Ghosts Aren't Real! (Band)

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Requested by wafflestealer55

The men all smiled as they sat in their shared room in the tour bus. "Hey, what should we do?" Ray asked.

"I don't know," Gerard replied. "Anyone got any ideas?"

A moment of silence went by before Frank smiled. "I have an idea!" He hopped off his bed, turning off the lights in their room, then turning on his phone flashlight. He put it on the lowest setting so they could barely see.

"What're you thinking?" Mikey asked.

"Let's tell scary stories," Frank said with a slight smirk.

Ray chuckled. "Yeah, sounds like fun."

"I don't know about this, guys. I heard bad things happen when people tell ghost stories late at night," Mikey said cautiously.

"What kind of ghost stories have you been reading, Mikey?" Gerard asked, looking above him to where his brother was sitting.

"Nothing, I've just seen rumors online. Lots of people believe that stuff, you know..."

"Well, I don't," Frank reassured. "It's all a bunch of baloney. Ghosts aren't real!"

A long, slow creak rang out through the bus.

"What was that?" Ray asked.

"You jinxed us, Frank!" Mikey exclaimed, jumping down from his bunk to sit beside Gerard.

"Hey, it'll be alright Mikey. Frank didn't jinx us, it was just a creak. The bus is probably an older model or something," Gerard reassured his younger brother.

"You guys are a bunch of wimps," Frank said with a sigh.

"We should turn the lights back on, I think. For Mikey's sake," Ray suggested, hopping down from his bunk as well.

"Hey, no fun!" Frank exclaimed with a pout.

Ray walked over to the light switch, flicking it up. The click was heard by everybody, yet nobody saw the lights come on. Instead, darkness continued to consume the room.

"Is it broken?" Gerard asked. "Maybe the lightbulbs blew or something."

"All of them at once?" Ray asked skeptically.

"Ah, you're just messing with us." Frank walked over and flicked the light switch a few times before he frowned.

"Is the whole bus out of power?" Gerard reasoned. "Maybe something happened."

"I don't know, but I'm gonna stay right here. No otherworldly things are gonna get me," Mikey said, huddling a bit closer to his brother.

"Frank, why don't you and Ray go see if you can't find out what's going on, alright?" Gerard said.

Frank sighed. "Fine, come on Ray."

Frank and Ray left the bedroom, moving through the dark bus with nothing but their phones to light their way. Ray looked out the window to see that they were still moving down the highway. "That's weird," he pointed out. "We're still moving."

"Maybe the driver just thought we turned off all the lights on purpose," Frank replied.

The two men moved through the bus and up to the front seat. Frank motioned Ray to go first, but Ray silently declined. Frank insisted, but Ray shook his head once more, giving Frank a harsh look. Frank rolled his eyes and took in a deep breath before pulling back the curtain to find...


Gerard pulled Mikey into a hug. "It'll be alright Mikey. I'm sure it's nothing."

"But what if it is? I've heard a lot of stories about spirits coming back to haunt people."

"And what do the stories say?"

"The spirits come back and move things and make the power go weird and sometimes even poses people!"

Gerard couldn't help but chuckle at Mikey's fantasies. "It's all trash. The people make it up to get famous."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive," Gerard stated with confidence.

Mikey sighed, leaning his head on his brother's shoulder. Gerard reciprocated, leaning his head on Mikey's. After a few moments of eerie silence, they heard another long creak, this time louder than before. The brothers perked up, Gerard looking around. "Ray? Frank?" He called out. "Is that you guys?"

No answer.

"This isn't funny, you guys," Gerard asserted. "I'll have your heads for this, especially you, Frank!"

Once more, silence filled the room. Gerard stood, turning on his phone to look around in the dark room. "Show yourself!" He commanded.

A chuckle rang out, sending shivers through Mikey's spine. He curled up on Gerard's bed, against the wall. "Gerard..."

Gerard silently shushed his little brother. "Who's there?" He said.

Another devious chuckle rang out and this time Gerard felt tingling, as if a million bugs were trying to crawl up his back. He shivered and squirmed, feeling a cold breeze on his neck. "Mikey," he said, trying to hide his panic. "Is there something behind me?"

"N-No," Mikey stuttered. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Gerard reassured him once more. "Just wanted to make sure."

"What is it, Gerard?"

"I don't know."

Suddenly, Mikey yelped and scrambled from his spot, falling off the bed and onto the floor. Gerard rushed to his side. "Whoa, what happened?!" He exclaimed as he helped his brother to his feet.

"I moved my hand and felt something warm and sticky underneath it!" Mikey said, panicking a bit.

Gerard and Mikey stood back to back, each equipped with a phone to see a bit better in the darkness.

"Whoever is here, we don't mean you any harm!" Gerard said, panicking. "Who are you and why are you doing this?!"

Another evil chuckle rang out before Mikey fell to the floor, unconscious. Gerard was beside him in an instant, trying to wake him up again. That's when he fell unconscious as well, both men laying on the floor in a heap.


Frank rolled his eyes at Ray, then took in a deep breath before pulling back the curtain to find...

There was no driver.

Frank let out a scream, jumping back. Ray peeked in, only to be sickened by the sight. However, he swallows hard and sat in the driver's seat, slowing the bus down. He put on the four ways and made an emergency stop on the highway. The two boys looked at one another, both terrified by what they'd just saw.

"How was that happening and where the heck is our driver?!" Frank asked in desperation.

"I don't know," Ray replied. "But it seems like you're starting to believe after all," he teased smugly.

"Now is not the time!" Frank growled frustratedly. "What should we do?!"

"We should go tell the others and we'll figure out what to do from there," Ray said levelheadedly. "Calm down."

"Calm down?!" Frank all but yelled. "Calm down?! How can I be calm when the power won't work, we're split up, and the bus was driving itself?! If anything, we should be running for our lives and calling someone else to pick us up!"

"Frank, you're losing it. It's the middle of the night and there's nothing wrong with the bus, besides the electric. I don't think anybody is going to pick us up because of a ghost story."

"I feel like I'm in a horror movie..." Frank collapsed in the seat beside Ray. "We're all going to die, aren't we? Cause that's what happens in horror movies, Ray!"

"I said calm down. We'll go back and figure out a plan together. Come on."

Ray and Frank made their way back to the bedroom, only to find Gerard and Mikey on the ground. They looked to one another, horrified, then rushed to their side. "Mikey! Gerard!" Frank exclaimed. "Wake up!" He gently slapped their faces to pull them back to reality.

Another evil laugh rang out, then Ray screamed. His phone fell to the floor as he was consumed in the darkness. Frank scrambled after him, but couldn't find him anywhere. "Ray?!" He swore beneath his breath, looking around. Gerard and Mikey were motionless in the ground. "Ray, this isn't funny!" Frank called out nervously.

"You think... Ray orchestrated this?" A demonic voice rang out. "Oh, no, no, no... You've got it all wrong."

"Who are you?! Where's Ray?! What have you done to him?!"

"Nothing... yet," the voice chuckled. "Would you like to hear him?"

"Where is he?!"

The voice went silent. After a moment, Ray's voice echoed through the bus. "Frank! Help!"

"Ray?! Where are you?!" Frank pivoted, trying to locate the source.

"I-I don't know! They have me blindfolded and tied up!"

"Who?! Who does?!"

"I don't know!" Ray screamed in fear. "Help!!!"

"That's it, I'm calling the cops..." Frank muttered, opening the phone app.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Frank. I could just as easily kill your friend."

"No, don't!" Frank pleaded. "What do I have to do?! What do you want from me?!"

"I want you, Frank. We all want you."

"Want me?! What?!"

"Come and find us, Frank."

"Where are you?" Frank asked, but the voice went silent once more. He frowned, looking around frantically for Ray and the voice. He moved from the bedroom and through the rest of the bus, even checking back in the driver's seat. He found them to still be stopped on highway, which eased him a bit, but not much.

Eventually, Frank made his way back into the bedroom, feeling hopeless. He decided he would try to wake Gerard and Mikey to figure out what was going on. However, upon entering the bedroom, he found them to be gone. "Gerard?! Mikey?!" Frank called out, panic welling up inside him once more. He swore under his breath. "What have you done with them?!"

A maniacal laugh rang out. "They're all mine now."

"What do you want from me?!" Frank cried out in desperation.

Suddenly, the lights flickered back on. Frank looked around, confused. "An autograph," rang out a voice from behind him. He jumped, turning around and backing up a bit. He found about four teenagers standing before him.

"W... What?" Was all he could muster.

"You asked what we wanted from you," a girl chimed in.

Frank was in disbelief. "What? You did all this?"

"Yep!" A boy proudly stated.


"We had a little help," said another girl. "But first, let us introduce ourselves. I'm Madison, this is Abbi, Josh, and Tyler."

Frank blinked a few times before looking around the bus. "Where's Gerard, Ray, and Mikey?"

"Don't worry, they're safe. Come with us, we'll explain it all," Madison said. They led Frank out of the tour bus, where the bus was parked on a green screen.

"Whoa..." Frank said in awe. "But how'd you make it-"

"We'll get to that," Tyler stated.

"Frank!" Gerard called out. Frank turned to find the three band members and the bus driver behind him, smiling brightly. He became confused once more.

"Alright," Josh said with a smile. "So, we wanted to meet you all because we're all huge fans. Your band has shown us that life is worth living, and because of that, we've gone on to accomplish great things."

"Aw, that was probably mostly-"

"No, it was all of you," Abbi said. "Without you, the band wouldn't be the same.

"Without you, there might not be a band," Madison added.

Gerard, Mikey, and Ray were all beside Frank now, smiling. "Go ahead, guys. Tell us more," Gerard encouraged. "How'd you orchestrate all this on your own?"

"Funny story..." Abbi said. "We had VIP passes to your concert once, which is where we all met. While we were waiting with you, we ended up sharing stories and really bonding over your music and our own past experiences."

"But time went on and nobody ended up coming to see us," Tyler said.

"We waited for about an hour before a stage manager came into the room. He told us we couldn't be there," Josh continued.

"We explained to him why we were there and showed him our passes. He got confused and said there wasn't a VIP thing scheduled. He led us down the hall and outside to where your bus was. We all kind of stopped and stared, wondering what was going to happen next. He manager entered your bus, only to come back with your driver," Madison said.

Tyler took over speaking as the band listened intently. "Your driver told us all of you were sleeping and we couldn't see you that night. Well, we were all flying back to our homes the next morning, so we knew it was hopeless. We didn't think we'd ever get to meet you."

"But then, your driver told us we could exchange the passes for anything we wanted. We decided on a meet and greet, but on our terms." Josh spoke with excitement. "So here we are."

"All of us played a huge role in this project. Josh worked on the green screen and effects, Madison worked on the electricity, I did sound, and Tyler was our voice actor," Abbi said eagerly.

"That's... amazing," Gerard said with a smile. "We really bought it."

"Especially Frank," Ray teased.

"I have to admit, I was terrified," Frank said.

"Petrified, even," Mikey pointed out with a slight chuckle.

"We're really glad you guys liked it," Madison said with a slight blush. "You're our idols."

"I can't believe this happened!" Abbi exclaimed, looking like she was about to burst.

Josh and Tyler chuckled at the girls.

"We'd be happy to see everything and sign whatever you like," Gerard said with a smile.

"Yeah, you guys deserve it for scaring the pants off Frank," Ray laughed.

"You guys really do deserve it," Frank said with sincerity. "That was literally the most terrifying experience of my life."

Everyone laughed, even Frank.

And that was the most terrifying experience My Chemical Romance ever had with a group of fans.

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