Chapter 14

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I'm now walking to where Natsu and I are meeting for the date. I'm wearing a black dress with a white collar, black ankle boots, some natural eye makeup, and a half braid thingy. (So bad at explaining this I also don't do fashion so if you don't know what I'm saying just look up) as i reach the park, i find a bench and sit there waiting for Natsu.


It has now been about an hour and Natsu still hasn't shown up. i sigh 'where is he?!?' i thought. I was just about to leave when i see Natsu walk up to me in his normal clothes. I blush a bit

"Sorry I'm late i had to... ugh get some stuff" He says. I smile

"Its fine" I say. We start to walk to the woods. I look at him confused "Natsu where are we going?"

"It's a surprise" He says smiling

Timeskip cause i want to get to the point

As we go into the forest i sensed something... off

"Natsu! Do you feel that?" I ask. He shrugged and shook his head. We then suddenly stop in the middle of the clearing. He then looks at me with a sad glint in his eyes

"I'm sorry Y/n" He says then lights his fists on fire. My eyes widen but quickly get ready to defend my self. He runs towards me, using his 'fire dragon iron fist'. I managed to barely dodge it, but it got my hair. He then sends a 'fire dragon roar' my way. I'm to shocked to move out of the way, and it hits me head on. I fall to the ground and pass out

Natsu' POV


As i get ready to find something to wear for Y/n and I's date, i hear the door open. I walk out of my room expecting to see Happy but what i see is worse

"What are you doing here!!" I yell at HIM

"well i need you to do me a favor" He says

"I'm not doing you any favor" I spit at him. He growls

"You will or else she will die!!" He threatens. My eyes widen

"What do i need to do" I reluctantly say

"Just bring her to me" He says with a stupid smirk

"O-ok just promise not to hurt her" I say. He smirks

"No promises"

Flashback over!



I wake up, and try to move my arms, but i can't move them! I look over to my left hand and see shackles. I then see the cell i was in when i was kidnapped by Bob. I move my hands around, trying to find a way to get out. I hear the cell door open but it's to dark to see anything. I hear some chains then the sound of a 'click!' indicating that someone was locked up. I then hear his voice

"It looks like your up!" He says


"Why so quiet dear" He says


"Oh I'm so hurt that you wont talk to me" He says, sarcasm laced in his voice. I growl

"You know you don't have to be so sarcastic" I mock him. He growls and punches me in the stomach. I lose my breath for a bit, but re gain it

"You wanna know who is beside you?" He asks

"Kinda" I say

"Ok darling" He mocks. He leaves to get i light I'm guessing, and when he comes back he put the light on the ground

"Now listen up darling" He pauses for a minute and grabs my hair "Your going to do what i say or else he's dead" He growls. Then he forcefully pulls my hair to the side where he was. My eyes widen as tears start to form in my eyes

"You" I pause "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!" I scream at the unconscious man (or boy) . Tears slowly fall from my eyes "Natsu why did you do that" I sniffle, looking at his unconscious body. I hear Bob chuckle (still laugh when i write that). Since he still had my hair i couldn't look away.

"So what do you say? You wanna tell me where the books are?" He says

"..... Ok" I say, as he lets go of my hair.

"Show me where it is!" He says with malicious laugh

"How am i supposed to do that when I'm chained to the wall" I say coldly

"I was going to take you and that pink haired fellow as a hostage" He wickedly says. I look down "I don't know how you still love him after what he has done" He says

"Because you forced him to didn't you?" I say

"No he agreed to do it" He says. My eyes widen as i start to cry harder, not crying of sadness crying of anger.

"Shall we go now" He says getting Natsu out of the chains and putting ropes around his wrists. He then takes my chains off and ties rope around my wrist also (You know when Erza was in Galuna island,and how she tied happy up right)

A/n Ok i hope you enjoyed this chapter... I kinda got the idea from the beginning of Tokyo Ghoul so yeah :P Have a good day/night bye!

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