CHOICE 26 - Insanity

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Midoriya's POV

Why... Why Doctor has to die?!

I was sitting on the floor and kept crying and sobbing that I didn't give a damn care about the villains who finally arrived at this house. But when I stopped crying, I realized I was in a dark place, in fact, I was in darkness itself. I didn't remember this abandoned house being so dark.

W-Wait, could I be I was here again?! That scary place...?

I nervously stood up on my two feet, observing my surroundings carefully. While my green forest iris were attentively focused on my surroundings, a young girl figure around my age appeared from the depth of this pitch black darkness.

"Y-You are...!" I gasped in fear when I saw 'me', the other me.

"Hey, Izuku... Or ME?" She chuckled maniacally, her glowing green forest eyes locked on me still. "What? What do you want from me?" I asked her in fear as I stepped back farther from her to stay away from this scary girl.

"I told you, didn't I? I'll come back to fulfill my duty. And besides, you're the one who summoned me." She explained, a heavy sigh escaped her mouth.

W-What?! I never summoned her!

"Hold on! I never summoned you! Stop making up stupid lie!" I denied her furiously to defend myself. Again, she chuckled at me.

"Or should I say your desire call me here?" She said as she displayed her crazy, creepy smile to me. "My...desire...?" I looked at her confusedly.

Her dark smile widened and step by step, she walked closer to me slowly. "Yes, your desire... Your dark desire and emotion..." She muttered under her breath huskily. "Your desire to kill those cruel villains to take revenge upon that old man..." She whispered into my ear, walking around me in circle.

Slowly, I absorbed her words into my mind, thinking about what she said. "I admit I'm impressed with his sacrificial... He threw away his villain's life to repent his grave sin toward you... By protecting you with his own life..."  She stated while smiling in satisfaction.

"He sacrificed his life to save you... Shouldn't you do something to repay his kindness?" She asked me, totally hit the nail.

"Repay...him..." I repeated her words in such a low voice with blank expression plastered on my freckled feature. Her words really triggered something inside me.

"And to do that... You'll need my help, right?" She said in excitement and stopped walking right in front of me, reaching our her hand while grinning creepily but I didn't feel scared of her anymore. For unknown reason, I trust her words. Besides, she was me. A part of myself.

She is right... I should repay Doctor...

My emerald eyes changed to lifeless, dead eyes while I slowly reached out my hand, accepting her offer to repay Doctor. Her grin widened when I finally held her hand back. " me... End their life..." I muttered and all of sudden, I could feel powerful yet dark energy surging through my arms, coursing through all over my body.

"I'll be more than glad to assist you, Izuku..." She muttered hoarsely before my vision slowly became blurry.



Abandoned house...

Third Person's POV

"I'll all..." Midoriya spoke up in a very creepy voice, threatening everyone in this spscious dark room. Her hand was stained with Spinner's blood, dripping on the floor. Midoriya's glowing lifeless emerald green eyes locked on all villains, murderous intent clouded her freckled feature while death aura was emitted around her, sending chills down to everybody's spines.

"Izu...ku...?" Dabi gasped in horror when he saw Midoriya's eyes, filled with revenge and hatred. Gust of wind suddenly blew up strongly around her, creating a small tornado barrier. The tips of her hair started levitating in the air slowly while she reached out her hand.

Midoriya clenched her palm into fist full of suspense, her eyes never stopped glaring at the villains. As she clenched her fists, all villains began floating in the air, leaving only Todoroki, Dabi and Doctor's body remained on the ground. "Crap!" Shigaraki cursed in panic.

"I'll erase all of you...from this world..." Midoriya muttered huskily, clenching her fist more firm. Her eyes looked into their eyes deeply. All of sudden, the villains' hands started moving on their own, strangling their neck hard. Midoriya was the one who comtrolled their body. "U-Ugh--" They all groaned in unspeakable pain.

Info: Izuku Midoriya. Quirk, Hyper Telekinesis. Simply put, she can levitate or float everything around her on her will using her mind or body movement.

Info: Quirk, Puppet. Midoriya can control her targets. To activate this Quirk, Midoriya has to look into their eyes with high focus. The targets won't lose their consciousness but they can't control their body.

Info: Quirk, Sharp. Midoriya can sharpen any part of her body and act as a weapon. Like she did to Spinner, she can pierce her sharpened-body part like a knife or sword.

"Shouto, stop Izuku! She is trying to kill them!" Dabi ordered his little brother in panic, worried to see his love one trying to commit murder crime. Todoroki nodded obediently without hesitation, swiftly rushing toward Midoriya in hurry.

As soon as Todoroki was closed enough to Midoriya, he quickly gripped her wrists fiercely and tackled her to the ground, causing both of them to fall together with her beneath him. Midoriya groaned in irritation, thrashing under Todoroki to release herself from his strong grip.

All villains returned to the ground, they all gasping for air after that torturing hell that almost killed them. "Midoriya, stop!!" Todoroki yelled at Midoriya while trying to stop her from struggling. To him, Midoriya was acting crazy as she was controlled by insanity.

Midoriya kept groaning at Todoroki in anger, furiated since he stopped her from ending those villains' life.

"Dammit, so this is her true colour?" Shigaraki said while gasping for air. His neck skin had crumbled a bit because of his Quirk. "Kurogiri..." He called out his loyal subordinate. "Yes?" Kurogiri turned to look at this man child, waiting for him to speak up again.

"Bring them here..." Shigaraki commanded, a creepy grin plastered on his chapped feature. Kurogiri obediently nodded, opening his warp gate to bring out all Nomus they had.

In just a matter of seconds, lots of Nomu came out of the portal, surrounding the whole room. Midoriya, who finally released herself from Todoroki since he was exhausted, then glared at all Nomus, slowly stood up.

"Nomus, kill that girl." Shigaraki commanded, pointing his finger to Midoriya. The Nomus obeyed his order, charging toward her at crazy speed.

Midoriya suddenly started let out a high-pitch scream, causing those Nomus to stop charging. The Nomus slowly back down, frightened by her menacing scream. The glass windows started cracking, shattering into million pieces by Midoriya's loud scream. The villains, Dabi and Todoroki covered their ears, couldn't endure the howl that could turn them into deaf people.

Info:Quirk, Alpha Howl. When Midoriya let out a high pitch scream, she can control any mindless living things such as animals and anything related to them but she can't control humans or any intelligent living beings since they have mind and feelings. Since Nomus are mindless(except her), she can easily control them.

"Oi, what the heck are you doing?! I told you to kill her!" Shigaraki hollered at his Nomus in anger. The Nomus slowly turned their body facing the villains, their eyes glaring at them.

"Kill the villains." Midoriya finally spoke up and all Nomus charged toward each of fhe villain. One Nomu ran toward Shigaraki, tackling him onto the walls with crazy strength, forming a hole in that wall.

Shigaraki groaned in pain after that impact. "Why... they...?" He couldn't say anything when all of sudden, the Nomu on top of him broke his arm mercilessly. He whimpered in agony. The other villains were struggling to fight back these monstrous Nomus while Midoriya only sat back, watching them suffering with emotionless, blank expression.

The house started cracking and slowly collapsing. Dabi and Todoroki both gasped in horrr after the house fully collapsed, revealing the view of this dead night sky.

"Touya, we have to stop her! If this goes on, the villains will die!" Todoroki yelled at Dabi in panic. Dabi gritted his teeth in worry.

Without wasting a moment, Dabi rushed to Midoriya. He gripped her shoulder firmly, shaking her body to stop her. "Izuku, stop! You're gonna kill them if you continue!" Dabi yelled at her.

Midoriya didn't turn her back to face Dabi, her glowing emerald orbs still staring at the Nomus and villains who were fighting. "Why did I have to stop? I just want to repay Doctor's kindness, that's all. So it's fine if I kill them." She said frankly in such emotionless tone.

Dabi couldn't believe his ears. Did Midoriya, his lover just said that to him? Someone who was aspiring to be a hero told him it was OKAY to kill people?!

"Izuku, please! This is not like you at all!" Dabi shook Midoriya's body again but this time harsher to make her turn her back to face him. Midoriya who was starting to get pissed off, gritted her teeth in irritation.

"You are such a nuisance! Stop disturbing me already!" Midoriya turned her body in anger, trying to push Dabi back with her hand.

All of sudden, blood splattered on her face. Midoriya's eyes went wide in horror when she saw her hand was piercing into Dabi's body! Todoroki stared at his bloody brother in fear.

Dabi groaned in pain and slowly, his grips on Midoriya's shoulder weakened. "Izuku... Please return... To yourself..." Dabi muttered weakly, trying to manage a small smile.

Midoriya gasped in shock. She couldn't believe she hurt her lover. Dabi slowly shut his eyes tight and fell onto the ground but Midoriya quickly caught him, holding him in her arms. She finally snapped back into reality and returned to her real self. Her lifeless eyes changed back to normal.

"T-Touya...?" Midoriya called her lover in nervousness. "H-Hey, answer me..." She said in pain, holding his body in desperation. Dabi tries to open his eyes slightly. Tears flooded her viridian orbs.

"I-Izuku..." He gazed into her beautiful,glimmering watery jade iris.

"Touya, I-I'm here..." Izuku replied in sadness.

"I love you... Izuku..." Dabi muttered weakly with a warm smile, slowly his consciousness faded away.

"N-NO! TOUYA!" Midoriya hollered his name hysterically. Todoroki only watched from afar. His eyes became watery. He couldn't accept this cruel fate. Midoriya shook Dabi but no response at all.



AN- Hi guys! I update this book again! Like I said, I'm gonna put all books on hiatus until this book end.

And sorry... If this chapter is a bit sad... I... I...


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