CHOICE 10 - Alive

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Abandoned house...

Third Person's POV

Dabi and Todoroki both ran towards Midoriya but Dabi was faster. Dabi quickly put out his flame and swiftly picked up unconscious Midoriya.

Todoroki gritted his teeth,frustrated after failing to get Midoriya back.

Dabi stared at Midoriya in regret and worry. Her body was fulled of burned mark. 'No! What have I done?!' Dabi cursed to himself in madness. His grips became stronger as he was too caught in his emotion. "Izuku..." He muttered her name under his breath.

'Dammit, how can I save her if that villain is holding her?' Todoroki questioned himself in panic. He really wanted to save Midoriya but she was in Dabi's embrace.

Both males were very desperated to save the female from death.

Dabi's POV


I stared at Izuku in sadness and rage. I gripped her tighter. Her body was fulled of burnt marks that.

Why...why did I hurt her...?
I love one...
Just like how that bastard did to her...

Dammit! I didn't want to be a scumbag like him! Dammit all!

I slowly got up with my face clouded with anger and sadness. "Let Midoriya go!" That kid hollered at me. His left side started letting out flame.

"You better leave, Shouto Todoroki. Don't make me kill you,kid." I warned him with my voice became huskier.

I wouldn't kill him...
Because it would make Izuku sad...

I stared at the mismatch-haired boy. I was trying to figure out how could I ran away from him. If only my phone was here,I could just call Portal Dude but I left it at the base.

"I won't leave until I get Midoriya back!" He readied himself in fighting stance again. "Tch. You leave me no choice,then." I was about to charge a blast of flame when my eyes suddenly caught a female figure with blonde hair behind that kid.


I called off my intention and let her do her job. Toga smiled at me while giggling happily in silent. She took out her knives and stabbed both Todoroki's shoulders.

"What the...?!" He groaned in immense pain. He kneeled down and let out groans of unspeakable pains.

"Hehehe! I won!" Toga giggled in happiness, happy to see him groaning in pain. "Toga, let's go." I told her.

"Ehhh!!! But I wanna see more of his blood!!" She pouted. "Can you just freaking listen to me once?! We're in trouble here!" I hollered at her in annoyance.

Toga tilted her head but her eyes went wide when she saw Izuku in my arms. She 'ooo'ed to me and nodded.

Todoroki raised his head slightly while fighting the pains he was enduring. "Give...Midoriya...back..." He tried to stand up but failed and then fell on his knees again.

Me and Toga ran from the scene as fast as we could, going back to the base.

Todoroki's POV


I couldn't chase after them because of my shoulders. It felt so painful.

What should I do?

I had to go back to the dorm now and inform them! I tried to stand up again with all strength and energy that had left and walked back to the dorm while groaning in pain.


At the dorm...

Third Person's POV

Everyone in the dorm was shocked to see a bleeding Todoroki walking into the buildings. He dropped on his knees as he felt too weak and exhausted to walk. "Todoroki-kun!" Iida rushed to help him.

"Just what in the world happened to you?!" Iida asked him in panic and worry. His eyes fulled of concern. Although Todoroki had done something unforgivable but he still cared for his classmates since he was a class representive.

"Someone called Aizawa-sensei!" Iida ordered in serious tone. Yaoyorozu nodded and went to get Aizawa.

Everybody surrounded the two in curiousity. "Mi...Midoriya..." Todoroki muttered under his breath. Both boys and girls were surprised to hear him saying his ex-girlfriend's name.

"League of the one that take her away..." Todoroki gritted his teeth, feeling very frustrated after failing to rescue her.

"Todoroki!" Aizawa finally arrived at the scene. He kneeled down and checked his injuries. "This is bad. We've to get you to the old lady!" Aizawa took out his phone and dialed Recovery Girl's number.

Everyone looked very worried and surprised. A few moments passed and two robots with stretcher came and carefully placed the injured Todoroki on it. They brought him to Recovery Girl.

The students stared at the robots and Todoroki leaving the compound. Aizawa sighed while scratching his head.

"You guys better explain to me,in details." Aizawa crossed his arms in his chest with demanding look while glaring at his students.


Villains' Hideout...

Dabi's POV

I patiently waited for Izuku who was treated by that old man,a doctor and a good friend of Faceless Bossy Dude.

She was treated in that room, the room with metal door where Handsman forbidded us to enter without his permission.

All villains were at the first floor, well except for Spinner. Wonder what happened to him actually.

The metal door crick opened, revealing an old man in long white coat. I quickly stood up, eagerly waiting for his answer. "How is she, Doctor?" Handsman asked him unenthusiastically.

Please...don't die, Izuku.
Don't ever leave me...

"Well, she is more than fine now. Just need some rest and sleep." He replied. His answer made me sighed in relief. "It's a mere luck that you guys brought her here before that thing inside her goes berserk...." He muttered.

All villains stared at him in confusion. Handsman shrugged and then chuckled. "Who cares after all? It's better if that thing take control over her. It will make our jobs easier, Doctor." Handsman smirked cynically.

That thing...? What the heck they were talking about...?

"Easy for you to say,kid. Once you see it for yourself, you'll piss your pants." Doctor shook his head, not agreeing with his stupid statement.

Handsman huffed in annoyance and turned his head. He rested his chin against his palm. "It's okay to see her now?" I asked Doctor and he nodded in response. "Go on." He stepped away from the door to allow more space for me to enter.

I nodded to him and walked into the room. I saw Izuku who was sleeping soundly on the bed. I walked closer to her. "I will leave you both alone then." Doctor said and shut the door close.

I stared at Izuku's beautiful sleeping face. I smiled slightly.

Thanks goodness she didn't have any burned mark or permanent scar.

I held her hand and kissed it affectionately. "Izuku..." I called her name with gentle voice.

I'm sorry...for hurting you...

Izuku's sleeping face suddenly was replaced with expressions fulled of pains and fears. She looked like she was having a nightmare.

"Izuku...?" I called her out again with voice fulled of concern "N-No..." She mumbled in her sleep. "Stop...don't hurt me..." She pleaded in her sleep and I saw tears seeped a bit from her closed eyes.

My heart beat faster as I heard she said that. Just what kind of dream she was having...?

" me..." Izuku mumbled again but this time, her words shocked me.

Did she just...say my name?

"Izuku, I'm here. Don't worry..." I whispered into her ear softly. I suddenly felt a slight movement in my hand. I raised my head and saw Izuku slowly opened her eyes.

"Dabi...?" She uttered my name in low voice. A happy smile tugged on my purple lips. "Dabi, why are you crying...?" Izuku asked me confusedly.

What? Was I crying?

Izuku slowly reached out her right hand and cupped my cheeks. She wiped off the tears that trickled on my cheeks. "Don't...cry..." She muttered and tried to manage a kind smile on her face. Ib
was moved by her kind and gentle action.

You said you hate me, you wouldn't love me...yet you showed affection to me, Izuku...that would only make me fall in love with you more and more...

I held her right hand and nuzzled on it slightly. I was very glad and happy she was alived.

I didn't care if she rejected me and wouldn't accept me now. Because I'll strive harder and do my best...

To make her falls in love with me...


AN- Oh guys!!! I'm sorry for not updating soon! Anyway, guys!! I really, really love this chapter!!! Especially the last part!!! Kyaaa!!! And guys thanks for the 100 followers and 2 thousands viewss!!! I loveeeeeee you guys so much!😘😘😘

*fangirling over her own book XD*

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