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Chapter 24: He is sick and drunk

Taehyung gracefully strode along the sea beach in his grey half pant, a pastel pink oversized shirt and a straw hat atop his head. His hand was gripping on the leash that was attached to the collar adorning Yeontan's neck while the little fur ball waddled before him.

An absolute summer God, that's what Taehyung seemed like. When he turned his head, his eyes met a few young girl's, probably some high schoolers, yikes, and they screamed out their lungs. Even some elder ladies were fanning themselves.

With a scowl on your face, you stood there in your summer shorts and floral shirt. A straw hat on your head matching with Taehyung's.

He walked up to you with Yeontan immediately circling around you barking in his friendly 'woofs'. On the other side, Taehyung erupted in coughs, choking on his lungs.

When he was done, you sighed. With the tissue on your hand (as you were prepared ahead) you booped his nose, helping him as the liquid ran loose from his nostrils.

"Ah, I don't like this!" Taehyung cried in a baby voice, at the same time scrunching up his whole face like an old man.

Now this was more like him, not the damn attractive, I-make-your-girl-swoon guy that was catwalking on the beach just a while ago.

"You've been coughing since we got off the plane. Just how did you catch a cold so suddenly?" You questioned, Taehyung shook his head to the sides.

"It mustn't be a cold. Because us, fairies, we don't get sick. We show reactions when we meet earth's atmosphere of course." He rubbed his red nose with the back of his palm. "Like last time, when I became smaller. I had the wrong idea too but Seokjin hyung corrected me."

Your eyebrows were furrowed. "Then shouldn't you ask your brothers? Maybe it's a reaction again. Ask them in the groupchat."

You remembered when Taehyung would often put his legs up, lie on his back on the couch as he'd try to figure out how this texting thingy worked, you often helped him with that.

Though even with your help it didn't make much progress as his brothers, the other fairies didn't have a texting instructor like you.

"I think I've been kicked out of the group chat, if that's what you call it." Taehyung scratched the top of his head. "I haven't been getting any texts."

"Oh, look at the couple of the year!" Your mom approached you just about the time when Taehyung had finished talking.

With a glint of a smile playing on the corner of her lips she looked at you, then back at Taehyung. "Though my daughter is not as pretty. You look so dull standing beside a divine beauty, sweatheart."

Your mom said in a sassy tone, all this time the smile still on her face, which caused you to roll your eyes involuntary.

"I told you stop saying those, mom," you snarled. "It's nothing like that!"

"Stop saying what? Calling you two a couple or just telling you the plain truth that he's way better looking than you," she dissed, agust d found dead, you thought.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about mom," you too, smiled at her mockingly.

Feeling the blood feud that was about to happen Taehyung stepped in. "Oh wow, I really love your gucci handbag!" He excitedly pointed at the handbag your mom was holding.

"You know this?" She screeched loudly. "I'm surprised! Sarang you found yourself THE man!"

She slapped your shoulder so hard you could feel yourself rolling away to the sea, but you bit on your lip and stayed strong.

"Hey young man, have some drinks with me." Now it was your dad's turn to approach the three of you. Swinging two bottles of soju back and forth his face screamed happiness.

You and your crazy family. If you could unstan, you would, probably.

"Drinking sashimi and alcohol on a sunny beach, man to man, it's a heavenly feeling," you dad chirped looking at your faces. "So I'd have to borrow the man from you."

And that was, so unlike the aura your dad gave out when he was at your place earlier this morning.

"No, nope, not," you shook your head frantically. Just letting the thought in, to ruin Taehyung's purity with alcohol was more than a big reason to answer in negative on Taehyung's behalf.

"I won't get drunk," Taehyung happily beamed. "Don't worry, Sarang."

"Are you flexing with my daughter?" For a second your dad looked angry and you panicked, but that was gone soon.

"Why don't we have a drinking competition then!" Your momentarily jolly-good father happily announced.

"Nice try, but no!" Making a disgusted face you turned to Taehyung, only to find his face real close to you.

"Fairies don't get drunk Sarang," he whispered close to your lips before moving away, earning a squeal from your mom and a cheer from your dad.

Though you're sure they heard nothing of what he'd just said, probably just assumed something 'romantic'.

Doing another catwalk he walked over to your dad. "We'll be close by!" Your father retorted before going away with his hand draped over the taller one's shoulder.

"So what's going on between you?" Your mother was quick to change her expression as she gave you a serious look. "You two are in a relationship, and living together now. Aren't you?"

"Mom I told you his-"

"His place caught on fire? You expect me to believe that?" Your mom burst into fits of laughter yet still somehow managing to look elegant. "Darling, you're such a bad liar. Just like your father."

There were no response from you now.

"It's okay." Your mom put a hand on your shoulder, this time not slapping you but patting, surprise.

"Just no need to tell your father now. With you turning twenty this year, I was actually getting worried. I thought you were a lesbian? But gosh, it hurt me to see that you couldn't score a girl too."

Your time to snap again had come but your mom stopped you.

"I'm glad that's not the case. You earned yourself a great man. Now take your time, don't rush things. I know your hormones must be at war now but take precautions when you-"


"What?" Your mom scrunched up her perfectly shaped eyebrows. "Tell him to take precautions instead. Don't take pills, those are not good for your health."

"Mom, stop. Just stop it!" You shouted, your whole face going red. Hands slapping your both ears in the meantime. "It's time to hajima!"

"This is education, child." Your mom scoffed in disbelief.

"Sarang!" You heard a loud scream, right at that moment.

And you saw Taehyung running towards you from afar, his face bright as the sun, eyes dreamy, curly blonde hair dancing wildly with the wind.

With the sun setting on your back, dipping itself on the vast sea. You could feel this was like a scene out of a romantic movie until,

Taehyung jumped on you. He rode on your back making you almost stumble on the sand.

"Yay! Now take me to the sky!" He cheered grabbing onto your neck hard, making you choke and gasp for air.

"It was only two shots," your father said in disappointment.

A/n: this chapter doesn't make sense. It was quite short too. I'm sorry, today wasn't my best day.

Whichever part of the world you're from, whether it's cold or hot there I hope you're taking care of yourself. Eat a lot of heathy food and drink water to stay hydrated. If you're sick don't forget to take your medicines regularly, okay?

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