CHOICE 24 - Yo, Little Brother

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"Life is about choices. Some we regret, some we are proud of. Some will haunt us forever. The message; We are what we chose to be."

At the abandoned house...

Todoroki's POV

I couldn't wait until they finished the preparation so I left the pro heroes, teachers and polices behind and headed to the abandoned house first.

I know I'll get scolded by the teachers later but like I give a damn care about that. Besides, old man was there and I can't bear his presence any longer.

I finally arrived at this house, the place I saw Midoriya with that raven-haired villain.

But for some reason, that villain seemed familiar to me... I feel like I have seen him before, even before Bakugou's kidnapping incident...

His vibes and Quirk... Somehow resembles...

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the sound of people talking in a certain room. I got on my guard and slowly approached the room. I turned the doorknob in suspense, ready to attack anyone in that room.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw a raven-haired man embracing a certain greenette that I recognized very well and an old man in long white coat. And my eyes were locked on the man in dark cloak

Wait, he is the one who helped Midoriya escaped?

"Todoroki-kun!" Midoriya yelled my name in relief, a big smile appeared on her beautiful feature. "Midoriya!" I called her in relief, happy to see her in good condition.

Midoriya hopped down from the bed she was sitting, jogging toward me excitedly. The two former villains behind her only stared at us, ome of them was staring at me still. "I'm glad you're finally here." She said happily, closing her eyes while showing her genuine smile.

My heart skipped a beat when I saw her angelic smile. I quickly hugged Midoriya without wasting any time.

"T-Todoroki-kun???" Midoriya stuttered and tried to push me back but I tightened the hug. "I miss you, Midoriya..." I said in desperation.

"Todoroki-kun..." Midoriya muttered my name sadly. "I-I'm sorry, but I don't f-feel the same way a-anymore..." She muttered in guilty.

I knew it...

I slowly let Midoriya go, my eyes clouded with regret and guilt. "Of course you are... I mean, it's all my fault in the first place after all..." I said awkwardly, scratching my head sheepishly.

We're not couple anymore. Besides, I'm the one who asked to break up...

Midoriya looked down, sadness expression plastered on her beautiful freckled feature. "Todoroki-kun... I might don't feel the same way anymore... But I hope... I-I hope we can stay good friends." Midoriya told me, hope filling her glimmering emerald green pupils.

I smiled slightly at Midoriya, nodding to her as my answer. "Yes, of course we can stay friends." I said smiling reassuringly at her.

Even though I was disappointed she didn't,feel the same way anymore, I was still happy she forgave me and wanted to start all over sgain as friends...

Midoriya suddenly became quiet, her eyes filled with concern darting to the former villain with purple skin. He nodded to her, giving her some sort of permission.

Midoriya then stared at me long before she spoke up again. "Todoroki-kun... You have a brother that went missing long time ago, right? His name is Touya. " Her words caught me off guard, causing my eyes to go wide opened.

"H-How did you know?" I asked Midoriya in disbelief. "Auntie Rei..." She muttered lowly, looking down while intertwining her fingers together.

So Mom tell her... Well, they are very closed after all.

"When she told me about your brother... I feel very sad..." Midoriya uttered, her trembling hands clenched into fists full of determination. "So, I made a promise with her. I promised her I'll find Touya." She stated seriously, her eyes look into my heterochromia ones.

"So, what's your point actually?" I asked Midoriya, still confused and completely clueless with her words. Midoriya smiled wamrly at me out of blue. "I found him... Touya..." My eyes widened in surprise when I heard that.

N-No way... Touya....!

"W-Wait, Midoriya. You're joking right?" I asked Midoriya, doubting her impossible statement. Midoriya became quiet, seriousness clouded her face. She then turned her head facing the raven-haired man with stitched skin, nodding to him slightly.

That man sighed long before standing up, walking toward us. "No..." I tried to deny but my mind wouldn't allow me to do so. Something about him, really, really resembled Touya.

I stepped back farther from the place I stood as that man got closer to me. "Still don't believe me, Shou?" He smiled at me, but it wasn't an evil smile.

It was a pure smile with countless meaning and mixed emotion behind it.

And that nickname... Only one person called me that...

"Tou...ya...?" Finally, the name I missed so much left my lips. This man smiled at me. "Yo, little brother." He called me, his voiced sounded a bit croaky and his eyes turned slightly red as if he tried to hold back his tears.

"It had been 11 years, huh? I can't believe we'll meet under this kind of circuimstance." Touya said sheepishly, placing his stitched hand behind his neck.

I gritted my teeth, clenching my trembling hands into fists. "Why...?" I murmured. "Todoroki-kun...?" Midoriya turned to look at me.

I clutched Touya's black cloak in pent-up emotions. I didn't really know how I actually felt right now.

Worry, angry, happy, sad, miss, guilty, regret... All of those emotions started piling inside me.

"Why did you leave me 11 years ago?! Mom, Fuyumi and Natsuo, all of us! Why?!" I hollered at him, tears finally leaked out from my grey and sapphire eyes. I looked into his eyes deeply.

"Why did you leave me behind...? I miss you, brother..." I said as I looked down, tears kept falling from my eyes and my grips became more firm as my overwhelming emotions took control over my mind and body.

Eleven years... You went missing... It was the most painful moment in my life... After losing Mom back then, I lost you too...

"Mom... She missed you a lot... She always talked about you when I visited her... Why can't you understand her feelings?! My feelings?!" I yelled at Touya but not because of anger.

"You left us without any trace... Hurting me... Mom, Natsuo and Fuyumi... You are hurting all of us... Emotionally... You are so cruel..." I muttered sadly. I heard him sighed and all of sudden, I felt such a gentle,warm touch on my head.

"Sorry, Shou. I never meant to hurt you. Not in slightest. It's just... I'm scared..." Touya stated, a painful smile tugged on his scraped purple lips.

"Back then, I was very weak. I failed to reach old man's expectation to surpass him. Because I failed since I hurt myself with my own Quirk, he moved on to you. I was very frustrated. Because I was weak... He tormented you and Mom..." Touya said as he slowly hugged me. My childhood memories with him flooded my mind.

"Come on, Shou. It's okay, don't cry. Big bro is here." He said as he lifted up my tiny body, holding me in his arms.

"B-But, the training... It is so painful... A-And, Dad bullied Mom..." I cried, burying my face in his neck. He patted my back gently.

"Hey, Shou. Look at this..." Touya called me out and I raised my head up a bit. All of sudden, a blue flame with the shape of flower lightened up in his palm. "Wow! It's so pretty!" As soon as I saw that beautiful blue flower blooming in his palm, I totally forgot the sadness and pain that I felt.

A smile tugged on my lips, excited to see the blue flame in the shape of flower burning brightly. "Pretty, right? Do you want to see more?" Touya asked with a warm smile, calming me down. I eagerly nodded to him. "I wanna see more!" I begged.

Touya chuckled delightly. "Then, promise me you will stop crying and I will show you more amazing things." He said and I nodded without hesitation. "I promise!" I swore.

Touya chuckled again and then began showing me more of his beautiful, amazing tricks.

"I think... If I disappeared, maybe everyone's life become much better... But then, I realized it was the worst choice I had ever made in my life." Touya said as he tightened the hug.

His words.. Really hurt me...

"Instead of running away, I should have stay with you guys, protecting you, Mom, Natsuo and Fuyumi from old man. But, I couldn't turn back anymore... Even up until now, I regretted my decision..." Touya muttered painfully, I could hear soft sobbing coming from him.

"That's why, this time, I won't run away anymore. I will fix everything. I want to start all over again. So will you... Forgive me, Shou?" Touya asked sadly yet his voice filled with strong-willed determination and hope.

"Of course... I will forgive you..." I said, a warm smile plastered on my feature. I heard Midoriya gasped so I broke apart from Touya and turned to look at her. She was watching us with happy smile on her face.

"Thanks goodness. You did it, Touya." Midoriya smiled at Touya but the way she smiled seemed.... Different? I meant, the vibe she was emitting.

"Yeah, thanks to you, Izuku." Touya walked away from me and approached Izuku, but his next action really surprised me.

Touya suddenly planted affectionate kiss on Midoriya's forehead, causing me to slightly blush at this unexpected romantic sight. "M-Midoriya, could be it you and Touya...?!" I gasped in shock.

Midoriya blushed intensely, smacking Touya's chest softly. "Y-Yeah... We're... U-Um..." She stumbled upon her words. Touya sighed and then wrapped his arm around Midoriya's shoulders.

"Izuku is my girlfriend now." Touya announced, smirking at me victoriously. My eyes widened, staring at him in disbelief.

"Sorry Shou... I never mean to steal your girl..." Touya apologized but I shook my head. "Never mind. I'm not made for her after all. You are her fated one." I admitted sincerely.

"Then it's alright if I kiss her in front of you?" Touya said teasingly, lifting Midoriya's head up with devilsih smirk on his face. "Wai-- Touya! Stop it!" Midoriya pushed him back, crimson shades tinted om her freckled cheeks.

I smiled happily at the two people I loved... My brother and my friend...

I hope... This happiness will stay like this...

But little did I know... Behind these happy moments... There will be misery awaiting us...


AN- Who cried on this chapter? Please comment. I-I *sniff sniff*


I'm not sad... I just feel... This chapter is just so TOUCHING! My chest feels hurt but not because of sadness.... Because of the beautiful emotions in this chapter...

I-I'm so happy they finally reunited! KYAAAA!!!!

*intense screaming*

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