Chapter 15

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A few hours earlier...

Gray's POV

As Y/n walks away to her date with Natsu, I can't help but feel odd about something. I have a feeling that something is going to go horribly wrong. I push it to the back of my mind thinking that it was me being just over protective....


We have been walking for hours and Natsu still hasn't woken up, but It's not like i care or anything. I hear shuffling coming from Bob so i look over my shoulder to see Natsu open his eyes. Bob stops and puts Natsu on the ground

"Where are we?" Natsu groggily says

"we are in the forest" Bob says

"Why?" He asks

"well you're girlfriend here has something that i want" He says pointing to me. I glare at him and Natsu's eyes widen

"What do you mean?" Natsu asks

"Wait she didn't tell you?" He says smirking

"Y/n what is he talking about?" He asks

"I don't know if i can trust you" I say quietly

"What do you mean you don't know how you could trust me!" He angrily says. I ignore him after he said that, and we kept walking


Gray's POV

It was the next morning and I'm waiting for Y/n to wake up. It is now 11:00 AM. I walk to Y/n's room and knock on the door..... When i get no answer i open the door anyway, when i walk in i see no Y/n. I decide to see if she went to the guild. As i walk in the guild, i look around but do not see Y/n anywhere. I find Gramp's sitting on the bar counter . I walk over to him

"have you seen Y/n?" I ask him

"No i have not, was she not home this morning?"

"She wasn't in her room" I pause and look around "AND WHERE THE HECK IS NATSU!!" I yell, everyone turns to me and stares. Erza walk over

"Natsu's not here?" She asks

"No and Y/n's not here either" I say

"well thats odd" She says thinking "Maybe something happened to them" She says

"Like what?" I ask

"Maybe Y/n got kidnapped again since Natsu wasn't able to defeat Bob" Erza suggested "also we could probably go to Natsu's house and see if they're there" Erza adds

"That's an amazing idea!" Lucy says

"Yeah" I say "also where is Happy!" I yelled. Just as we where about to exit the guild, Happy flys in with a panicked look in his eyes

"NATU'S GONE!" Happy yelled, as everyone gasped but Erza, Lucy, gramps, and I

"Calm down Happy, tell us what happened" Gramps says

"Well when I woke up Natsu wasn't there, and I went to Lucy's and he wasn't there either. I then looked at Gray and Y/n's house and both Natsu and Y/n weren't there!" He yells,and flys into Lucy's chest hugging her

"Don't worry we're going to find them" Lucy says hugging back

"Happy can you tell me where Natsu wanted to take Y/n for their date?" Erza asks

"Yeah I do! I'm going to fly there and see if they fell asleep!" Happy says flying out of the guild

"Happy we wanted to go with you!" I yelled


We have been waiting for about thirty minutes and Happy still hasn't come back. Just as we were about to walk outside to try to find him, Happy come flying in with what looks like boots. When he comes over to us i noticed that it was Y/n's boots that she wore to her date. I then felt myself getting light headed as Happy said these words

"Y/n and Natsu have been kidnapped" I then passed out

A/n Hello I finally did it! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'm sorry it took me so long to make. I'm making a type of Q&A thingy so if you could please leave some questions so i can answer them. I hope you have an amazing day/night night bye!

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