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Chapter 2: the palm fairy

You screamed your lungs out and the funny thing was, the little creature was screaming too.

Making a face it ran and hid behind the flower pot that was on the table and that's when you realized, you had actually slept there, right on the floor with your head sprawled on the table last night.

Your mind quickly scanned the surroundings for a weapon. A fat book, there it was. You didn't waste a second to pick it up and throw it over to the pot.

A bug, a really big bug that's what it was.

But surprisingly you heard the screeching sound again. And you saw the little one running to the other side of the table. This time hiding behind a penholder.

You saw it right. You definitely did. It looked like human! A small version of human!

"Oh my God! What the actual hell!" you screamed by yourself, too stunned to even get up and run.

"I can get hurt too you know." A small voice came from behind the penholder.

Your eyes were now flying up to your forehead. "What!?"

Good now I'm even talking to it, I'm really going insane.

"Technically I won't die but I can get hurt of course."

Then it came out. It's tiny hands holding it's small waist, chest bloated and face scrunched up making an annoyed expression.

"Oh my god! Oh my fucki-"

"Please don't scream again!" The little human in red held its hand up in the air. Even though it was a miniature version of some sorts, it was a guy of course.

Living and breathing! Wearing a red fucking red dress with wings attached to it!

"My ears hurt you know." The small one pouted. That's when you got close to observe the tiny creature standing on your table.

"Hey, don't touch-"

Before he could finish he was in your hands. Your fingers groping his slim figure perfectly and your eyes were still at the process of falling out of your socket.

"T-this is real?" You couldn't help but wonder by yourself when you actually felt the softness of his hair upon putting your finger on top of his head.

"That hurts-" scrunching up his face he complained. You gasped letting him fall from your hand and he swiftly landed on the table like spiderman or, any kind of superhero but that was not the important thing.

The important thing was, this was real.

This was actually real!

"I haven't introduced myself. Where are my bloody manners!" The little guy quickly dusted his red dress before straightening his back and clearing his throat to speak loudly.

"I am a fairy or angel, whatever you would like to call because technically they're the same except I am from heaven," he said proudly as he put a hand on his chest and did a bowing position. "My name is v and I'm at your service!"

"W-what are you?" You gasped again. Everything he said totally went over your head.

You swear you saw the small one roll his eyes seeing your stupidity.

"I just told you that," he complained in his chipmunk-y voice, yes, that's what his voice sounded like.

"A-are you actually a guy or-.." Your eyes quickly scanned the tiny human, or, fairy-but-whatever standing on the table and even though he looked like he might be a guy his outfit said otherwise.

"Of course I am." He growled but then as if he remembered he looked down on himself.

"Oh, this?" He held the hem of his dress and asked. "My friends made me wear this because I lost a bet oh, and also the makeup! I actually had a hard time coming here."

You could feel somewhat sympathy for the little fairy as he kept on blabbering. "Some ladybugs thought I was their specie's too. Can you imagine?" He beamed. "And because I'm small someone almost stepped on me!"

He was complaining nonstop and that's when you stopped him, unintentionally.

"Your voice.."

Well, it's because never in your life have you've heard such a high voice. It almost felt as if there was a mouse talking or any of the chipmunks from that stupid movie had actually came to life.

"My voice?" The little one asked being surprised. When realization hit him he placed a hand on his throat. "I don't normally sound like this. My voice is really deep!"

Yeah, whatever.

"But you know my friends and their games." Playfully he rolled his eyes. "Because I had to scrunch up my actual body size my voice became like that too."

This was surreal. You were talking to a small, really, small sized person and it claimed to be a fairy and said that he was at your service but wait, why was he even here?

"Why did you say you're at my service or... You said that right?" Furrowing your brows you asked which made his mouth form an 'o' shape.

Swiftly he shoved a hand inside the side of his dress, which seemed like a pocket and pulled out a light blue envelope that was even bigger than him!

He held it out to you bending his upper body in half, being polite and all but you could only gasped again. "How..?"

How did the envelope fit in his really small pocket!

"I told you I'm a fairy," said the palm sized fairy in his chirpy voice. "Anyway, the reason I'm here is for the wish you had made last night, miss Song Sarang." Now he actually sounded a little serious.

What wish? You wondered.

Giving the indigo coloured envelope another glance you opened it, only to find a small white paper inside it.

On the other hand the fairy was still blabbering non stop. "I wonder why it was not RM hyung or Hobie hyung I mean I'm still small to carry out such a big responsibility. You know I actually felt really excited because I've wanted to come down on earth so much! I've heard about it from my hyungs but I was also afraid..."

Filtering his chirpy voice out of your system you concentrated on the italic letters printed on the small white paper with flowers designed on it's each corner.

"Take good care of the fairy until your wish is fulfilled."

P.s: ramen is better eaten with kimchi.

"What ramen..and wish?" You mumbled to yourself reading the letter for the third time.

"Your wish? For a boyfriend?" The little fairy grabbed your attention once again as he air quoted the words.

What boyfriend?

Oh wait, slowly the memories from last night started showing up in your brain. Hyungwon, the cafe, rain, kdramas, thunder and all the crying. Also the ramen.

"Holy- wait, wait!" You almost shot up from your position. "About last night?"

"Duh?" He crossed his small arms across his chest.

"I never wished for a boyfriend!" The loudness of your voice made him flinch hard. "Yes I ate ramen without-kimchi while crying and stuff but when did I said I wanted a boyfriend!"

The little fairy grabbed his ear, rubbing it to help the buzzy feeling go off. "But weren't you complaining for not having a boyfriend."

"Yea, I was but..!" Slowly you calmed down, slouching in your seat again. "But I didn't wish for one."

"Who are you fooling?"

The obviousness in his voice made you roll your eyes. "How are you even going to help me with it?"

"I'm small but I'm a fairy all right." He plopped down on the table. Letting out an exhausted sigh he sat there comfortably. "We'll figure this out together but for now I'm really hungry, and tired."

You could hear a small growl coming from his stomach. Your eyes followed as he put his hands on his stomach and a shy laugh escaped his mouth in the meantime.

"Oh.. Okay." You awkwardly said standing up. Doing that your eyes fell on the clock that was hanging on your wall, proudly showing that the time was already over nine in the morning.

That's when your brain cells started running, bumping onto each other due to panic. Blood rushed to your brain as your hands slapped your head in frustration.

"Oh my god!" You screamed. "I have classes and I'm late!"

No, you absolutely didn't have time to play by God's humour right now because if you don't hand in your assignments today even God wouldn't help you passing.

Momentarily forgetting about the fairy you grabbed whatever that was scattered in your pile of clothes. It took only five minutes to run to the bathroom and change into a pair of dark blue jeans and white shirt.

Quickly pulling up your hair in a ponytail you grabbed a hold of your bag and that's when you noticed the small fairy eyeing you with sheer curiosity.

"I-i'm sorry but I have classes now so can I later..?" Panic rushed through your voice as you took quick steps toward the table trying to compromise with him.

"Sure, but.." Without giving you a chance to even take in what was going on, the fairy jumped. He fell on your arm and grabbed the fabric of your shirt tightly.

Being surprised you noticed that he was climbing up your arm and in no time he was situated on your right shoulder.

"W-wait." You eyed him moving your face to the side. "You're going with me too!?"

"Of course. I need to help you alright." He said between his raggy breaths. Looking around your shoulder he carefully stood up. Grabbing a few strands of your hair he pushed a hand forward pointing at the door.

"To infinity and beyond!" He shouted in his chirpy voice looking all ready and excited.


Found this in my phone gallery and I don't know who the artist is but wow- you did a really good job sweetie.

Also, if any of you ever feel alone being single, God has given you me ;)

Honestly if I could rate you out of 1 to 10 I'd give you a 9 because you need that 1 which is me.

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