The pills

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I headed to Zane's place only to apologise for bringing such a sensitive topic up. It wasn't hard to find it after all I've known Garroth enough to know where that is. I stood up on the porch thinking for a bit before knocking. It took a while before he opened his eyes meeting mine. "Can I help you with something?" He asked his voice the same annoyed as always. "Look um...I don't know what exactly I did wrong but what ever it is im sorry for it. " Rubbing my neck in shame he opened the door more standing on the outline of it. "You're willing to take the blame for something you didn't do?...thank you" he said softly I smiled nodding him pulling me in. The house was cosy and well kept. "Sit down I have some coffee in the kitchen I'll get it" he said heading to the kitchen. I sat down looking around. My eyes pondering on a pill bottle. Looking at it closely k grew shocked.  Anti-depressants. "Here's the coffee" he said handing it to me I could only assume he will as smiling at me. I looked at him closely . Dried tear marks. But I took the coffee as he sat beside me. He turned the TV on and low and behold there was my little horsies. He scurried for the controller however I stopped him. "Don't I haven't seen this show let me give it a shot" I said he raised a brow but nodded either way. And that's the day I spend with him. A day watching his show without him ever noticing that I kept glancing at the pill bottle

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