School Life

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Hey guys, these OCs are inspired by computerboy64 book, School life. I wanted to do an exercise where I tried to recreate a story so I chose School life.I just wanted to create my own harem as well, but in the same style as his story,  so most of the images will be from senran kagura, although, unlike him, I don't have any awesome editing skills so I can't even make them look different, hey computerboy64 if you're reading this which you should since I used the @, i'd like you to tell me if you would think they fit with your story, not to insert them but rather to see if I was succefully able to create them in the "School life" fasion,  i'm also planning of doing sort of like a remix of all the characters from your story in the future as well, as usual if anyone wants to Roleplay with me and these characters just ask me and i'll rp with you, hope you all enjoy

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Nick Isaac
Role : The Protagonist
Personality : Logical, Perfectionist, , Busy, Great listener, Charismatic, Hates distractions, Hard worker, albeit thoughtless at times
Nick is an incredibly smart person, so smart that he is actually the best in his school. He never had a father and a mother since he grew up at a orphanage, but when he was 3 he was adopted so he had a happy home and a family. He felt he needed to make it up to his family for adopting him so he would always force himself to do better at school, whenever he could he would study, learn and read. It was all he would do. One day his mother got a promotion so she and his father left to go on the business trip, leaving a 12 year old Nick and his sister to take care of his little sister. Now at age 15 he is in highschool and is completely overwhelmed by the amount of work he has, it's not because of homework, but because he is the only mature and independant person in that household, his little sister is only 12 so she can only do certain things, but his older sister is utterly useless, she is 19 but only stays in her room and walks out everyonce in a while, but he has to feed her, take care of her, all that other stuff. Then there's the fact that he's the school body president , the school counselor, and the principles "Apprentice" as she likes to put it. He has a ton of other stuff to do because of responsabilities as the student body president and all the "distractions " he gets. He's just one guy, how much can he take before he cracks?

Dahlia Isaac
Role : Big Sister/ Hetare
Personality : NEET , Crybaby, Emotional, Hedonist, Clingy, Talks about doing stuff but, never actually does it
Model : Murasaki
Dahlia is Nick's older sister, but she acts more like a little girl if anything, due to an accident she had in the "Outside world" she hates to walk out of her room believing it isthe only way she can stay safe, she can barely walk around the house to be honest, she relies completely on Nick, if he dosn't take care of herself she starves or gets super sad that her little brother dosn't "care" about her anymore. She has been taken care by him for such a long time she actually lost almost all of her skills she learned since she grew up, she also never went to highschool so she has a hard time understnding what Nick means by all those big words he uses. She lives in her room that is lit up only by her computer and hates the light, literally her eyes have adapted to see better in the dark. Every once in a while she gets these "Emotional episodes" where she gets super sad and depressed so she needs a lot of emotional support during that time, she usually cries really loudly, so Nick usually has to talk to her and encourage her, which is hard for him because there is nothing good about her, he dosn't hate her, but he dosn't see any redeeming qualities in her so he makes things up, she also likes to cuddle with him during these moments . Spends most of her day sleeping, eating and watching anime, or playing video games on her computer. If she so much as hears something bad about her she burst opens the door to her room and screams at (99% of the time) Nick, she accuses him of hating her and bawls her eyes out while insulting Nick, now you may think this is super mean, but if anything it's more hilarious then mean.

Destiny Isaac
Role : Little sister/ Chunibyo
Personality : Spoiled, Bratty, Edgy, Otaku, gullible, dosn't like being talked down to, clingy, jealous
Model : Mirai
Destiny is Nick's little sister, she grew up with Nick and so she really looked up to him since she was little, but now at age 12 she's doing her own and now she has much more friends then just Nick. Since she's a pre-teen she heard that anime was pretty cool and so she watched it and now she watches whenever she gets the chance, she watches an anime called "Muramasa, The blades edge" so she wears a eye patch just like the main heroine, however because of it she can't really see straight and she often gets made fun of at school for wearing it. She also tends to act like as if she has a special ability, she says she has a 『SWORD』 which a  spiritual manifistation of physical or mental strength, she says it's called 『THE IRON CROWN』, although nobody believes her. Nick is the only who plays along with her fantasies so it really means a lot to her. She really likes it when she goes out to help Nick, but she is often just there for emotional support, she really dosn't like any of Nick's friends, especially since they're all other girls, really pretty girls to be exact. She likes Kadence though, she's fine with her since she takes care of her when Nick is too busy running errands or other important stuff. When around other girls she often feels over shodowed by them because of how pretty they are, and by pretty, I mean their huge fucking tits, but since her big sister has huge tits she has bright hopes to one day overshadow all of their boobs! Whenever she's around these friends of his she usually makes it very clear that she dosn't like them, she stays close to Nick, making sure they don't pull anything, calling names and that sort of stuff

Olivia Anderson
Role : Tomboy / Dameko
Personality : Smug, Lazy, Messy, Pervertive, Trouble maker, Rebelious, depends on Nick to get her out of trouble
Model : it says it right there... Homura
Olivia is a bitch, that's it, she a real annoying bitch. She's lucky she grew up with Nick because if they weren't such good friends he would have already kicked her ass to the curb. In all seriousness she is very disruptive and everybody calls her a bad influence for Nick, but he has been best friend with her since 5th grade, now most promises go along the line of "When we're old enough, we'll get married" but for this it was " if I ever get in trouble I need you to bail me out" and it was like as if he sold his soul to the devil, she gets into trouble so frequently it isn't even funny, sometimes it's for cheating, sometimes it's for scamming, sometimes it's for not following the rule, what matters is that she get in trouble, and she expects Nick to get her out of it, which he does, everysingle time, ever since 5th grade... Nick has it hard. She knows more about Nick more then anybody else, although they don't hang out a lot now a days, they still do have their bond of friendship, sames for Nick, he knows Olivia more then anybody else, everybody tells him not to help her, but he thinks way to high of their promise to listen to them. Olivia really likes Nick, and she makes it obvious by providing him with tons of "gifts" for helping her out, these gifts range from a hug, to pervy gifts, she acts really pervy and stuff but she's just worried that she will get rejected so she makes it obvious that she really likes him.

Kadence "Kay" Taylor
Role : Childhood Friend / Onee-san C-type (long I know, but it's a spot on description)
Personality : Modest, Caring, Reasonable, Sweet, Mature, Dependable, Slightly Timid
Model : Yozakura
Kadence is also one his childhood friends, back then she used to be smarter then Nick so she would help him so he would really appreciate what she did for him when he was younger, but now a days they almost never hang out, even though they live right next to each other. Most of the time when she recieves calls from Nick she gets a bit excited that he might be asking her out but she's always saddened to hear that he just wants her to take babysit Destiny for him. She is a hard working girl, but she dosn't believe she is because Nick always seems so much more of a hard worker then she will ever be. She's really nice and everybody likes her, she's pretty, she's nice, and she's great with people, many other guys like her because of how adorable and sweet she is, so she tends to get asked out a lot but she she usually declines respectedly, she wants to wait for Nick to ask her out first before seeing if he really isn't her type... ehat are the odds of that even happening. She gets along well with Destiny since she takes care of her whenever Nick is away, they usually just watch anime and she just makes snacks for her, and Dahlia if she ever asks. When Dsstiny is asleep she usually goes into Nick's room and goes his stuff, mostly paper and journals because she wants to see if he writes about her like she writes about him, and so far she hasn't seen any which is a big dissapointment for her. Whenever she does hangout with Nick she usually becomes more and red as time progresses, and she becomes much more jumpy and shy as time progresses as well.

Letitia Jackson
Role : Principle / Clumsy
Personality : Care free, Mistake-prone, A air head at times, Tries to be cool like the students, Gets overwhelmed easily, Lonely, lack of self-esteem
Model : Rin
Letitia is Nick's school principle, she usually takes Nick out of class for the day so that he can help her out, sort of like a unnofficial secretary. She is really bad at her job and she really needs his help when working. She tends to try to be cool and act like somebody else rather then her true self, Nick hates this and usually insults her when she does that and reminds her that she is a principle, she usually starts to whine like a small child and Nick has too pull her away. She does love her job though, she really loves her school and hoe she's changing the future. She actually used to be the vice-principle, and her husband was the principle, but he died one day in a car accident and she has been principle ever since. Nick reminds her of her husband very much, from the mature cool attitude to the calming words of wisdom, everyonce in a while she might call Nick afterschool to help her with a errand which he usually accepts. She sometimes slips by flirting with him but he usually reminds her that relationship between a student and a teacher is illegal and can land her in jail, she knows that it's just Nick joking with her but she is genuinely afraid of that happening. She is very lonely so whenever she is a round Nick she tends to feel much better then without him, sometimes she likes to call him over to her house just to have some dinner or discuss things, she acts like their actual errands, but Nick knows she just wants to have someone to spend time with.

Delilah Morgan
Role : Delinquent / Bodere
Personality : Dominent, Anger-issues,  Compulsive, Violent, Fearless, Only cares about the present, Indecisive, Passionate, Prideful,  Unsure about her future
Model : Daidouji
Delilah Is very violent, she is feared through out the school and is usually seen bullying or beating other students, she even beat up Nick a couple of times, of course one day he let himself get beat, he then dragged her all the way to the school office and hand cuffed her to his desk in his vice-principle desk, he then began to talk to her about her life chices will affect her, like usual she didn't pay attention bbut as Nick got more and more detailed about what would happen to ger she started to get scared and she starts to fear the future, so she decides it's best for her to go to his after school counceling, after a couple times of see how much Nick genuinely cares about her(he dosn't he just kind of acts like he does), but she isn't used to being so nice so she tends to hit nick after trying to get close to him . She usually dosn't try to be cute or lady-like but when around Nick she just tries to attract to him, but he usually finds it incredibly awkward since she acts so rigid when she flirts, so she usually just beats him up after doing that. She usually realizes that she just beat him up so she usually picks him up and tskes him to the nurse if she went s bit too far then just one punch. She tends to act sort of like a body guard for Nick, people often ask Nick if she is his bodyguard, he usually says no, and immediately gets a punch from her, she really does love Nick though, but deep down she can't help but feel weak for liking him and always trying to attract him, she feels that he will never love her back, but just the slightest, even the smallest things such as a compliment or encouragement, will reignite her love and she will try her best to get Nick to see her as his perfect wife.

Lola Delgado
Role : Gyaru / Deredere
Personality : Care free, Enjoys herself and the things around her, Very likeable, Very social, Open, Speaks her mind, Easily spooked, Tends to "orbit" around people, dosn't like sexual harrasment
Model : Tsubaki
She was victim of a lot of sexual harrasment because of how she dresses, so one day she went to tell the school councelor only to find it was Nick, she was bit shy with speaking her problem but soon divulged all the details to him, he then immediately called for all of those students and he apprehended everysingle one of them and called their parents for a parent teacher conference, after that she asked for some more help and so he told her to stop dressing like a prostitute at a school full of horny teenagers. She followed his advice and was happy that it worked, after that she would spend as much time as possible with him, she would even walk to his house(much to his dismay). She really likes Nick, like a lot so much you could call it an infatuation, she laughs with him, takes interests in what he likes and even follows him home, but it isn't done in a creepy way because she is always by his side. She really likes to talk to him and asks him out but he always denies because he just dosn't have time for that, so instead she just kind of acts likes fan service, except only for him, those kitties right there are double F btw, super fucking soft, Nick even used them as a pillow this one time, but if he's ever going to rest, he usually places his head on to her thighs, they're T H I C C and meaty so they make nice pillows, although her tits better pillows, but it's much more uncomfertable for the both of them.

Mimi Leonard
Role : Ojo-sama / Innocent
Personality : Refined, Posh, Optimistic, Naive, Sweet and kind, Does things by the book, Needs rules or else she dosn't know what to do, Generous
Model : Ginrei
Mimi is really rich, and so she donates a lot of her money to the school, so Nick sees a lot of her, however she is a bit green to this world, so she tends to be a bit too nice and trusting to people with bad intentions so Nick usually has to tell those guys to fuck off. She is really nice and treats everybody equally, but she dosn't understand why some people are so mean to her and how they can be so sad, she is a very emotional girl and tends to freak out whenever someone exagerates by saying "I want to die " or something along those lines. Nick acts like a big brother for her and so she is somewhat dependant on him. She does like and enjoy Nick so much thst she made him on eof her suitors so everyonce in a while he has to sppear at her mansion and confront her parents in a competition to prove that he is the best husband for her, so far he has won everytime by unconventional means, she is uasually surprised by the things he does but she enjoys them much more then the other contestents. Her parents however don't like him but are always impressed on just how much better he is then everybody else, even if he is a bit crude in his mannerisms and speech. Due to him being better then the rest of his competition makes him the target of humiliations since three of his competitors go to the school, however he is essentially THE LAW at school so he punishes them severly and gets them into bigger trouble then he had to go through.

Gennifer Coleman
Role : Athletic / Hinedere
Personality : Serious, Cynical, Sarcastic, Dosn't get along with people, Speaks her mind, Rude and vulgar, Loner, Anti-social
Model : Hikage
Gennifer is a odd one. She is athletic and popular, however she dosn't want to be, so she treats everybody like shit and insults them and does everything she can to make sure she stays alone.  Contruary to popular belief she is in fact a bitch, she isn't a tsun-dere, she dosn't hate people, she isn't sadistic, she just really wants to stay alone, she isn't lonely either, she has this set of voices in her head that she talks to and those are her friends, her only real friends, everybody who wants to be her friend immediately regrets that decision so she has never had a person for a best friend, but she does have friends, in her head that is, that's why she sometimes gets really happy or sometimes gets really sad, and sometimes she'll laugh randomly at a joke one of her friends made. However the reason she dosn't get rid of Nick is because he dosn't want to be her friend, and so she can be near him and talk to him, but he usually tells her to fuck off like usual, she then tells him to fuck off and he usually leaves after that, but she can't help but feel like she wants to get close to him, even though her voices tell her not too. She dosn't like it when Nick insults her, she even gets a bit heart broken whenever he does, but he can't help but feel like she deserves it since she treats other people like that , however since she told her voices that she would try to improve herself as a person she has tried to interact with people but usually slips up and curses at them. She usually immeditely apologizes and makes sure she can continue.

Candy "Sweet & sour" Haley
Role : Tsundere / Rival
Personality : Arrogant, Hates being second place, Stubborn, Determined, Dreamer, Reasonable, Tends to change moods quickly, not Bipolar, just very moody, Believes she has what it takes to de-throne Nick
Model : Josui
Candy is the tsun-dere, which isn't a surprise. She is super smart, very nice, and is extremely popular, however she can never even compare to Nick, most people don't even know that she is in the student body. She hates that, the fact that everybody knows her for huge boobs but not thst she is known for her brains, and her so called sweet personality. Since she is in the student body she has to go to meetings and meets Nick there, she usually tries to fix a problem, only to find out that Nick has already solved it. One day after school she had a bad day so she was already in a bad mood but at that meeting after being overshadowed and being ignored she snapped and exploded and took out her anger on him, she expected him to curse and scream and punish her, but she didn't expect Nick to take it like he did, he sat her down in his office, and explained how hard he works, how he has to find time to spend it with his little sister, take care of his big sister, do his homework, help out the principle, help her out on errands, counsel the delinquents and troubled students, deal with a delinquint in love with him, deal with Lola, get Olivia out of trouble, deal with his enemy suiters, deal with that bitch Gennifer all on a daily basis, if she wants to have it then she can. She didn't expect him to say and do all of that stuff but then she realised how busy he is, that explains why he has bags under his eyes and why he is prepared for everything, because if he isn't he can't do his job, and if he can't o his job, then nothing will get done. She realised this and immediately apologised but Nick refused it since she will most likely hate him the next day like always. That wa partially true as she started to act nicer to him, but she can still be pretty mean some times. Ever since that incident he only calls her either "sweet" or "sour" or he just calls her sweety, she says she dosn't like those names but the fact that answers to those names say otherwise

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