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I woke up to my annoying ass alarm, "Yeah-eah wanna put this song on replay
I can listen to it all day
To you all day Ye-" I hit the snooze button once again.

"Maya honey wake up." I hear my mother's soft voice say, I grab my pillow from underneath my head and put it over my face. I hear the door shut and smile, I then close my eyes again until I feel cold water against my covers getting me wet. I shoot up out the bed.

"Mom what the hell?" I ask her, she looks at me and raises her eyebrow.

"What? Hell is a place." I say explaining, she shakes her head and walks out.

"Get dressed." She yells walking downstairs. I sigh and walk to the bathroom. I cut on my music and the song, Here by Alessia Cara plays and I strip my clothes off and turn on the shower. I then hop in when it's nice and hot and wash up. Once I get out I put on my ripped denim jeans, blue shirt with white lace on the shoulders, and slip on my black heels. I look in my full body mirror and smile, that's appropriate. I grab phone amd walk around the boxes and run downstairs. Mom says it's the last time we're moving,its hard to believe that when we that when she's said it so many times. I finally reached the kitchen. It was horrifying, my mom and Shawn...making out...shirtless.... on the counter.

"My eyes. I'm blind." I say crossing my eyes.
I hear my mom giggle and I sigh.

"I'm just gonna go." I say grabbing my car keys.

"Have a great day!" My mom exclaims.

"Have fun kiddo." He says, I smile and get into my car.

I pull up to see a huge building, I sigh as I turn off the engine and get out the car. I look around to see some boy (even girls) licking their lips at me. I lock the car and ignore them.

  I walk inside the huge building and go to the front office. There was a man with brunette hair, glasses, and hazel eyes.

He looked up at me, "Hi, are you the new student? You look lost." he asks me. I slowly nod, he begins to type as I look around the office.

"Here you go. Do you need someone to show you around?" He asks me, I shake my head.

"Alright, well you have 20 minutes before school so I suggest you walk around and get the vibe. Oh, and welcome to JQAHS." He smiles, I smile back and take the paper he was handing to me. I walk out the front office and look through the hallways, surprisingly a lot of people are here. I decide to take a left turn and see what's there.

I glance at my schedule:

First period- Social Studies
Second period- Art
Third period- Integrated Mathematics
Fourth period- Language Arts
Fifth period-  Spanish
Sixth period- Science
Seventh period- Free hall

I smile at my second period, I personally love art.

I end up bumping into someone making their stuff drop, "I'm so sorry." I look up. I see a gorgeous brunette. I look at her clothes; a so short it could be a sports bra black shirt, high waisted shorts, and black heels. Well, now I know who the slut is.

"Bitch what the fuck?" She asks, I raise a eyebrow.

"Pick it up." She demands, I look around.

"Who me?" I ask.

"Obviously." A blonde behind her says, I glance at her. She has black roots, like me, but is holding a brunette's hand.

"I wasn't talking to you but, since I'm a nice person here." I say picking up her stuff. I stand up only for her stuff to be knocked back down by her.

"What the fuck bitch?" I ask clearly confused. She makes an annoyed look and pushes me into the lockers, the combination thing probably made a mark on my back as I groan.

"Don't you ever, call me a bitch!" She screams at me. I slowly nod as she pushes my head on the locker making me have a huge headache. I slowly slide to the floor.

"Are you okay?" A girl asks, I glance at her. She has black hair, beautiful brown eyes, a sky blue dress, and was very beautiful.

"Y-yeah, just you know...average push new girl into locker day." I say chuckling, she giggles with her angelic voice.

"Sorry about her, she's just a mean slut. Just like every movie in this PG-13 universe." She states, I nod at her.

"Sorry, my name is Desiraye." She says sticking her hand out, I grab her soft hand and shake it.

"Maya." I tell her.

"Gorgeous name." She says.

"Gorgeous girl." I say flipping my hair.

"True." She giggles, and a faint blush appears on my face.

"Your cute when you blush." She says, I smile.

I mumble a thanks and she nods.

"Let me introduce you to my friends." She says standing up holding her hand out. I take it and she pulls me up, she was going to let go but I laced our fingers together making her smile. She guided me to two boys talking the dirty blonde was blushing.

"Guys, this is Maya." She says, I smile at the two.

"Maya this is Lucas and Farkle." She introduces.

"Hi." I say, they wave.

"Oh, is this bae?" Farkle asks gesturing to our hands.

"I don't think she likes girls." Desiraye says.

I glance at her and say, "Oh I do." Lucas and Farkle smirk.

"Well what do you know? Looks like we have Mesiraye." Farkle says, I start to blush.

"How about Daya or  Desiraya?" Lucas suggests.

"Oh, I like Desiraya." Farkle agrees, I glance at Desiraye to see her blushing.

"Oh hush Larkle." I finally speak, Desiraye giggles at the new ship name.

"Haha good one." Desiraye says hugging me. I wrap my arms around her waist taking in her sweet scent. 

"I know,I know." I say releasing from the hug.

"Anyway, I never did ask what happened between Riley and you." Desiraye says changing the subject.

"Oh yeah, I was looking at my schedule when I bumped into Riley. Long story short I cussed her out and she pushed me into the lockers." I explain mentally reliving the moment.

"I'm sorry." She tells me, I shrug.

"Eh, happens." I say, they nod. A awkward silence arrives making me tap my foot on the time floor.

"Can I see your schedule?" She asks, I nod and hand it to her. A smile appears on her face.

"Looks like we have all classes together." She states, I smile in excitement.

"Yay, I have a feeling this'll be one hell of a year." I say.

And one hell of a year it was.

Alright, I finally updated. I want to let everyone know that this is a Rilaya fan fiction. I hope you guys like this filler, I'll show what Desiraye looks like. I want it to be a surprise but if you can guess her then I love you guys! Have a great day everyone, stay sober my friends. Don't drop the  soap!

~xoxo Kayley

P.S. 1234 words my lovers, I'm so proud of myself. Ha!

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