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Your eyes snap open as you gasp for air.

"H-hey! It's okay!" Iris pulls you into a hug while you breathe and think about the nightmare you had.

Jaehyun was with you on a bridge and you were about to apologize but he jumped off to his death.

You never had any dream as gruesome as that before and you got worried.

"Iris... I need Jae... I'm an idiot." Your eyes were brimming with tears as she hugged you and soothed you.

"We can see him tomorrow." She smiles and you nod while sniffing away your tears.

You go back to sleep in no time and Iris smiles to herself.

She really does care about him so much.

Waking up, you check your phone for the time.

You feel something clinging onto you and see that Iris was spread out and yet, she just had to cling into you while you had the rest of your King sized bed available.

This girl really is something.

You peel off her arms from you and get off of the bed and go to your connected bathroom.

Of course, it wouldn't be you unless you trip on air. Or maybe air just trips you.

Falling hard to the floor with a thud, Iris wakes up with a jolt.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N) where are you?!" She says while looking around and spotting you, face planted on the floor.

"I'm alive." You groan out, your voice muffled from the carpet.

"Sis you had me scared." She places her palm onto her chest and sighed out.

"Mhm..." You roll your eyes and groan out. You hit your knee pretty hard and it hurt a lot.

"Hey, get ready." Iris ordered you as she was texting on her phone.

"Why?" You asked her, still on the floor, not bothering to get up.

"We're getting our nails done with Doyoung and Kun." She sings out.

"Wait... Doyoung and Kun?" You ask her to repeat herself as you thought you heard wrong.

"Yes them... you didn't know?" She looks at you, her attention turned to you now.

"Know what?" You ask her, sitting up from the floor and sitting on the edge of the bed.

"That they're dating... You didn't know?"

"Well now I do." You giggle and she rolls her eyes.

"Get ready you idiot." She throws a pillow at your face and you squeak out a yelp as it hit your nose.

You walk into the bathroom and start getting ready. Washing your face, adding moisturizer and putting on the some base, foundation, lipstick, contouring and highlighting your face so you won't look like trash.

Walking out, Iris looks at you and goes in the bathroom. She had her outfit laid out on the bed.

You wanted to wear something that was somewhat similar to her outfit and you check hers out.

She had a blue and white striped skirt and a white t-shirt with "Coca-Cola" in red, cursive letters. Her black vans were laid out and her red ankle socks were next to them.

Nodding your head you know what to wear.

Going into your closet, you pull out your black overall skirt and pull out a white crop top shirt with long sleeves that says "🅱️UCCI" on the front. Pulling out some white converse, you nod in satisfaction at your outfit.

Iris walks out of the bathroom with a full face of makeup.

"Sis you're eyebrows are making mine quAKE." You say, putting emphasis on your last word.

"Yeah but when have you ever looked this good?" She says pointing at your outfit.


"Oof, we serving some looks right now."


He phone buzzes and she checks who it's from.

"Yo hurry up they're almost here." She says to you while she texts them back.

"Me? You gotta hurry up is what." You sassily say to her as she gets dressed really quickly.


"no he did nOT!" Doyoung yells in the salon.

"Yes he did bitch." You nod your head slowly. Kun's mouth was agape as he looked at you and Iris.

"I oughtta-"

"Beat him up?" Iris finishes Kun's statement. "Yeah that's my Plan B."

"Bitch, that should be your plan A." Doyoung rolls his eyes in frustration.

"I know! He's being so selfish." You roll your eyes.

"But is he really?" Kun asks, making you think twice.

"Yes!" You exclaim. The lady that was doing your acrylic nails got up and went off to the back room.

You take a glance at your nails and looked back at Doyoung who was in deep thought.

"How so?" Kun asks.

You think twice about your response, making sure it was valid.

"He only cares about how he feels if you know, he committed suicide. He doesn't care or even care to think about how I would feel if I lost him." You huff from frustration.

"Okay yeah but like," Doyoung pauses and thinks about how he can say what he wants to say in a nicer way.

"Tell me that you do understand that what Jaehyun went through was really hard for him." Kun interjects. You slowly nod your head, agreeing with his statement.

"I know exactly what it feels like. But I eventually got over it. Why can't he?"

"Sweetie," Doyoung looks at you. "Everyone in this universe is different. Jaehyun isn't like you in that aspect. It takes longer for his scars to heal."

You sigh and soak in what he said. Doyoung had a really good point. He had all the reason to be right.

Were you over reacting over this? Maybe you were.

"I... I dunno. It's been like 9 fucking months since it happened." You sigh, running your finished hand through your hair.

"I know it's hard." He smiles softly at you.

"Tell me when I first met Doyoung. He had gone through the worst break up and I really liked him." Kun chuckles and Doyoungs face grows red.

"Aye~ stop~" He whines as Kun laughs.

"No no. Continue Kun." Iris asks him and you nod. Doyoung gives in and nods at his boyfriend.

"So, this chick dated Doyoung and cheated on him like 50 fucking times and he used to run to me for advice. Me being me, I tried to make him break up with the chick because, honey, I had my reasons." 

You start to laugh and Doyoung's face grows red. He uses his finished hand to cover his face that was as red as his shirt.

"Stop omg, I'm gonna like explode." Doyoung says and you and Iris freak out since it was so cute.

"Anyways," Kun sighs. "He broke up with her after like 3 months of dating. And I had to let him heal. For a long ass time. Like almost a year. And here we are. Dating for like, what? 6-7 months?" He grabs Doyoungs hand into his and the boy nods his head

"Cute~" You chime out.

Thinking about Kun's words, you decided that you just had to wait.

"I guess then I'll just have to be patient for him. Until he's over it." You sigh and look at the progress the lady has on your other hand.

"Just like Chenle will wait for you~" Doyoung chimes in.

"W-what?" Your face blooms red and all three of your friends laugh.

"AHA! I knew you like him!" Iris exclaims.

"No I don't!" You deny her statement and she looks at you with a "dont even try me" type of face.

"(Y/N) and Lele~" Kun sings out.

"Ooh! I ship!" Doyoung smiles.

"Yes bitch~" Iris chimes out as you hide your face from them.

"Stop guys..." You frown and they laugh.

"We're just kidding sis." Iris reassures you.

"You might be but I'm not." Doyoung says and Iris laughs.

"I mean same here. I completely ship. I'm lie Chenle's mom at this point." Kun smiles.

"Guys I don't like him~" You whine out childishly.

"Sure you don't." Kun rolls his eyes.

"Kun I will kick you where the sun don't shine if you keep saying this." You threaten him in Mandarin and Doyoung looks weirdly at you.

"Sorry but I don't speak," Kun then blows a raspberry at you and you frown.

"Fine you guys win..." You sigh.

And I mean y'all ain't wrong. I do like the kid I just don't wanna admit it.


I've been tagged :)

1. I'm straighter than a freaking ruler

2. I'm a female

3. Happy? Idk I guess so

4. Mia by Drake and Bad Bunny (I love me some spanish music)

5. My hair is a dark brown color but I wanna dye it but mom says no so no it is :")))

6. I'm an Aries (April 10th)

7. I haven't had my first kiss...

8. Maroon. I like it for some reason.

9. Empanadas (especially the ones my abuela makes. Latinas unite ✊✊✊)

10. 85%

11. NCT Mark Leeeeeee

12. I love me some green beans. Don't come at me y'all

13. My eyes are like hazel. But they change every season. Ooh wait I have a cool pic of them.

They look more brown in the autumn (I'm into photography and if you are too hit me up ;) )

14. I'm a size 9 woman (idk the European size rip)

15. I really like engineering and chemistry so I wanna be a Nuclear Engineer one day. Really random but I like science and math a lot (don't come at me)



*Author has just malfunctioned and quit the server*

Literally I'm screaming.

Also! Important announcement!

So ima be on vacation during my February break and I'm going to Germany right. And I probs won't have any time to make chapters sooooo, Ima make a qna special for Feburary 14 (Jaejae :"))) )so send me any questions yall might have for me.

Thanks to everyone that sent me messages for just motivating me to study for my midterms and placement tests coming up. I really enjoy talking with y'all :)

So I'll see y'all in the next update~

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