Chapter Twelve | Kisses & Regrets

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Nothing happened with Dane, we both agreed. We kissed and made out almost all night, but we didn't want to take it further yet.

I was fine with it. But it wouldn't have been bad to lose my virginity to him, rather someone I know well than a stranger.

Dane drove me home on his motorcycle, I hung onto him tightly and giggled as he sped up as we got to my house.

He revved the engine to make our arrival known. I had of course texted my brother that I wouldn't come home last night, along with Serena.

"Do you want me to go with you inside?" Dane asked and I shook my head no.

"It's fine" I say and hand him his helmet back. He smiles before pulling me in once again.

His lips grazed mine before giving me a small peck on the lips.

"I'll call you" Dane said and I nodded with a smile. "See you" I say before walking up the steps to my house.

I wave at him as he takes off. As I walk in I see Marcus, Terry, Claire and Jake sprawled across the couches in the living room.

Probably suffering from hangover.

"Hey" Terry muttered exhausted. I chuckle before going to the kitchen to get a bottle of water.

"I need details!" Claire called out after me. I shook my head as Jake turned to glare at her.

"Where did you sleep last night?" Marcus asked from behind me. I finished my sip of the water before turning to him confused.

"Does it matter?" I ask before walking past him. "I'm just your best friends little sister, right?" I retort as I pass him.

I take his spot on the couch and Jake turns to me. "Do we need to have the talk?" He asked me dead serious.

I looked at him horrified and Claire burst out laughing and Terry groaned.

"Don't get pregnant" Terry said and patted my shoulder lazily while covering his face with his other arm.

"Fuck off, consent is important, protection and yes just don't get pregnant" Jake listed and I got up.

"Alright, I'm going now and I'm gonna pretend those words never came out of your mouth" I say and leave. Claire hurries after me with an excited squeal.

"Details! What did you do!?" She shouts as we walk up the stairs.

I hear Jake and Terry groan loudly in the living room and I snort. "Nothing, nothing happened" I tell her and she whines in defeat.

We get to my room and I close the door before turning to her. "Claire, nothing happened because I'm a virgin, I'm not just gonna do it with a random dude. We kissed and made out sure, but nothing happened" I tell her and she smiles.

"You're so sweet. Dane is a sweet guy though, is he gonna call you?" Claire asked as she sat on my bed.

"Yeah, he said he would. But he said something last night about leaving in a few weeks, so yeah" I say and shrug.

"You should see if it could be something more" Claire says encouragingly.

"Maybe" I say and shrug before laying down in my bed.

My mind was over thinking, why did Marcus give me such a hard time? Dane too last night.

I don't get it. He walks around with the girl, but he gets all up in my business.

I hate it.

"Is someone else on your mind, Alex?" Claire asked in realization.

I froze and my eyes widened at her comment. Play it cool, be calm. She wouldn't put the pieces together.

"No. No there isn't" I say calmly. I look into the ceiling and ignore her starring at me.

Until her face hovers over mine to block me from ignoring her. "There is!!! Who is it? Do I know him? Is he hot? Does he race?" Claire asked excitedly.

I Ignore her and cross my arms in stubbornness. She giggles and poked my arm.

"Oh come on! Give me the details, I'm not gonna tell Terry or Jake. After that attempt of the talk downstairs before I would never risk hearing that again" Claire retorted and I pursed my lips.

Marcus was downstairs as well. He had heard the whole thing.

Her eyes widened. She gasped without sound and turned to me. "Is it Marcus? You always act weird when he's around" Claire comments and I roll my eyes.

"I do not!"

"You so do, last night you said you liked someone who was taken and did not feel the same way! It's Marcus!" Claire concluded, I slapped my hand over her mouth and she shut up immediately.

I glared at her and released her slowly. "It's not Marcus. I don't like him" I say trying to convince her, but I should've known she would never be convinced, she wiggled her eyebrows and made kissing faces like a ten year old.

"I'm too exhausted for this" I whine before throwing my arm over my face. Claire continued making kissing and moaning noises and I hit her arm.

"Stop it!" I shout at her with a laugh, she continued and moaned harder, that was until my door was pushed open and a confused Marcus stood there.

Claire immediately stopped and I kept my face hidden. "Oh hey bro, what's up?" Claire called out in an attempt to play it off cool.

"What the hell is going on in here?" Marcus asked horrified. "Well we were—" I hit Claire' shoulder and she starts laughing.

"I was just playing around, I'll go now" Claire said and got out of my bed before walking past Marcus, she turned around and did a thumbs up and mouthed: "Fuck him"

I groaned as Marcus turned back to her and she stopped immediately, before hurrying down the hall to join my brothers.

"I think we need to talk" Marcus said, from the tone of his voice I knew it wasn't anything good.

"Do we?" I ask him with a tired sigh.

"I'm pretty tired" I add and yawn. Still I haven't sat up to face him, I hoped my attitude and ignorance towards him would make him leave.

Marcus closed the door and I hope he had closed it after him, but he still stood there. I sat up and sighed as Marcus came closer.

"What did you do with Dane?" Marcus asks me as he stands in front of me. I lean back on my palms and give him a 'really' look.

"I'm not gonna answer that" I say and scoff. "Why did you go home with him? I told you to stay away—""—From Dane or you would tell on me, yeah. I got it" I retort with an eyeroll.

"Why do you go around kissing people and then go home with other guys? Huh? Can you answer that question without any sarcasm?" Marcus snapped at me.

"You kissed me, Marcus. Not the other way around, besides the regret on your face was obvious, I didn't need to hear it too" I retort, now my heart was throbbing with pain, once again.

"It wasn't regre—""—I don't care. You showed that you don't either, you walk in with that girl? Pretty obvious that it was a mistake" I say with a scoff.

"You went home with Dane!" Marcus half shouts at me. "So? You and Stephanie were all over each other, why do I need to be punished by having to watch that?" I retort, by now I've stood up and crossed my arms.

"The only one who thinks the kiss was a mistake is you, I never said that it was, Alex" Marcus says in a softer tone.

It was too good to be true, but I didn't believe him. I saw the regret, I know what it looks like, he's not the first to have kissed me and regretted it, I know regret when I see it.

And his face screamed with it that night.

"But, you're my best friends sister and you're 17. I'm 21, I'm further in life than you are. So, maybe we should just step back and not talk for a while till this settles" Marcus says, his face turned from soft to hard as he finished his sentence.

"Fine. Get out of my room" I say and push him back slightly to make him get the hint.

He scoffs and uncrosses his arms. "That's it? Is this how it'll be like?" Marcus scoffs.

"I guess so, you just said how it's gonna be, you made up your mind. So get out" I say, my eyes are teary, but from anger, not sadness.

Marcus reads my face before scoffing, he turns around and opens my door before turning to me again.

"You should hold back on getting so much around, you could get hurt" Marcus retorts with a scoff, I shove him out of my room.

"Fuck you, Marcus" I half shout before slamming my door in his face.

I hear a thud on the door, but it doesn't sound like a knock, I go to my bed and sit down, I let some tears fall, which results in a waterfall leaving my eyes as I cry silently.

That was sunday.

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