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It was now second period, my personal favorite class. First period I met my teacher, sat by Desiraye, talked to Desiraye, and got homework...on my first day, yayy! Sarcasm intended. As I walked in I saw that brunette from earlier, Riley I think it was. I mentally roll my eyes and take a seat I'm the front and I hear familiar heels clicking, I smile knowing it's Desiraye as I hear the chair next to me move to the side and her sit in it.

"Hey Dessy." I smile at her nickname, a small blush appears.

"Hey." She says.

"So, how you liking school so f-"

"Oh look, it's the ugly blonde bitch. Oh, is that your girlfriend?" I hear.

"Why does it matter if she was? Your lesbian too." Dessy says. Why did that catch my attention?

"So, at least I pull girls." The brunette says shrugging.

"For a one night stand." She states, I giggle at her.

"What?" Riley snarls. Desiraye stands up making me grab her arm.

"Okay ladies, let's calm down. Today I want you guys to draw something that resembles you." The art teacher says, I smile and grab a wooden pencil. I start to draw lightly so I could go over it.

I wasn't finished but the lady looked over my shoulder, "I like that Maya." she says. I smile at her.

"What does this resemble?" They brunette haired lady says.

"Well Mrs.Fields-Dilerentis (LucayaBird because I love you) it's a bed." Riley states.

"Um, why is that something that resembles you?" The tan lady asks.

"Simply because she's a slut." Desiraye states.

"Desiraye." Mrs. Fields-Dilerentis gasps.

"No, have you seen her outfit?" I ask, Riley glares at me. Why do I feel like something is going to happen?

"Okay, go back to drawing." She says, I glance at Desiraye's drawing. It was a rose with thornes. I smile at her drawing, it had so much detail.

"Maya, it's rude to stare." Desiraye says not taking her eyes off the drawing. I blush and go back to my drawing.

"So, I'll see you in lunch?" She says, I nod. She hugs me and walks off. I put in my combination and open my locker putting all my things in there. As soon as I shut it I come face to face with Riley.

"Hi." She smiles, I raise a eyebrow.

"Hey?" I ask more than say.

"That was quite a show you put on." She smirks, I take a step back.

"Um, what are you talking about?" I ask.

"Oh you know." She says putting one hand on my waist.

"No, but stop touching me please." I say nicely.

"Maya, I get what I want." She says pushing me into the lockers again.

"And what I want. Is. You." She smiles placing her legs in between mine biting her lip. I push her off only to be smacked in the face.

"Maya we can do this the easy way,or the hard way." She says, I run to the cafeteria but not without hearing Riley shout "The hard way it is.". What the hell does that even mean.

So, I added some Emison because they fucking slay. Did anyone get the update in Wattpad? I did and I like it so much❤❤. Anyway, I love everyone so much and I'm sorry it's short. I'm making a Sofbrina story by the way and hope you guys check it out. Before you ask, no there will not be Reyton. I don't allow that, no offense to all y'all who ship them but you know, my story my rules. Sadly only 661 words, I apologize for that but it's just a filler. Basically Riley is seducing Maya if you don't get that but, its not working. I'm going to do a recap in the beginning of every chapter for now on. Love you all ❤. Stay legal and don't drop the soap my friends.

~xoxo Kayley

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