CHOICE 25 - Blood

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At the abandoned house...

Midoriya's POV

Touya planted another sweet kiss on my forehead, showing his affection toward me to Todoroki-kun. I blushed intensely and pushed him away from me in embarrassment. Doctor shook his head with uneasy look on his wrinkled face, mumbling something like 'Youngsters'.

Todoroki-kun only stared at us, his face flushed slight scarlet when he saw me. "By the way, Todoroki-kun..." I turned to look at him in seriousness, my mind suddenly reminded me of Yaoyorozu-san.

I'm still mad at his irresponsible action toward me and Yaoyorozu-san. He cheated on both of us. I don't really know the reason he cheated on us but from Yaoyorozu-san's reaction back then, she didn't know I was in relationship with him... Which mean she was definitely a victim too, like me.

"Hm, what is it, Midoriya?" Todoroki-kun asked me, raising his left eyebrow in confusion. "Todoroki-kun... Have you apologized to Yaoyorozu-san yet?" I nervously aired this question that kept bothering me.

I could see Todoroki-kun's calm expression drastically change to surprise, perharps he never expected me to ask him that sensitive question.

But I really need to ask him.

Todoroki-kun remained silent, looking down on his feet to avert my stare. "Yaoyorozu... I tried to talk to her... But she kept avoiding me so I have no chance to make up with her..." He muttered weakly, guilty was clearly filling his bi-coloured pupils.

A heavy sigh left my pinkish lips, my indez finger and my thunb massaging my temple gently. "Todoroki-kun... You know what have you done to Yaoyorozu-san, right? You should try harder to approach her if you really regret your action." I advised this dual-coloured haired boy, stepping closer to him while looking into his beautiful grey and sapphire iris.

"I don't know the reason you cheated on me and Yaoyorozu-san, but from her action... I know she really loved your from the very bottom of her heart... But you broke her heart and hurt her feelings just like that..." I truthfully told Todoroki-kun, my voice started to sound more serious and stern.

Todoroki-kun started to sweat slightly, his eyes finally darted to meet mine, perharps he agreed with my advice. "I bet she is sad and heartbroken just like me but I know, if you try your hardest, she will surely forgive you..." I said while clenching my fist in determination as my face clouded in seriousness.

"She is too kind-hearted to hold a grudge against people. So please... Don't give up just like that and go right your mistake, Todoroki-kun." I stated, gripping onto his shoulders.

Please, Todoroki-kun.

Todoroki-kun stared at me long before he nodded slowly. "I was planning to do that, Midoriya. If I can, I want to stay with her as her... Lover... If she wants..." He uttered lowly and sighed long.

I smiled slightly at Todoroki-kun and patted his head playfully, poor boy was completely startled by my surprise action. I heard Touya huffed in annoyance so I turned to look at my love of life.

Huh, so he is jealous...

I shook my head while tugging a warm smile, staring at Touya with a mischievous look on my face. "Touya..." I called him out softly while walking toward him, smiling at him warmly.

"Jeez, it's just a friendly pat, Touya." I tried to comfort my jealous boyfriend. I patted his head too, but in much more  gentle, softer and affectionate way, earning a hum of delight from Touya.

"MIDORIYA!" Todoroki-kun shouted my name in such a panic way, snapping me out of my little world. I turned to look at him but all of sudden, purple mist appeared out of nowhere right in front of my face. I reflexively shoved Touya far away from me out of instinct.


"IZUKU! / MIDORIYA!" Touya and Doctor hollered my name. I was too shock that I couldn't think straight, leaving me only froze there in front of the warp gate.

A hand with a knife came out of the portal in such a high speed and was charging toward me, to stab my heart. I shut my seaweed-colored eyes in defeat, giving in myself to this miserable situation.

But out of blue, someone suddenly shoved me away with powerful strength, causing me to stumble back far away from the portal.

What the...?! Who pushed me?!

"Izuku, are you alright?!" Touya asked, his voice sounded a bit croaky. "Midoriya!" Todoroki-kun skidded toward me and Touya.

Wait, if it isn't either both of them, then...!

I turned to look at the dark mist with wide eyes filled with worry and ny assumption was right. Doctor was standing in front of the portal.

I gasped in shock when I saw a knife, piercing into his stomach deeply. "DOCTOR!" I cried out in fear, tears flooded my jade green iris. The hand roughly pulled away from Doctor's body, blood gushing out of the deep hole on his body.

I quickly got up and rushed toward Doctor, holding his now weak body in my arms. "Doctor, hang in there!!!" I holleres at him, holding him much closer to me in such desperate way.

Please! Please don't die!

"Why...? Why did you protect me...?" I sobbed in sorrow. "Izuku...Midoriya..." Doctor muttered my full name weakly, managing a small yet fill with immense pain smile on his face.

"I... Already make you suffer a lot in the past... With having you killed many innocent people in order to gain more powerful Quirks to satisfy my selfish desire..." Doctor weakly muttered to me, cupping my right cheeks with his bloody hand. My tears fell on his face as I held onto his hand gently. His cold touch sent shivers down to my spines, making me cried louder.

"I want to repent all my grave sins to you... Even if it's mean to lose my life..." Doctor said in desperate tone. His breathings hitched and became more ragged from every second he breathed. "No, Doctor! Stay with us!" I screamed hysterically, not wanting to lose a person I cared about in this world.

Why?! Why did things have to end up this way?!

"Stay... Strong... Mido...riya..." As soon as Doctor muttered those words, his weak hand fell from my cheeks, resting on the dusty dirty floor. My eyes widened in shock and fear. The scenario that I had always hoped wouldn't happen in my life, evetually occured.

"DOCTOR!!!!!!!" I cried out in extreme sadness, my chest started pounding rapidly while my body began feeling cold. My cries filled in this gloomy, tense atmosphere. I couldn't accept this cruel reality!

Dabi's / Touya's POV

Me and Shou only watched Izuku cried in sadness from a far. Seeing her crying like this really hit me hard.


I kept cursing at myself. I was unable to do anything to save Doctor. It was so frustrated and sad. I was about to approach Izuku when Kurogiri's warp gate grew larger and all villains came out of that dark purple mist one by one.

What the...?! How did they know this place?! Don't tell me...

The ones to leave the mist lastly were Shigaraki and Toga, a satisfying expression was clearly plastered on his chapped face. I saw Toga next to him, freezing there with hesitated look on her face. My eyes darted to her hand...dirty with blood!

So she is the damn bastard that killed Doctor!

"What a wonderful sight we have here..." Shigaraki applaused when he saw Izuku there, sitting while holding Doctor's dead body in her arm, sobbing and crying hopelessly.

"Well, now... What should we do with you, Dabi...?" Shigaraku glared at me deadly, his smirk widened in menace. I gritted my teeth in pure hatred. "Shou..." I called my little brother who was in crisis mode, preparing himself to fight. "Y-Yes?" He stuttered, turning his head facing me.

"When I give the sign, get out of here with Izuku..." I whispered to him in desperation, irritation clouded my face, clenching my palm firmly. "But, Touya... How about you...?" He asked me confusedly.

"Don't mind me. Just bring Izuku to safety." I spoke up in a very hoarse voice. "Wait, don't tell me...!" Shou gasped in shock, realizing the hidden meaning behind my words. I nodded to him and he bit his bottom lips. Shou unwillingly submitted to my order. He hurriedly approached Izuku whi only remained silent ever since Doctor was gone. Her cries weren't hear from her anymore.

"Oh, trying to act tough, I see." Shigaraki said sarcastically, the other villains chuckled at me too except the female one. "Back down, Shigaraki. You can't win against us." I tried to provoke this sickly looking man.

Shigaraki chuckled mockingly at me. "Why do I need to back down? Now that I got rid of that old bastard, I can use Midoriya at last." He laughed maniacally at his evil plan.

I slowly activated my Quirk in my palm, murderous aura emitted around me. "You won't lay a finger on Izuku as long I'm here!" I retaliated at him in anger.

"Well, we will get rid of you too. You guys, attack." Shigaraki commanded and the other villains started charging toward me, surrounding me to block any possible escape route.

"TOUYA!" Shou screamed my name in worry. "Don't mind me! Just get out of here!" I hollered while holding back these guys' attack. Toga almost stabbed me and I barely avoided her attempt. Shigaraki and Kurogiri only watched me fighting them from far.

Todoroki's POV

Touya was having a hard time dealing with the villains. I gritted my teeth in fret. We had no choice!

"Midoriya, we have to leave--" I remained quiet when Midoriya suddenly stood up in silent, slowly walking toward the lizard looking-villain. She was emitting an immense intimidating aura around her, her face clouded with murderous intent and revenge. Midoriya's thick green locks was covering her face, creating foreshadow around her eyes.

"Mido...riya...?" I said her name in confusion also fear. She wasn't acting like her usual self.

Just right after she was very closed to that lizard villain, in an instant she pierced his body with her bare hand like a sharp knife, forming a deep hole in that villain's body. "What...the...?" He tried to turn his body to look at Midoriya.

Midoriya harshly took her hand out of his body, blood oozing out from the hole. That lizard villain fell onto the ground weakly, losing his consciousness. His body sunk in th pool of his own blood. Everyone in this room gasped in shock after witnessing such a horror scene.

"Izu...ku...?" Touya called Midoriya out in fear and disbelief, not believing his eyesight.

Midoriya slowly raised her head up, glaring at all villains in pure hatred with death filling her dark, dead emerald eyes.

"I'll all..."


AN- Hu guys!!! Oh gosh, it had beem a while since I last update! Sorry for the long wait! (@・д・@)

Anyway, I hope you all love this chapter! And I have a surprise for all of you in the next chapter~

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