong, but stubborn and consistently impatient
-/+ 15 ft tall
    - Emotianally kind of distant, hard to get her to open up from her masculine barrier she's made for herself. Hates to appear weak

Claw Chan - Cutesy Nerv-Hacking Robotic Insect
Affinity : Neutral
Claw Chan is a invention made by a rogue inventor, she was a urban legend for a long time, they told stories that if you would spend to much time in a certain warehouse, then "it" would kill you. Nathen heard that a wealthy man was planning on buying that warehouse and wanted somebody to get rid of whatever was living in it, so Nathen told Orion and he accepted to take it, he soon met with the man and went to the warehouse, there he spent the night with Yolanda and Eris while Nathen and Harmonia was on holocomm. Late in the night they started to hear scurrying and heard a little girl crying, so Orion decided to try find the girl but instead was attacked by a large metal scorpion, he was freaking out as it sinked its metal limbs into him like a hook, it injected something into his neck, Yolanda was going to saw it off but the robot told her that if she did she would instantly kill him, Orion was feeling a massive ammount of pain and thought he was being poisoned to death. He soon decided to run out of the ware house and told the man that he did it, the man was surprised that he brought him the machine, she then unclamped and jumped to the man, but Orion was faster and grabbed her by the tail, she then squirmed and struggled but it soon decided to stop struggling, Yolanda and Eris soon made it out and collected the money, they soon entered the Salmoneus and they chained the Robot in place, Orion then oppened it and looked through it's proggramming and found a bug in it, he soon fixed the bug after a couple of trouble shoots, he then closed it and he turned it on again, it soon started to run around the room and jumped onto Orion, but instead of attacking him, she started to squel and it honestly scared Orion even more that it sounded like a girl. She then explained that he was her "Sempai" and that she would do anything for him. She usually clamps onto Orions arm and stays in sleep mode until he talks to her, kind of like voice command. She speaks like a cute little japanese girl, honestly more offputting then cute but after a while you get used to it.
(Look at page 3 of the companions to see her appearence, she is on the 9th row and the 4th column)
   + Agile and stealthy, Crawl chan can crawl around very qiuetly and leaps at people.
   + Designed to leap onto organic enemies, hack into their nervous systems with surgical wiring from her mouth and then  simulate any sensation or pain desirable to her master
-/+Speaks with an adorably cute little japanese girl accent, sometimes throwing in nip words into a sentence for no reason, unsettling.
    - No handling appendages

Ellie Ferguson " Silver wing " - Newbie bounty hunter, flight-suit expert 
Affinity : Neutral
Ellie was a brand new bounty hunter who is fresh out of training and is excited to start to her hunting, she places a bunch of ads but, no one is interested on buying her since she is brand new so they can't really trust her to get the job done. After some searching she finds Orion and his crew, she sees how odd the group is and is incredibly curious, so naturally she decided to walk right up to him, now he wouldv'e usually said yes but he is seriously running out of rooms and space on his ship due to a increase in merchandise he is selling and how much room Yolanda takes up. She had to persuad him into making her some space and eventually he said yes, so they soon started to travel, his next destination was a shipment of Meteoric Iron to the planet of Sentinelholm, there he was confronted by space pirates and his ship was boarded by them, she was ecstatic to finally get into some action and borrowed the " Prometheus " , but soon realized that since she is in such a small space this isn't really the best place for her to fight or fly, so she had to hide or get out of attack range, but she did watch, she saw how everybody was working together, Orion was in the frontlines with his shotgun, Yolanda was tanking hits, Eris was going trigger happy with her " Atlas " while Miivii threw explosive fruits at them, she was inspired to get back in the fight and actually did good, after the pirates retreated Orion was able to get the shipment to them, she then decided to stay since she was told that that the most powerful weapon was a coordinated team, and soon she joined, Orion tends to call her Ellie, but she much rather prefers being called silver wing, since she wears a flight-suit.
(Look at page 3 of the companions to see her appearence, she is on the 9th row and the 1st column)
    + Talented exo-wings flyer, able to soar great heights and perform amazing maneuvers
    + Up and coming bounty hunter, with lots to learn, still some skills in the making for fighting
    + Keeps herself very fit and presentable
    + A little slow off the draw, but is a very good methododical thinker when she gets going
-/+ Giddy and flirty, still quite naive and young
     - Bad with children and animals
     - Insists on being called by her code

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