CHOICE 27 - Salvation

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Nearby the abandoned house....

Endeavor's POV

Why the heck Shouto was thinking?! Running off on his own just like that!

Me, other pro heroes, Tsukauchi, Eraser Head and an army of polices were heading to this abandoned house this Midoriya kid was talking about,the place she decided to meet up. Shouto went off on his own just now which furiated me and his teacher.

All of sudden, I heard a loud scream. I raised up my hand, signing them to stop marching. "What's wrong, Endeavor?" Edgeshot asked me.

"I heard scream..." I told them, sharping my sense to recognize where the voice came from. "TOUYA!!!!" A feminine voice screamed extremely loudly.

My eyes went wide when I heard that name. The name that I hadn't heard for a long time.

Touya... My long lost son...

"That voice... It came from the abandoned house we're heading right now!" Tsukauchi said in seriousness. I was still frozen there in shock, not moving an inch.

"Endeavor!" Eraser Head called me out, snapping me out of my thought. I quickly proceeded to head to the abandoned we were supposed to meet Midoriya. Perharps Shouto was already there.

*timeskip brought to you by Dabi's angelic smile*

At the collapsed abandoned house...

Third Person's POV

All pro heroes and the polices gasped in shock when they saw the house already collapsed. There were many Nomus and they were crushing the villains. "What kind of nightmare is this?" Edgeshot froze in shock.

"Everyone! Defeat the Nomus and capture the villains! Save the victim and the former villains with her!" Tsukauchi ordered the pro heroes and polices, earning quick nods from them as response. They all quickly went to fight Nomus. Eraser Head saw Midoriya and tried to approach her but the tornado that surrounded her prevented him from getting closer to Midoriya.

Endeavor only remained silent, he was observing the whole house when his eyes suddenly caught a dual-colored haired-boy figure, sitting on the floor with teary eyes.

"Shouto!" Endeavor called out his son's name, running toward Todoroki in hurry. "Oi, Shouto. What are you wai--" He stopped mid-sentence when he saw a certain greenette was holding an adult man in her arms, crying hopelessly in the tornado barrier.

Endeavor's eyes suddenly went wide when he saw that dark-haired man. Somehow, he recognized him. "Tou...ya...?" Was the only word that left her wide-opened mouth. Todoroki was clearly shock with his father.

"Old man..." Todoroki couldn't say anything back, his eyes still locked on Midoriya who was crying in misery. "Endeavor! We need your help!" Edgeshot yelled while kicking one of the Nomus hardly.

The soon-to-be Number One Hero was brought back into reality. He quickly helped the other pro heroes defeating the Nomus and capturing the villains.



Midoriya's POV

"Izuku..." The other 'Me' called me out so I turned to look at her with anger and hatred was clearly written on my face. As usual, she looked emotionless but there was slight concern.

"What...? What do you want from me now?!" I hollered at 'me' in anger. She sighed long before walking closer toward me. As soon as she got closer to me, I strangled her neck firmly and pushed her down onto the ground, hatred filling my dark jade eyes.

I glared at 'me' who was laying under me, tears fell from my eyes. "Why...? Why did you make me do this...?" I sobbed in misery, recalling the moment I KILLED Touya.

"Why did you tempt me?! Because of you, I have become a monster!" I blamed her for everything that happened. "I'm not... A human anymore... I'm... A complete beast..." I muttered in sadness.

"That's why you become like this, Izuku Midoriya." She finally spoke up again. "What are you talking about?" I asked her with croaky voice.

"Because you couldn't accept me... Because you reject me... You end up in despair..." She stated, her glowing green eyes stared into mine. "What... Do you mean...?" I looked at her confusedly.

"You already knew you lost your memories when you were a kid after waking up from your coma. When you woke up, those guys made you believe that they were the one who saved your life. You believed that heroes were the cruel one in this world because they never tried to save you, resulting on you to obey their order." She started telling me the truth.

"You were ordered to kill many innocent people without knowing the ugly truth behind your merciless actions. They used you as a weapon to gain more power." I gasped in shock when I heard that. All of sudden, an image of many corpes laying dead on the floor, with blood staining their body appeared in my mind. My kid self was standing among the corpses with blank expression.



"You miraculously regained your memories and just right after that happened, you became very depressed and sunk into deep despair... Because you realized how cruel you were, killing and murdering innocent people like a monster." As she uttered those painful words, more and more of my long lost-forgotten memories flooded my mind. I saw how my little self mercilessly killed people like it was nothing.

"And here was where the hell broke loose..." She paused there, gazing into my eyes in worry. "You had reached your breaking point... You went berserk that you lost control of your Quirks. You destroyed their hideout and ran away from them. That time, you kept blaming yourself for all crimes you commit and desperately rejected yourself, you rejected ME." She stressed out the last word. A little girl voice suddenly echoed in my mind.

"I-I'm a monster... I'm not a human anymore! I hate myself!"

That was my voice. My kid self's voice. "You started to see hallucination of yourself... Your dark self... Your monster side... And it was me..." Her words this time shocked me.

"You are... A hallucination?!" I gasped, my jaws dropped to the floor.

"I'm just your hallucination, Izuku. The hallucination you create by yourself because of your fear and depression. Because you defy your fate, you deny yourself, you turned out like this." She sighed long.

"If only you could fully accept yourself with pure heart... You won't hurt Touya in the first place..." Tears seeped from my eyes when she said that.

"Izuku, you are not a monster." She told me with calming voice. I gritted my teeth in frustration. "No! I'm a monster! I murder many people! I kill my own lover! I'M A KILLER! A MONSTER! A NOMU!" I retaliated in hatred toward myself, tears rolled down my wet cheeks fastly.

"If you are truly a monster, you would have kill your friends and family from the very beginning. If you are a true monster, you would have kill Touya from the very start. But you never did that." She told me. A rush of realization hit me when she said that.

She is... Not wrong...

"If it's true you are a real monster, you won't have emotion right? You can smile and laugh, you can cry and you can love. Isn't that good enough to prove you are a HUMAN, Izuku?" She exclaimed in concern, her gaze softened as she stared at me long.

"Monster or Nomu don't have emotion or feelings. Only human do..." She uttered, a smile plastered on her face.

I slowly absorbed her words, thinking about it deeply. "You're...right... I'm not a monster." I finally said the words I had been dying to say.

I believe it now. I'm not a monster. I'm a human.

My body finally felt light. The burden that I had been carrying for my whole life in my heart lightened up. Everything seemed clear now.

All of sudden, light brightened up this pitch black darkness and everything turned white. I stood up and observe this space, awed by the glimmering sparkle. This place now felt warm. Unlike before, it was very cold here.

The other me suddenly approached me, a peaceful smile plastered on her face. She seemed brighter than before. "What..  Happened?" I asked her in confusion.

She smiled at me warmly. "Because you accepted yourself, this place finally returned to its original state. This place is actually your heart, Izuku. When you finally cleared up your mind and willingly accept the truth about yourself, this place turned pure white again. As pure as your current heart." She said in calmness.

I noticed that her hand started disappearing, causing me to gasp in surprise. "W-Wait, your hand--" I pointed to her hand in nervousness.

"Don't worry. I feel at peace and will become one with you again... Because you accepted me as part of yourself." She told me as she stepped closer to me. She cupped my cheeks gently.

"Izuku, if you want to save Touya... Then seal your lips with his. It will become your and his salvation." My other self said before slowly disappearing. "Wai--" Before I could reply, light blinded my eyes.


Back to the collapsed abandoned house...

Midoriya's POV

As soon as I opened my eyes, I realized I finally returned to the abandoned house. I saw pro heroes and an army of polices were restraining the Nomus while the villains were all handcuffed.

W-Wait, they all are defeated already!

I sighed in relief but then my eyes then darted to Touya who was still in my arms. I recalled my other self's words.

"If you want to save Touya... Then seal your lips with his. It will become your and his salvation."

I gulped down my saliva and slowly brought my face closer to Touya's pale face. I brushed his purple cheeks softly. "Touya..." I muttered my lover's name along with a warm smile. I gently merged my lips with his.

Touya, please breath again! I want to see you! Don't leave me!

I could feel the wind that surrounded us blew up stronger but I continued to kiss Touya. Warm sensation enveloped my whole being.

Info:Quirk, Salvation. Through body contact such as holding hand, hugging or kissing, Midoriya can heal any injury even fatal wound.But this Quirk can only be activated through strong bonds with people and her strong-willed emotion. She can't heal herself.

I slowly opened my eyes back, only to be greeted with a gaze from a pair of sapphire blue iris. I broke apart from Touya and smiled at him in relief and pure happiness. The wind stopped blowing and slowly disappeared.

"Touya!" I hugged him tightly, happy to see him finally woke up again. Touya looked confused but he still hugged me back. "Izuku... But how...?" He asked me in disbelief.

"It's one of my Quirks. I heal you, Touya..." I said in unspeakable happiness. Tears fell from my eyes. I was very happy.

"Thanks, Izuku..." He muttered in relief. "I-I'm sorry Touya... Sorry for hurting you... Y-You almost died..." I apologized to him in sadness and guilt. Touya rubbed my back. "It's okay, Izuku." He whispered sweetly into my ears.

"MIDORIYA! TOUYA!" Todoroki-kun suddenly yelled our name so we both broke apart. We saw him running toward us with Endeavor.

Touya suddenly got up hurriedly. "Touya, thank goodness you are alive!" Todoroki-kun said in relief. I slowly stood up too.

Endeavor was staring at Touya and he stared at Endeavor back. "Touya, is this really you?" Endeavor said as he stepped closer to Touya. His voice sounded a bit croaky.

Touya averted his eyes from Endeavor's stare. "Touya..." Todoroki-kun looked at his brother in pity.

Touya... It might be hard for him to forgive Endeavor.

I slowly walked to Touya but all of sudden, I felt very dizzy. My body swung left to right and my vision became darker.

"IZUKU! / MIDORIYA!" I heard their voices but I was too exhausted to answer. I gave in myself to this sleepiness I felt, slowly drove into the world of dreams...


AN-Oh wow, I update two chapters in row today! I was too hyped right now! And finally! Dabi is alived guys! Surprise! I'm sorry for those who hate me now because I 'kill' Dabi in the previos chapter.

Look, I won't kill Izuku's husband! He deserved to stay alive so don't worry you fangirls/fanboys out there!😁 (PS: It's realy hard to find a boy who read love story so I don't know if boys read my fanfic)

And guys, sorry if there is any mispelling error cuz I was too lazy to fix it. I'm gonna take my cough medicine and then throw myself on the bed to sleep.

Sleep is the best cure of all.((´∀`*))

And shout out to elaina__chan for mentioning me on a comment. She said my book is good that she became a DabiDeku shipper now after reading my book! She even recommended it! Oh, I love you mah furendo! Go on and follow this best girl!

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