Chapter Fourteen | Little Heartbreaker

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Jake and Terry had interrogated me all morning, but I stuck with my story.

"I told you, I just wanted to get home on time. Nothing happened" I assured them.

They didn't need to know. Dane had called and texted a bunch of times, but I didn't care to answer.

They let me leave for school and I got picked up by Serena, I put on my sunglasses as I walked out of the house and towards her car.

"What are you gonna do about Dane?" She asks me as I lean my head back on the headrest.

"Nothing, we're just friends who made out a couple of times, I see that now. So, that's what it'll be" I say and shrug.

"You little heartbreaker" Serena laughed. "No, but seriously, why is it so hard for me to catch feelings for anyone? Except Marcus of course, that fucker sticks onto me like glue" I retort annoyed.

"He's the first guy you've ever liked this way, there's just always something about them, you'll never really loose feelings, you learn to deal with it and ignore it, but they'll never go away" Serena said, suddenly it got dark and I slide my sunglasses down on my nose to see her face properly.

"You good?" I ask her with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, Tobias texted me last night, I forgot to tell you" Serena admitted. There it was, that's why it got dark.

Tobias was her first love, they didn't last though. He went to college last year, so they broke up knowing it would hurt them more than it would do them any good.

"What did he say?" I ask her carefully.

"He said he misses me, that he'll be done in a year, then his plan is to return home" Serena said and I could see the small hint of a smile on her lips.

"Are you gonna wait for him?" I ask her knowingly. "I don't know, I miss him and I love him, still after almost a year apart" Serena admitted with a shrug.

"I understand, is he gonna come and see you?" I ask her, she shrugs once again.

"Well, remember you're booked this weekend, we're going college hunting" I remind her and she giggles before hooking her hand with mine.

I smile at her and look back at the road, we were already at school. The hell hole.

We park and get inside, the last month of so, we had been left alone by Daisy and her minions. Everyone was minding their own business and for once it was like there was room and space for everybody.

"We're still going straigth after school right?" Serena asks me and I nod. "Yeah, Jake will meet us there" I say and she nods.

"It's a four hour drive, but whatever" Serena said and shrugged, I chuckled before focusing on our teacher who entered the classroom.

"Alright, settle down everybody!" Mr. Waltham calls out in a british accent. I roll my eyes a little before sitting down with Serena.

School on fridays are always short days. We were let go shortly after lunch. We walked to her car before getting on the road.

Westcount University, it was supposed to be one of the best in the area, with the money available it was the best one.

"We're gonna party alllllll night" Serena sang as I drove. I laughed at her as she screamed the lyrics to Applause by Lady Gaga.

"I've got a good feeling about this one" I say as she calms down after the song ended. "Me too, I can't wait to see it" Serena said excitedly.

The four hours were long but we made it, we pulled up in the college's parking lot and I was in awe. Serena as well because she was awfully quiet.

"Wow, this is it" Serena said and I hummed in agreement.

We weren't the only ones checking out the school, tomorrow we had a tour scheduled and we were excited, tonight we would stay at my cousins house.

Jake was coming as well, to be there for me when I was supposed to stay here for three years. He wanted to make sure everything was taken care of.

Serena and I turned on the parking lot before going to my cousins house. She had her own house, she's 26 and single.

I honked multiple times as I pulled up in her driveway. She ran out of the front door and pulled me into a hug as soon as I got out of the car.

I giggled as she squeezed me from air. "Danny, this is Serena, Serena this is Daniella my cousin" I introduce the two.

Danny brings her into a hug as well. "Let's make some drinks!" Danny calls out and we join her. "Jake got here earlier, he's out to get pizza" Danny says and I nod before setting my bags down.

On cue, Jake walked in with two large pizza boxes. "Hey, you made it!" Jake says before seeting down the pizzas, he brings me into a hug and ruffles my hair, before hugging Serena as well.

"Yeah, somebody had to go to school" I retort and Jake chuckles.

"Marcus was a pain in the ass, I told him I took today and tomorrow off and he was interrorgating me like a crazy person" Jake retorted as he sat down and took a sip of his beer.

Serena winked at me, which caused me to roll my eyes. "Is there something I should know? Recently you two have been annoying idiots" Jake asked me, Danny looked at me with a wink and Serena as well.

Both crossed their arms and I felt myself grow smaller in my seat. "No? He's just an asshole" I say and shrug. Damn I need a medal for that, Jake believed me and shrugged.

"He has been moody lately, but he's putting in good work hours and he's focusing whatever's bothering him on the races, so he makes a lot of money" Jake said

I shrugged, what was I supposed to say? What was I supposed to do with that information, luckily I didn't have to say or do anything, because Danny put on the speakers in her kitchen and started playing loud music.

She danced her way over to me and pulled me up from my seat and danced with me, I laughed as she twirled me around. "I missed you!" She calls out and I grin at her.

"I missed you too Danny!" I hug her and sway side to side as she keeps dancing.

I laugh and pull away before taking Serena up with us. Jake sat by the table and laughed his ass off.

The evening went by with us drinking, dancing and playing drinking games at Danny's house.

It was late and I was drunk as hell, I was holding Serena's hair as she threw up. Danny sat on the floor while laughing at both of us.

I tried not to vomit every time Serena threw up and so it kept going till Serena was done. Jake lifted Serena from the toilet and carried her to the bed she would sleep in.

I pulled Danny up from the ground and I leaned against her for support. "So, anything new with Marcus? If you two are arguing surely something happened? You never dared to speak with him" Danny retorts.

"Well, he kissed me, he seems to hunt me down every time I leave the house, or every time I look at another guy, I'm convinced he tries to cockblocks me" I say carelessly, I grab the cigarette from her mouth and take a hit.

"He's into you, Alex. Don't tell me you're so blind" Danny retorted with a raised eyebrow.

"I would think so too, unless he regrets it, he has a fuck toy named Stephanie, he refers to me as his best friend little sister and he specifically said that we shouldn't talk anymore" I say and shrug.

Truth was no matter how careless I pretended to be, it fucking hurt my heart. It tugged on my heart, my emotions, I kept trying to remember how his lips felt against mine, just to not cry.

His reassuring hold, his presence near me, It made me go insane.

"He sounds like he got issues" Danny retorts and I chuckle before handing her cigarette back.

Jake came back out and sighed as he sat down on the edge of the tub. He took his beer back from Danny and chugged it calmly.

"I don't know why I allowed you two to drink" Jake retorts as he leans his head back on the tiles.

"Because you know how you were when you were 17 and Alex would use it against you forever" Danny retorted and laughed as Jake glared at her.

"God, Marcus is spamming me, I'll be right back" Jake said as his phone kept vibrating in his pocket, I rolled my eyes as he left once again.

Danny giggled and I smirked. "Oh my god, he's really hunting you down huh? He's got balls if he's doing it through Jake. He would literally kill him if he knew" Danny says and I nod in agreement.

"I don't get him, he's confusing and he's hurting me" I say with a frown.

"Then fuck him" Danny retorts.

"Yeah" I say and frown.

"No, I mean fuck him, sleep with him. Get it over with and then dump his ass" Danny retorted.

"I've done it a million times, then you'll know that you're not missing out on anything great" Danny added.


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