Bone girl

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Name: bone girl
Talent:lil ultimate Sketcher
Appearance: bone  girl had two blue eyes before they were stitched with blue buttons during her sleep.same goes for her mouth by her father.she wears a lady bone demon outfit,she has black hair and a white horn headband with a blue flower crown. A mist like aura surrounding her.
Before Personality: bone girl was once a warm, cheerful, upbeat, and outgoing girl who is friendly and welcoming towards everyone she meets, trying to make friends with everybody and include them in her activities. She could be be quite air-headed and forgetful, relying on the memory trick of writing peoples' names three times on her hand in order to remember them - a trick she also taught to her brother,Akon. Due to being quite air-headed she can be easily manipulated by others and jump to conclusions or take them at face value, often being one of the few to fall for killers' tricks and misdirection during Class Trials. Bone girl was extremely athletic person and considers it an absolutely fundamental part of herself, using it as an important coping mechanism in her daily life and feeling like she "might die" if she can't exercise. Although Bone girl is a star demon hunter champion in the bone girl is insecure that being athletic, which is seen as quite a masculine activity, makes her undesirable to others and might lead to her never finding love. She's also concerned that her extreme sweet tooth, particularly her love of eating donuts, is going to make her fat.

Her positive attitude is truly challenged by the events of the demon hunting, and it fundamentally changes her outlook on the world and her relationships. She is extremely loyal to her friends to such a degree that when they are harmed it shatters her ability to emotionally cope. She very nearly falls into despair during the events of the Killing Life, as the emotional snowball of the continuous deaths compounded her sadness exponentially, crying alone in her room in the evenings and frequently comfort eating. This came to a breaking point after the death of Macey, where she felt so hopeless that she was willing to get herself and the other survivors killed to avenge the death of her closest friend who had been shunned by the rest of the group. It took the support of her other classmates and learning that Sakura had sacrificed herself to try and save the others for path to recovery to begin.

Bone girl very quickly gravitated towards Macey as a fellow Partner in crime, and the two formed a very strong bond, spending the majority of their free time together and becoming very protective towards each other. She also became extremely close to Okami, whose ability as the lil ultimate shooter was vital in her path to recovery both during the Killing Life and when she was emotionally tested once more by being thrown into the Final Killing. Bone girl was very effected by okami's strong and unwavering belief in the power of despair and Death, and in her darkest moments during both the Killing Life and Killing Game she was able to bring her back from the brink and believe that the future was worth living for to honor the memory of the friends they lost along the way.
After: bone girl has an incredible talent for anything seen as creative, such as drawing, painting and sculpting. But mostly sketching.She is also shown to be quiet, shy and scatter-brained. The official artbook describes her as "curious, crafty, and fascinated by dark and disturbing things".

Bone girl is acknowledged by both herself and those around her for being hated, and he seems content with that fact. She has a tendency to blame herself for things that have nothing to do with her, as well as repeatedly apologizing and putting herself down. She believes that his face is horribly ugly and she panics if anyone wants to see it, claiming that seeing her face would make people's eyeballs explode.

Bone girls thoughts are disorganized and off-topic, some being innocent and some not, and she often has difficulties following conversations. She is shown to have some sort of mental or emotional instability, which becomes evident when she lapses into her episodes of rambling. She describes these ramblings as "yawns", things that come out of her mouth involuntarily and nobody can understand them, not even her.she calls them just "killing of time" and "distraction from the horrors around you".

Bone girls presence is often largely ignored, though she states later to Komaru and Toko that being ignored is something that she doesn't like. After Taiyo Shingetsu becomes impatient during her introduction and interrupts her,bone girl becomes visibly distraught and mumbles how her skin was 'beginning to crawl and itch' and how she wished to 'tear it all off.'

Despite the constant self-deprecation, Jataro is self-described as being a cheerful kid (though she admits that he may not understand what "cheerful" means), helpful to her friends and willing to comply with whatever they ask of her while remaining relatively upbeat.

It's later revealed that bone girl's acceptance of hate is a coping mechanism she developed against the constant abuse in her home life. She also believes that it's easier to be hated, because it leaves her free to do what she wants without worrying about pleasing people.
Song that fits her: I will make you proud.
Lyrics: Maybe I make things a mess
And maybe you're right to have doubts in me
Maybe, but nevertheless
If you for once could just trust me
Just this once let me come through for you
The way that you want me to
Let me make you proud
Let me show you the best in me
Let me give you a reason to believe that I can stand tall
And when I return
And I'm more than you dreamt I'd be
Maybe then you will realize
That you never actually knew me at all
Sure, I've made lots of mistakes
I know that I've disappointed you
Still, though, whatever it takes
I'm gonna fix it, just watch me
Just you wait, I'll make it up to you
If it's the last thing I ever do
I will make you proud
I will make you have faith in me
I will prove that the way I used to be is all in the past
I will save the day
And come back here triumphantly
'Cause I long for that look of surprise
When you see your son rising at last
The pride in your eyes
When you see your son rising at last

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