Welcome to The Black Parade

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This one is slightly different, but I found this dress on Pinterest and it reminded me of the band's outfits during The Black Parade era. I kinda had to write about it! I hope you enjoy this (very) short blurb about it.

She opened her eyes to find herself in the middle of the street. Confused, she looked down to find herself in a dress, one that was mostly white with a black skirt. It resembled something of a uniform.

As she looked up, she froze. A parade float was coming down the street, straight for her. Behind the float was hundreds, perhaps thousands of people. Everyone had a mask and some sort of black clothing on. There were five men on the float, but they didn't wear masks. They wore uniforms similar to the style of her dress, and were playing grand music. The lead singer was singing a triumphant tune about carrying on as the float moved closer to her.

The song ended and the parade stopped just 10 yards away. She couldn't see the emotions of the band on the float, but they all walked to the front of the float to look at her. She nervously watched them, confused and terrified. Then, the man who'd been singing just moments ago moved from the float and onto the street. He walked toward her, as if in slow motion. She feared his arrival, not sure of what would happen next.

The man was tall with blonde hair, and he towered over her a bit. She trembled with fear as he took her hand, but their gaze met. "Join the black parade..." he whispered to her softly.

He led her up the street and to the parade float. He gently lifted her onto the float, then climbed on himself. The other men returned to their positions, playing somber parade music. The singer turned to her, taking her hands in his once more. "This is the black parade," he explained. "The parade of the dead."

She gazed up at him, her eyes filled with fear.

"Don't be afraid, my love. You're in a better place now." He leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on her lips.

She glanced down to her dress, finding all the white fading to black. She shifted back up to his eyes, looking for answers.

"You're one of us now," he whispered.

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