White Stripe - The Stand User For Hire

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POWER : None

SPEED : None

RANGE : Infinite




STAND ABILITY :  Seven Nation Army is a colony like stand that has the ability to target a person and kill them instantly, it has no weaknesses besides the fact that it takes 7 days to kill a person, however since White Stripe is so far away from the target he never needs to worry about him being attacked by an other stand user, the more detailed description below

『ONE NAT1ON ARMY』On the first day of being targeted 1NA will tell the target that they will die seven days from now. 1NA is the happiest and nicest out of the 7 so he makes the target feel acceptence and hope for the futire to make sure they don't freak out right then and now. He tells them that they will be fine and that he is just a voice in their head

『 TWO N2TION ARMY』On the second day the target will try to find ways to stop to avoid dieing, often by simply staying inside or not doing anything dangerous, this is because 2NA is the most hard working and most resilient of them all, he tells the target that he should try their hardest to not die, and encourages them to try to get their life together

『THR33 NATION ARM3』On the third day the target will reach a stage where he realizes that he/she will not live for more then 4 more days, they try to act like they're fine and dandy, but they know and comprehend that they will die, that is because 3NA is the most honest of all of them, and he will tell them they will die, and nothing can stop that.

『FOUR NATION 4RMY』On the fourth day the target secludes himself from his/her friends and family, now matter what they want, they will reject them, on this day they get depressed that they can do nothing about their death slightly driving them insane, this is because 4NA is the saddest of them all, he speaks to the target making them even sadder by his words

『5IVE NATION ARMY』On the fith day the target gets frustrated and angry that he is going to be killed, this may often lead to them lashing out on people and giving into violent urges, this is due to 5NA being the most violent of them all, he tells them that they should try to fight back, and he tells them that they should try to seek proffesional help, causing them to waste money on useless items that will not be able to protect them or weapons that they hope they will use in order to protect themselves.

『6IX NATION ARMY』On the sixth day the target is racked with guilt and pain, they feel like it's their fault that their dieying and that they deserve to die becase of the sins they have committed. This is because 6NA hates himself and wishes he could die, he speaks suicidal thoughts to the target and makes them feel pity and pain

『 SEVEN NAT7ON ARMY』 On the seventh day the target is overcome with shock and denial, the target enters a numb like state, this is usually when they decide to bury their pain by drinking or drugs or someother addiction. They are also in denial that they will die and instead they believe that this just dream and when they go to sleep, they are woken up by Seven Nat7on Army, he then tells the target that he will kill them and they usually try to fight back, but he then kills them in an extremely painful way, if the target lives near people it will be loud enough to attract their attention. 7NA is the most powerful of the group and he is also the most edgy of the group

Nation army's 1 through 7 make up his stand, all though it is 7 human sized stands, it is still one stand , and even number 7 is able to kill, he is still not able to physically hurt someone, he just kills them by causing their organs to rupture, but he can only do that to a target on the 7th day


AGE : 18

APPEARANCE : He wears large and noticible clothes, the clothes themselves are a flat crimson red, but they have large intersecting white stripes on it that wraps around his clothes and it comes off his clothes. He has bright white hair that is formed in a line shape as well. He has black eyes and is slim and tall figure

PERSONALITY : He is a ruthless killer, so he is extremely apathetic, however he does know how to mask it in social interactions, he dosn't go to school and so he's not smart, he believes that people should accept death since it the ultimate release from all pain, he dosn't fear death ad is perfectly fine with going to extremes to make sure he survives, even going a far too kill innocents and cutting off his body parts

BIO : He was a small child when he was taken by child traffickers and was quickly bought by an amaerican gang leader who used him as a badoy guard and assasin, he would enter unanounced because he was a child but he was able to hide guns because he wasn't a suspicious character. As he grew up he learned that killing was all he was good for so he accepted it, he quickly assasinated his boss ajd the rest of his gang and left to become a assassin for hire, he wouldn't  get much jobs but one day he was bought by a man name Deon Gagnon, he entered his base and was quickly stabbed in the neck by an arrow, however moments later he felt his neck and found that it was completely healed, Deon then tells him that he just gained a stand and that he would use it to kill JOJO, but first he wanted to learn about his stand so he decided to kill a bunch of people on his hit list, he soon found out how it worked and went to kill JOJO, however on the 6th day he was found by JOJO's friend Mark, Zack and Jenny, he soon started to run and he fought back however when Zack was going to rip his heart out he committed duicide to save himself the pain, he through himself onto a railtrack and got ran over by a train cutting him into pieces and crushing him to death. Not once did he regret anything in his life, he believes everything he did was meant for him and that they were his best choices in life

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