CHOICE 23 - Voice

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On the way to abandoned House...

Midoriya's POV

My body felt so cold just now but fortunately, Dabi's embrace warmed my cold body a bit.

I opened my eyes slightly and saw Dabi with seriousness filled his sapphire blue orbs. He was running so fastly while carrying my weak body. How can I repay his good deeds?

He is so kind and caring... I thought he betrayed me too...

My choice to love him, to accept him in my life and opening my heart for a second chance to love someone again... Wasn't a mistake...

I smiled warmly at Dabi or should I say, Touya. I honestly wanted to call him Touya but since we were still in the hideout, I canceled my intention. But now we had escaped...

"Touya..." I muttered his real name softly, a smile of relief escaped my lips. Touya suddenly stopped his paces which caught me off guard. "We're here." He said, a small smile cracked on his features. Doctor opened the door and we all entered it. Touya walked to a certain door and Doctor only tailed him from behind. He spinned the doorknob and we all walked into it.

It's a bedroom...

Touya carefully put me down on the old bed, helping me positioned myself a bit. I took a deep breath before exhaling it, feeling my breathings became much more stable now.

"Thanks, Touya." I thanked my lover. He smiled at me warmly, ruffling my hair affectionately. Doctor suddenly coughed. "Sorry to cut off your romantic moment but we have to think of what we should do next..." He reminded us.

My face flushed red, same as Touya. We totally forgot Doctor was here with us too. "Before that, Midoriya. I just wanna say... Please don't use that Quirk anymore." Doctor's words really confused me.

I had been asking myself... Why did they get very worried every time I used that Quirk?

"But why...?" I asked Doctor, desperatedly demanded for an answer. He gritted his teeth and then turned to look at Touya. Touya gulped and he hesitantly nodded to him, sort of permitting him to say it.

"Midoriya, you aren't really a human... Well, at least for now you are still a human..." Doctor uttered, totally put me in shocking state. "W-What? What are you saying?! I-I'm not a human?!" I asked him in extreme shock. "Answer me, Doctor!" I yelled at him, feeling very annoyed and impatient since he only remained silent. My voice became huskier and darker.

"ANSWER ME!" I yelled at him louder, causing the house to start vibrating strongly. I could feel my eyes glowed light green just now and the tips of my hair started levitating in the air. Doctor and Touya gasped in shock. The stuffs in this room floated, same with Doctor but me and Touya remained down here. I could clearly hear they shouted, begging me to stop using my Quirk but I didn't care at all.

For some reason, I couldn't hold back my anger and whenever I saw Doctor, there were negative emotions lingering in me.

Hatred, anger, revenge...
And the only thing that I want right now is to kill this old man...


Two warm arms suddenly wrapped my shoulders, calming me down. "Izuku, calm down sweetie..." Touya whispered softly into my ear as he tightened his warm embrace.

My eyes widened in shock as I finally snapped back into reality. The stuffs slowly returned to their original position after I deactivated my Quirk. "W...What happen...?" I asked Touya in fear. I clutched Touya's cloak, feeling frightened with the Quirk that I used against them just now.

W-Why...? Why did I feel like this...? Why did I want to kill Doctor?! It feels like someone is whispering to me, telling me to kill him. I-I feel like...

A monster....


I felt dizzy when a voice suddenly echoed in my mind, and darkness suddenly surrounded me. I couldn't see anything. I started to panic and looked for Touya and Doctor.

"Erase... Kill..."

Shut up...

"Kill... Enemy..."

Shut up...!

"Destroy... Break..."

"SHUT UP!!!!" I yelled in agony, holding my head while writhing in undescribable pain. "AHHHHH!!!!!" I cried out. The girl that resembled me that I saw before appeared from the depth of darkness, emotionless look plastered on her face.

"He is the one who steal your humanity... Why won't you take revenge upon him...?"

"I won't kill...anyone!" I screamed from the top of my lungs. "Dabi, hold her!" I heard Doctor said in panic but I couldn't see him.

"You already killed many innocent people in the past... Why would you feel guilty to murder someone who steal your humanity, turning you into a monster like this...?" She said in such deep, husky, creepy voice.

"I-I'm not a monster!" I denied her statement.

"You ARE a monster, Izuku..." She said, a creepy smile cracked on her lips. "Who are you?! Why did you speak like you know me?!" I yelled at her. She chuckled sadistically.

"Because I'm you... And you're me..." She exclaimed, her creepy smile widened. My eyes went completely wide. "Well, let's see how long you can stay 'human' so I'll let you go for now. I'll come for you later, Izuku ..." She said.

"To fuilfill my duty..." She muttered before disappearing into the darkness again.

I suddenly felt someone shook my body frantically so I opened my eyes. I was relieved when I realized I had returned to the room.

"Tou...ya...? What happened...?" I asked him in confusion. "Izuku, you passed out just now... A-And you were screaming in your sleep..." Touya looked guilty to tell me.
That girl's image suddenly showed up in my mind, sending shivers down to my spines. I quickly hugged Touya, my whole body trembled in fear. "Touya, I-I'm scared... I-I don't want to kill anyone!" I cried out, tears leaked out of my emerald eyes.

I-I'm extremely scared... What if I end up killing people without I noticing? What if I kill Touya out of my consciousness...?

I buried my face in his muscular chest, hopelessly sobbing in his embrace. I cried my heart out that my cries could be heard in the entire house. I clutched Touya's cloak firmly, feeling afraid of my other self.

"Midoriya, calm down and please listen to me..." Doctor spoke up, his eyes full of pity and regret. I raised up my head, staring at him with puffy red eyes.

"Midoriya, as I said just now, you aren't a human..." Doctor muttere, causing my eyes to become teary again. "Izuku Midoriya, you're a Noumu. A sentient one." Doctor said, gulping down his saliva after he uttered those words.

My eyes went completely wide. "" I gasped in shock. Doctor nodded. "When you were a kid, you once involved in a hit-and-run accident. You were injured gravely that caused you to be in death-state-like coma. Everyone thought you were dead but you were alive. Barely alive. That's when, All For One decided to take you as guinea pig for the experiment of Noumu." He started telling the story.

"But since your little body was badly damaged, we have to make some modification on your body to enhance it.  You were drugged with lots of chemical substances and drugs that I think you weren't human anymore. Well, it tooks a few weeks to fix your body though." He paused there before sighing.

"And then... All For One passed one of his Quirk to you, Telekinesis, the one you used just now. After that, you finally woke up but you didn't seem to remember anything... Your family or your friends..." Doctor muttered.


"Both me and All For One were surprised to hear you talking like an ordinary human being after you woke up because most people who got Quirks from All For One couldn't bear the burden and become a mindless, lifeless creature. That's why, you were declared as a masterpiece. Not to mention, you're our first test subject." Doctor stressed out one of the words.

"You are very intelligent that you learnt everything by yourself. Eating, reading, writing even though you lost your memories. But you still lack something..." He paused there before gritting his teeth.

"Humanity..." He said and I gasped. "You tended to kill or destroy anything in your sight when you lost your temper. You even tried to kill All For One and me a few times before." He said and I covered my ears, couldn't bear to hear it anymore.

"And one day... You went completely berserk... You became an actual monster..." He said as he looked down. A rush of realization hit me when I recalled the dream I had before.

"Do you mean... Back then, I was tied to an experimental bed and then I started throwing stuffs to you with my Quirk?" I asked Doctor. He looked surprised but still nodded.

"Yes, but that's not the only Quirk you have. I don't remember how many Quirks All For One passed to you, but all of them are dangerous, deadly Quirks." Doctor gritted his teeth.

"I don't know why you went berserk but that's when you managed to escape from us. I thought you were dead after you ran away but I was wrong... You survived and miraculously regained your humanity and memories and you lived as a normal human being for ten years..." He said.

"But... How is that even possible? I thought you said I have Quirks in my body but I have never used them until now." I asked him confusedly. Doctor closed his eyes for a second.

"Perharps, because you use your Quirks exceeding their limits back then since yiu were fighting All For One, caused them to be in a long shut down-like state. It's like your Quirks are sleeping for a while to recharge. But since you suddenly manifasted another Quirk, the other Quirks in your body start funtioning again." Doctor explained long.

Another Quirk? Does he mean One For All? Oh gosh, because I inherited One For All, it triggered the other Quirks to function again!

I started to sweatdrop in worry but Touya quickly hugged me to comfort me. "Shigaraki found the file that has your record in that room so he sent his minion to kidnap you... To make you as his key to kill All Might, to end heroes' society." I gulped down my saliva in fear.

"That room.. Was very important to him since it was where All For One spent most of his time with Shigaraki. He really treasured it." Doctor sighed.

No wonder... He is very mad back then...

Touya suddenly gasped and hugged me protectively. "T-Touya, what's wrong?" I asked him in nervousness. "I heard footsteps..." He muttered.

All of sudden, the door was cricked opened so I raised up my head and saw a certain mismatch-haired boy in front of us. I gasped in relief when I saw him.



AN-I know, I know. This chapter is bad right? Lots of confusion AND another ciffhanger. Sorry for that. I relly need to end it here cuz im sleepy. Feel free to critcize me. If you guys dont understand this chapter, leave your question in the comment, I will answer. Oh, and hey! Guess what? I'm going to publish new story. It's a Shinso X Fem!Ojiro fanfic. This one is actually requested.

Here is the cover that I made myself! I know it's bad cuz I'm not good at editing picture. (╥ω╥')

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