Pizza Delivery Guy

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Name : Ivy
Dumb Blonde / Video Blogger

Personality : Forgetful, easy going, laidback, straight forward, easily dissapointed, airheaded
Model :Siki
Ivy was one of the many customers Harvey had to deal with. She ordered a pizza for herself and so he had to deliver it to her house, the only problem is that Harvey has never been near her adress so he had to figure it out, and he had too fast before the pizza became cold. After some time, stop signs, and traffic, he made it to her house. He knocked on her door and she openned the door. She however had no idea what he was doing, she dosn't remember ordering a pizza, especially since she is a vegetarian, but Harvey showed her information and the reciept, and then presented her with the green lover pizza, a pizza dedicated to vegetarians (30% more expensive than anything else on the menu). She still refused to believe she ordered pizza but instead accepted it thinking it was a gift. She then took the pizza and closed the door on him, he had to keep on kjocking until her mother came out and Harvey explained to her how she owes him money for the pizza, she then paid for him and then he left. The next day a lot of vegetarians were coming into the restaurant and so he found out why when she came walking through the doors. She appearantly made a food review and just absolutely praised the pizza, and it got a couple hundred thousand views. He was confused how she can forget she ordered a pizza and yet could drive all the way to the restaurant. She speaks with that stereotypical blonde voice, you know the one.

uote : like, ma'gawd, this is like, the best pizza ever...since when did I like, even like, totally awesome pizza though.

Name : Mirabella
Maturest sister / Massimo's twin daughter
Personality : Serious, Graceful, composed, polite, thoughtless, unhopeful
Model :Fuga
Mirabella is a waitress at Massimo's Magnifico Pizzeria, she's also the daughter of the owner, Massimo, and twin sister to Belleza. She was actually the reason Harvey wanted to become a pizza delivery boy. He wnt there one day and she was his waitress, and he was instantly smitten, he tried to play it cool but he just couldn't, even his best friend Neil could tell he was in love. Harvey loves everything about Mirabella, he loves her steady gaze, her posture, her mouth movements, her silky smooth skin, litterally everything. So he got a job and got the position " Pizza Delivery Boy ", he thought that it would leave him with a lot of time to spend time with her, but he quickly realized that it was a busy job, and it's a good thing he has such an awesome motorcycle. As his time as delivery boy grew, he stopped trying to get Mirabella's attention and so his love for Mirabella quickly transformed into his love for delivering pizza. And it was true, he loved his job more than anything else, he even gave his motorcycle a custom paintjob to make it obvious that he was the pizza delivery boy, Harvey and Massimo also grew a relationship, Massimo loved having such a hard working and passionate boy like him working for him, and Harvey sees Massimo as another father figure,since he has his dad. However Mirabella was a little shocked that she was actually sad that Harvey was no longer trying to get her attention, she didn't understand why she would reminisce oh all of his awkward, yet adorable attempts to flirt with her. She took the time to look at Harvey as a person, she saw his pros, and his cons, and in the end, Harvey dosn't look like such a bad choice to date, but it appears she has a challenger... her sister.
Quote : Harvey...Harvey, I need to tell you something...go clean up the bathroom, someone clogged the toilet, and we need this place in perfect condition. What's with the long face, you though I was going to say something else?Well... you're not wrong...

(Note: I thought her boobs were smaller in this image)

Name : Jane
Juliet's rival / Track team captain
Personality : Funny, casual, competative, normal, easily flustered, self-concious, inferiority complex, secretely dominant(soft dominance)
Model : Kaede
Jane is one of the few girls that dosn't actually meet Harvey at his job or by ordering Pizza. Jane is in Harvey's gymnastics class.(He's actually really limber and good at it). Harvey was doing some somersaults and then decided to do a twirling double somersault and actually did it, he then sat down to rest his legs when Jane approached him, she was really friendly and they hit it off ever since. The two are friends but they do become friendly rivals everyonce in a while, although it dosn't last for long. She actually fell in love with him by love at first sight, she saw him doing those somersaults and saw how majestic it was to him spinning through the air. Harvey has had a few thoughts that maybe she might be in love with him, but he usually turned those thoughts away believing they were too egoistic. She loves Harvey, but fears that her small body ratio might seem unappealing to him, so she sometimes wears smaller and tighter clothes to make her look bigger than she actually is. She has a huge hatred for Juliet, she believes that although she is captain of the cheerleading squad, she has no gymnastic capabilities at all, she insults her and the two usually end in their respective teams stopping a fight from breaking loose. She is captain of the track team and is actually a really good runner, she can endure a lot of walking as well. One day her family decided to order pizza from a nearbye pizzeria and Jane's older sister, Dorothy, wrote in the special instructions section "Send your cutest delivery boy " as a joke, but when Harvey delivered the pizza he said that he couldn't fulfill that instruction as he was the only one working there, but Jane heard his voice and saw that he was infact the pizza delivery boy, she was pleasantly surprised and she talked to him for a bit before he had to leave. Dorothy was laughing her head off while her parents could only chuckle, she was as red as the tomato sauce that night.
Quote : Hmm?! You like my Hair? Well I-I like it too...Huh?! You think it's cute too! Well I-uh,I like your hair too! (Nice going me, looks like your stuck in the friend zone for more time)

Name : Madilyn
Odd ball / Regular customer
Personality : Quiet, mysterious, Clutz, no social norms, wierd, blunt, creepy at times
Model :Hyoki
Madilyn is wierd, she first appeared on a cold and windy night when they didn't get much customers, but Harvey saw her at the door and let her in, all she would do is stare into Harvey's eyes before she decided to hug him, he was wierded out and asked why she did that but she responded that she just wanted to use him to warm her up. She has been appearing everyday since, of course she dosn't eat pizza everytime, most of the time she just sits in the back of the dining room staring at Harvey and the pizzas being served. Another wierd thing about her is that she never opens the doors, even if somebody opens the door for her she refuses to enter, unless that person is Harvey, she has also made it a custom to hug him everytime, and so far it's getting longer and much more passionate everytime, Harvey really is wierded out by her, she dosn't even speak to him much, just saying normal small talk, and lot's of staring, lots and lots of staring, but Harvey can't help but find her eyes beautiful. However what he does notice is that when she does anything, she tends to fail miserably, even going as far as too trip on her own legs and fall on her back. She really can't do much on her own and when she leaves, she always gets hit by the door on her way out.
Quote : I would like to order a small pepperoni pizza for here... oh and some paper towels, excuse the wet mess, perhaps a wet floor sign would be needed. (Walks away but slips on the wet surface)

Name : Hazel
Girl next door / Country girl
Personality : Cheerful, strong, tough skin, empathetic, agitated at times, free spirited, oblivious as well
Model : Kagari
Hazel is Harvey's next door neighbor, except she recently came, his neighbor Stephenson has always been there, but not Hazel. Hazel's parents divorced and so now she is in joint custody, and so now she lives with her dad. Harvey met Hazel when he got home from work and saw his neighbor and a girl celebrating, just to show etiquette, he says hello to Stephenson, but Stephenson calls him over, he walks and is introduced to Hazel, his daughter, Harvey gives her a handshake and she almost brakes his hand, she seems to happy to notice though. After that incident he has been seeing more and more of her everyday. She is very strong and she often talks about how she prefers the hard work in country side then here the city. However she seems very oblivious to the fact that many people like her for her cute sheerful attitude and her strength of 10 men(hyperbole), and of course her rocking bod. She onced talked to Harvey about whether or not she would do good at his pizzeria and he said she should be able to do it. However she was fired after a week for being terrible with her hygiene, she could never remember to wash her hands before preparing or touching the food.
Quote : Fine! I don't need no Pizza making job an'ways! I'm outta here ya hear! (Door slam)...(Opens door) ehheh, um Harvey, do you mind giving me a ride home? Thanks.

Name : Bellezza
Immaturest sister / Massimo's twin daughter
Personality : Rebelious, immature, passionate, fiery, indecisive, goes with the flow, just wants a steady relationship, stubborn, hot headed, emotional
Model : Karasu
Bellezza is Mirrabella twin sister, however she dosn't work at her dad's pizzeria and she knows how to use the acoustic guitar, instead she just does whatever she wants. She has recently become a rebellious daughter and refuses to do anything that Massimo tells her to do. She has a long, long string of ex-boyfriends, all that she either dumped, or they dumped her. So now once again she's out to parties to see if any other guy interests her, and she meets one, things are going steady,dad hates him, it's all going great when she finds out that he has been cheating on her. It's at this point that Harvey comes in, due to the realiztion tht she has been in so many terrible relationships, she starts to realize that maybe she's the problem and she locks herself in her room to cry and wallow in despair. Massimo tries to help her but she won't even respond to him, so Harvey tries to help, finally he is able to get her to open her door, and she only let's him enter her room, after a couple of hours of her anger, crying, and mental breakdowns, Harvey finally calms her down and she becomes her good old normale self, except now she has the hots for Harvey. How could she be so stupid, she thought, all of this wasted time on those guys when the perfect guy was riht infront of me, Massimo was so happy to hear that she fell in love with Harvey, he always saw Harvey as the son he never had and now he will actually be his son! Except... Mirabella, she was definately not down for that.
Quote : Hey there Harvey, how are you, yeah that's nice to hear so anyways, there's a party tonight at Juliet's place wanna come with? I heard there's going to be alcohol! Isn't that awesome! I wonder how many I can dr- what do you mean that's a bad idea?

Name : Juliet
Jane's rival / Cheerleading captain
Personality : Manipulative, popular, publically dominant, privately submissive, self confidence is over 9000, superiority complex
Model : Kochou
Juliet is the school's queen so to speak, I mean just look at her, she's T H I C C. Juliet met Harvey when she ordered a ton of pizza for her party, she opened the door and was surprised to see Harvey here, she gave him the money and made some other guy pay him a tip, as she was giving out the pizza, she realized she could manipulate him into giving her free pizza! But after several failed attempts she decided it would be better to just stop all together. Now she was just back to her old way of entertainment, make fun of Jane, and after some time she realized Jane has a crush on Harvey, after some hysterical laughter she decided to have some fun and ruin her attempts of "flirting" by her own over the top seduction, however after some time, due to the social phychological property of propinquity, she started to get much more friendlier towards Harvey, so now she also has a crush on Harvey and she hates it because Jane is into the same guy, and due to her spending more time with Harvey, she's worried that Jane might be able to get with Harvey. However when she does go up to Harvey and confess ( and destroying the entire the school with sheer shock ) she finds out that she badically even with Jane now, and now her and Jane must fight for Harvey, sadly the both of them have no idea that they also have to fight several other girls for Harvey as well.
Quote : Oh man Harvey, a new vest, some new gel? Or perhaps a brand new... oh thank goodness you told me to stop that was a horrible experience for me, so anyways how about you go to my Cheerleading practice today, i'll even give you a VIP vie- what? What do you mean you have to work! But you work all the time! Geez... you'll never be able to stay in a steady relationship if you prioritize your work over your your girlfriend!

Name : Manami
Yakuza Princess / Spoiled sweetheart
Personality : Thoughtless, Naive, Spoiled, Easily startled, Determined, Stubborn, Insecure, Shy, Violent, has the rage of 9000 dieying suns
Model : Mirai

anami is the daughter of a Yakuza that controls a large area, and it just so happens that the pizzeria is in it. One day Harvey gets a delivery order and he goes to deliver it, however when he gets there and he knocks on the door bell, the door opens to reveal a ton of guys in black suits and a guy at the end who is in a white suit, and a small girl next to him. The girl soon walks to Harvey and smaples the pizza, she nods with a faint smile, and the guards leave and the guy gives Harvey his payment and a tip of a couple thousand dollars, Harvey asks why he was so generous, but he spoke in japanese so he couldn't understand him, but the little girl said that happiness is priceless and she gave Harvey a smile, before the guards kicked him off the premises. He was scared out of his mind, and confused, but mostly happy that he was able to do a goodjob. One day after school he walking home to gk to his job when a large black limo with dragons painted on it stopped in front of him, the door opened and inside was the little girl from the other day, she gestured him to come in, and so he entered, she appearantly wanted him as a friend to keep her company, as she wants to learn more about American culture since she recently came here. He accepted, but told her that he was only available on the weekends since he has a job. She said she understands and they drop him off at his house, howerver as soon as he closed the door she started to have a temper tantrum, and man, sucks to be the limo driver. She's such a violent little girl, but since she is a loli, it's totally worth putting up with.
Quote : So, here it is normal for girls to have large breasts... so does that mean i'm wierd looking? Hmph, good answer Harvey-kun! I will always be beautiful no matter what the place considers as beauty... were you being serious though... you think i'm beutiful? *starts to blush*

Main protagonist / Pizza delivery boy
Personality : Calm, talkative, nerdy, forgiving, hard working, determined, patient, helpful, responsible, always tries his best, caring, genuine, and awkward at some times
Harvey is the main protagonist, he's also known as the Pizza delivery boy for Massimo's Magnifico Pizzeria, he works there and has a busy life full of delivering pizza, doing school work, and dealing with girls, it all started when he fell in love with Mirrabella, became friends with Jane, met Hazel , delivered pizza for Ivy, opened the door for Madilyn , helped Belleza, accepted Juliet's confession, and didn't die when he met Manami. He has a hard time dealing with the girls, but he never lets them interfere with his job, he loves his job more than anything. He work's for Massimo who is a great boss, he's always there for Harvey when he needs some help and is always happy for Harvey, he wishes his daughters could date someone like him, or him as well, he has his best friend Neil which mostly just hangs out with him and he's basically the only guy friend he has, although he is not very popular in his school, he is known enough for being a patient and kind guy, he never thought he would be surrounded by somany cute and beautiful girls, but here he is... hopefully he can survive.
Quotes : Note that in the quotes for the girls, he is actually there talking back, so I hope you guys can figure where he's supposed to enter.

With Ivy : Thank you for finding this pizza gre- What do you mean you don't like Pizza? You ordered it right? Heh, Pizza is pretty awesome isn-(Door s lams) excuse me... Miss! I need the money!

With Mirabella : Ye-Yeah?... oh, you just wanted me too clean the bathroom... ok. Well I just thought that maybe you wnated to tell me something else, but whatever, i'll go clean right now! ... hey did you say something?

With Jane : I like your hair Jane, it's a really nice look for you... it's also really cute, especially the bows at the ends. Well thanks for the compliment, I like my hair too.

With Madilyn : Oh... hey Madilyn, what would you like? ... ofcourse, ugh here are the paper towels... oh my gosh Madilyn are you ok?

With Hazel : *inhales and exhales* sure, but I don't have a second helmet, but come on.

With Belleza : Oh hey Belleza i'm actua- ... Belleza that sounds like a really bad idea, didn't cartoons and tv sitcos tells you that underage drinking is bad?

With Juliet : Juliet, you can stop now, it's fine really... oh sorry Juliet, i'd love too but you know I have work today ... I know, but right now, I don't really eant to prioritize a relationship, for now i'm focusing on my career, hope you understand

With Manami : wha-hey Manami where did you learn tha-. No of course not Manami, you're beautiful, just because you're a bit different dosn't mean that. Heh yeah I guess Manami ... yeah i'm serious, a foriegner like you usually gets a lot of attention.

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Hey there Waifumaster here with this... now this wierd concept came to me when I had a dream where I would deliver pizza, but everywhere I go the person I was delivering too was a hot chick or a loli, so yeah there's that. Anyways that's it, this is basically the only thing I will do from now on is write in this book so yeah, anyways this is the real Waifumaster signing off, I'M NOT WRITING ANYTHING ELSE BUT THIS BOOK SO DON'T EXPECT ME TO COME BACK! >:(

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