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Brother: melphis the dark
Unlike most of the villains in the Sonic series, who are driven by a lust for power or revenge, Karui (according to Shadow) only seems to crave nothing more or less than violence and destruction. She is portrayed as a heartless, malevolent, and ruthless sadist with no sense of compassion or empathy, and would do anything to accomplish her goals, even if it means taking innocent lives. Karui happens to take great pleasure and delight in hurting others and has been shown to have a very warped and twisted sense of humor, making her a very remorseless and unsympathetic being. For example, she made it her sole mission to cause pain to Elise throughout the entire course of the game, and even broke out into a maniacal laughter after ending Sonic's life. This is also seen when he maliciously taunts Omega by telling him he would be reprogrammed to capture Shadow. Karui is also highly intelligent, persuasive, deceitful, and manipulative, capable of using and manipulating people to further her evil plans. This is shown when she preyed upon Shōrai's frustration and desire to save the world, by deceiving her into thinking that Sabrina was responsible for the devastation of her future, knowing that killing Sabrina would have done the exact opposite of what Shōrai was trying to achieve. In addition, herintelligence was such that she could craft fallback plans in case her initial plans did not work. This was especially evident in the Last Story, where Karui proceeded to kill Sabrina, after Shōrai evidently stopped trying to kill Sabrina.

Perhaps what is most unsettling about her is that he is completely calm, emotionless, patient, and falsely affable, all of which especially helps out with his manipulative nature. She is not known to lose her temper or even raise her voice, even when angered, injured, or even when in imminent danger. While not known to lose his temper, she can get enraged, shown when Kage outright refused to join her destructive goals for the second time, but even then, did not lose her patience completely.

Karui also has misanthropic and even nihilistic tendencies, as evidenced in her final fight against Kage, where she  asked why Kage even bothers fighting at all, and why Kage even bothers defending humanity when they will inevitably persecute her later. However, it seems that she has some manners, as she bowed to Kage after taking her form, though this was most likely done as a mocking gesture than actual politeness.

Karui demonstrated some fortitude, such as when she willingly let Omega beat her into submission and even laughed sadistically when the latter intensified in her attacks after she implied Omega's role in sealing away Kage in the future.

Karui showed limited interest in people, taking particular interest in Shadow, Silver, Omega and Sonic, the latter only because she needed to kill him. Karui  is shown to hold a particular hatred for Kage since it was she who sealed her in the Scepter of Darkness. This being said, Karui  did not acknowledge Rouge, Blaze or Elise (the former two is likely because they had little usefulness in his plans), individuals she had come in contact with or had been aware of, while the rest of the game's cast did not know of her just as much as she did them.

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