CHOICE 11 - My Savior

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Unknown place...

Midoriya's POV I...?

I remembered...Jumping in front of Todoroki-kun to save him from Dabi's flames. And then everything just

And now...all of sudden, this pitch black space changed into a scenery of a room, a room fulled of chemical substances,drugs, experimental stuffs and beds and a vital chamber...

I felt like my body was tied to something and turned out, I was tied to the experimental bed!

I struggled, trying to release this body I was in from the restraints. As I was struggling, I noticed that my hands were smaller and my legs were shorter and I wore a green little girl gown. I looked like...

A six year-old girl?

All of sudden, the door of this room crick opened, revealing man in a suit and an old man in long white coat. "Looks like she is awaken from her sleep." The old man grinned at me. The man in suit chuckled proudly.

"This is very surprising. For a young child to bear such a burden...she is a fantastic one, if I said." He smiled creepily at me, sending shivers down to my spines. I wanted to talk but my voice wouldn't come out.

The man in suit approached me and stroked my hair. "Don't worry,little one. Soon, you'll be fully complete and become the ultimate key for our success..." He spoke up in husky voice, making me shook in fear.

I only stayed quiet, I didn't know why but I felt emotionless.

Out of blue, the stuffs in this room started floating in the air. The two adults looked shock all of sudden.

As for me...The restraint on the bed started to loosen, releasing me from it. I floated in the air too. The tips of my curly hair started floating too.

"This is...! It can't be! How can it function so fas–" Without the old man finishing his words, a bed was thrown towards him with powerful force, sending him flying out of the room. The only ones who remained in this room  was me...and the man in suit.

"My,my. I can't believe you are this stro–" This time, not only the bed was threw on him, but even the chemical substances, drugs and the experimental stuffs were thrown at him too but he managed to avoid them.

"AAAAHHHHH!!!!" This body I was in suddenly let out a high-pitched scream yet her voice sounded childish. I couldn't control this body anymore and it was moving on its own!

And I realized this body was the one throwing those stuffs at the two grown-up!

The scenery suddenly changed again and I was back in the pitch black space again!

I looked at my body and thanks goodness, I returned to my original shape; a body of 16 year-old girl.

All of sudden, I felt shivers all over my body. I turned around and saw that man in suit,again! He walked closer and closer to me.

My body shivered in extreme fear as I stepped back whenever he got closer to me. "N-No..." I mumbled and my voice finally came out again.

"No, step back!" I hollered at him as I stumbled back. I fell on the floor. That man suddenly gripped the collar of my shirt and he glared at me deadly.

"Stop...don't hurt me..." I cried out as tears streamed down fastly from my eyes. I struggled under his firm grips with all my might and I managed to free myself!

As soon as I was freed from him, I ran away as fast as I could. I kept running and running...

But this pitch black darkness was endless! I kept running bt there was no door or anything! Only darkness...

Tears flowed down faster as I was too desperate to leave this place. I suddenly felt warmth enveloped my body.

This couldn't be...


More tears fell from my jade eyes as the thoughts of Dabi came into my mind. " me..." I spoke up in croaky voice. I dropped on my knees in sadness and fear, hoping for help to come. I covered my face and cried out loudly in this lonely, frightening endless darkness

All of sudden, I felt a strong grip on my wrists,pulling me up to help me stood up. I opened my eyes and was surprised to see Dabi, smiling reassuringly at me.

"Izuku,I'm here. Don't worry." He whispered into my ear softly. Tears streamed down faster and faster. I hugged him tightly.

Out of nowhere, light appeared, blinding my eyes for a few seconds...


In a room...

Midoriya's POV

The light suddenly disappeared and the scenery was replaced with a white room when I opened my eyes.

Ehh...? I could move my body?

I felt like I had gained control over my body again and to make sure I was right, I moved my right hand slightly.

I heard soft sobbings coming from my right side. I turned my head and saw...

"Dabi...?" I called his name in a very low voice. Dabi raised up his head, with a happy smile tugged on his lips.

I noticed tears trickled on his cheeks. "Dabi, why are you crying...?" I asked him. I reached out my right hand to his face and wiped off the tears that trickled on his cheeks. "Don't...cry..." I uttered and tried to smile at him, even if it was only a small smile.

Dabi looked like he was going to cry again. He held my right hand and nuzzled on it slightly. "I-Izuku..." He called me out in relief.

"Dabi...where are we? W-" Before I could finish my sentence, I started coughing all of sudden. "In the recovery room." He said while stroking my hair gently. Dabi stared at me and his expresssion suddenly changed from happy to guilty.

"Izuku,I'm sorry...I-I...I hurt you..." He apologized while looking down, regretting his reckless action. I smiled at him kindly even though he couldn't see it.

"Dabi,it's okay...After all,you save me, Dabi..." As I uttered those words, tears fell from my eyes when I recalled the weird dream that I saw.

If not because of Dabi, I might be trapped in that dream...forever...

"You' savior, Dabi..." I told him with a grateful smile tugged on my lips.

Dabi's POV

"You' savior, Dabi..." Izuku uttered those words specially for me. I didn't know what did she mean but I was glad she forgave me.

I smiled at Izuku warmly, my one and only reason to live. I stood up and got closer to her face. "Izuku..." I said her name. Izuku only hummed im response while gazing into my navy blue eyes.

Dabi, don't do it...
But I want to do it...

I really,really wanted to kiss her but I was afraid I would make her hate me again, for doing it without her consent.

Screw it!

I had made my decision. I didn't care what kind of consequence would come, but I would still kiss her! I just had to!

I was too desperate...

I got closer to her face until our lips almost touched but unfortunately...

"Izuku-chan!!!!" Toga had to ambush into the room!

I quickly distanced myself from Izuku. Toga ran towards us like a little kid. She smiled widely when she saw Izuku. "Oh, thank goodness you're awake!!!" She squealed in excitement.

Izuku smiled weakly at her. "Sorry...for worrying you...Himiko-chan..." Izuku mumbled.

I glared at Toga who was chatting with Izuku leisurely. I was really mad because she interrupted my moments with Izuku!

I huffed in annoyance while staring at the two girls talking to each other.

But I was glad though...
If Toga didn't come in...
And I kissed Izuku...
It might be a bad turn of events...

I stared at Toga who was giggling maniacally and Izuku who only chuckled awkwardly at Toga's sadistic joke. I smiled slightly.

Only this time, I thanked you, Crazy Girl...


AN-Owowow guys!!!! Thanks for the 3k views!!! Ahh!! I'm so happy!! And sorry for the late update! I hope you guys aren't dying waiting for my update! (I don't think you guys are dying cuz my story isn't that great.)

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