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"AHA! I knew you like him!" Iris exclaims.

"No I don't!" You deny her statement and she looks at you with a "dont even try me" type of face.

"(Y/N) and Lele~" Kun sings out.

"Ooh! I ship!" Doyoung smiles.

"Yes bitch~" Iris chimes out as you hide your face from them.

"Stop guys..." You frown and they laugh.

"We're just kidding sis." Iris reassures you.

"You might be but I'm not." Doyoung says and Iris laughs.

"I mean same here. I completely ship. I'm lie Chenle's mom at this point." Kun smiles.

"Guys I don't like him~" You whine out childishly.

"Sure you don't." Kun rolls his eyes.

"Kun I will kick you where the sun don't shine if you keep saying this." You threaten him in Mandarin and Doyoung looks weirdly at you.

"Sorry but I don't speak," Kun then blows a raspberry at you and you frown.

"Fine you guys win..." You sigh.

And I mean y'all ain't wrong. I do like the kid I just don't wanna admit it.

You got your nails done after and decided to walk around the mall, because why not?

"Y'all I'm in need of some make up. I ran out of foundation like yesterday and had to use Kun's." Doyoung says.

"Same sis." You nod and start to head over to Sephora.

People looked at Kun and Doyoung pitifully. You thought as to why and realized that people thought that you and Iris dragged them without choice.

"Those poor guys..." You hear somebody say.

"Shhh, I think that's one of their girlfriends." The girl points to you as Doyoung came up to you and asked what color was closest to his skin tone.

"Wait check the reviews." You tell him as he goes on his phone to check the reviews.

"They say that the first one has good coverage but it's price isn't worth it and the second one doesn't cover the best but it's skin color is exactly as it appears."

"First one maybe?" You say and he thinks about it.

"But then again, I can just buy more of the second one since it costs like half the price."

"True..." You guys didn't know what to do so Doyoung calls over Kun and explains the situation.

"The second one. Just buy two of them and use more of it." He shrugs as if it was nothing.

"But I don't have space in my make up bag." He adds.

"That's where the better coverage one comes in."

"Or, you could just buy this one." Iris comments while showing Doyoung one.

"Check the reviews." You tell him as he checks on his phone again.

"Woah, 4.5 stars." His eyes widen in amusement.

"That one it is." You chime and he nods his head.

"What are you buying?" Kun asks you.

"I need some blush, setting spray and lip tint." You inform him.

"The blush is over there loser." A voice behind you says.

"Nani?" You say aloud and turn around.

"Ratjun?" Kun asks in bewilderment.

"Kun it's Renjun-"

"Did I stutter?" Renjun rolls his eyes at his friend and crosses his arms.

"What are y'all doing here?" He asks, unamused to see you here.

"Um we've been here for like three hours. What are you doing here?" You sassily reply as Kun pretends to flip his hair.

"Shopping with the idiots over there." He monotonously says.

"What idi- oh fuck." Kun says as he sees Jaemin, Jeno, Jisung and Chenle in one corner of the store.

"They saw you guys here and wanted to meet up with y'all but were too cowardice to say anything so I had to come here." He explains while picking at something in his nails.

"Well you tell them to fuck off because I'm enjoying myself today and I don't want any kids around me." Kun pats Renjun's shoulder and walks over to his boyfriend and Iris.

"Well shit." He huffs out.

"Bye bye Ratjun." You pat his shoulder and go get what you were looking for.

He sighs and turns around telling the guys to leave as they follow him.

"Trick ass bitch." Somebody pulls your hair from behind and you almost fall back.

"The hell?" You turn around and see Anal and one of her friends Stacy? Pasty? Macy?

"Need some make up to cover that?" Racy points at your face.

"Aw too bad, I was trying to go for an Anal and Macy or whatever your names are, look today. You know, that hoe kind of look." You scoff and grab the blush you needed while moving onto the next aisle.

"Bitch." Hanuel murmurs while walking off.

"I know you are but what am I?" You mumble under your breath as she leaves the store.

"Psst. (Y/N)," You hear somebody say.

Looking around you don't see anybody and go back to testing the BB cream you had to make sure you have the correct skin tone.

"Hey! Over here." You rolled your eyes and turn to a figure next to you.

"Jaemin? What the hell are you doing here?" You whisper yelled at him.

"Stalking you?" He questions his own statement. You kick his shin as he removed his leg away from you. "Listen we just wanna-"

"Zip it Jaemin. I'm having a good day right now. I don't want you guys to fuck it up, okay?"

He sighed and looked away from you and grabbed the spray you had in your hands.

"Hey, if you let us hang out later, I'll buy you all of your makeup. Promise." He smirks and you roll your eyes. Your arms were crossed and you looked stern. There was no way he would win this argument and he knew that.

"Thanks but no thanks. I'll use my own money." You snatched your makeup from his hands and walked away to the next aisle that had what you needed.

"Suit yourself. Don't be sad when you can't hang out with Lele though."

"Yeah yeah, have a nice day bitch." You ignore what he said and continued to swatch the lip tint on your back hand.

Luckily, it was the exact color you were looking for and so you were ready to pay.

Iris waited in line with you while Doyoung and Kun walked out. They said they would outside the story for you guys as they had finished.

"Thank you, have a nice day." The lady at the register chimed as you left, thanking her in the process.

"Man, let's catch up to them." Iris says while tugging at your sleeve.

Looking at them, you saw more people than just two. To be exact, you saw 5 other people there.

"I'm not babysitting all of you guys." Doyoung shakes his head.

"Then why are you with (Y/N) and Iris, huh?" Jeno asks them.

"First of all, y'all are like 5 years old." Doyoung says while holding up his index finger.

"We're literally older than (Y/N) but go off." Jisung adds, earning a smack on the head by Kun.

"Bitch, you wish you were older than me." You flip your hair. They all look at you and give you a look that says "try me bitch".

"And (Y/N) actually has her own money. Unlike all of y'all that made me buy you guys stuff last time we went out." Kun says, gripping Doyoung's hand a little tighter.

"Oof." Iris adds in.

"Mega oof." You add on. You cross your arms and sway from side to side slowly, looking and admiring your surroundings.

"Nice seeing y'all but we gotta blast." Doyoung pulls you and Iris aside. You wink at them and start walking away from them with the others.

"Wait up!" Jaemin says to you guys.

You flip them off by showing your middle finger at them without even looking at them.

"Let's get outta here. I need some food." Doyoung says while you all agree.

"Well that was a flop." Jisung says while Renjun looks at him.

"You think?" He sarcastically scoffs.

"Yes, I do think unlike you." He retorts at Renjun.

"Renjun don't beat him, we're in public." Jaemin tells him and he inhales and exhales, trying to calm himself.

"This is exactly why I like hanging out with WinWin and Lucas and not you guys." He rolls his eyes while sipping on his drink, walking away from them as they follow him.

"You only hang around them because they speak Mandarin with you." Chenle says to him.

"Don't act like you don't do that either." He rolls his eyes at Chenle.

"Whatever you say Hyung." Chenle rolls his eyes once again.

"But like let's lowkey follow them." Jaemin says while Jeno slaps the back of his head.

"Are you crazy? Doyoung would tell our parents that we were being annoying again."

They all begin to remember that one time they all got grounded for annoying Kun and Doyoung on one of their dates.

"Yeah let's not." Renjun adds in.

"But Lele wanted to see (Y/N)~" Jisung teases earning a hit from Chenle.

"When did I say that?" He tried to hide the blush that was creeping up his face by acting all tough.

"Don't act like you didn't wanna~" Jeno teases him.

"Can all of y'all just shut up for once?" He looks away from them as he felt his face heating up.

"No." They all say at once and Chenle hangs his head low.

"Why did I even ask."

"Why won't you admit that you like (Y/N)?" Renjun asks him.


"Wait so you do like her?!" They all look at him as he stutters and tried to deny.

"No! No I don't! What are you guys t-talking about?" He chuckles nervously and they make a commotion.

"Awwww~" They all tease him and poke him.

"Okay fine I do but shut up. She probably thinks I'm weird and won't like me anyways." He frowns and sips his drink.

"Like we would tell her."

"You said the same thing last time."

"The past is the past Lele." Jeno puts an arm on his shoulder. "Live in the future."

"We'll help you get your girl." Jaemin winks at him and the poor boy sighs.

Jeez, what did I get myself into. She's gonna know by like tomorrow or something and is gonna think I'm weird or even worse.


It's update day!

Hey! Well I've been doing great thanks for asking.

Honestly, I'm only writing this part for the reminder that I'll be posting a QNA on Thursday, February 14th!

I'm looking forward to answering the bunch if questions y'all have for me. I already have like 15 questions. I might have to cut down a couple since they repeats or combine some. Maybe I'll do 20 idk.

But yeah! I'm super excited ro see how my book is growing and how y'all are really enjoying it. Some of y'all actually quote my book and I gotta admit, they funny XD

But yeah! I'll see y'all in the next update ;)

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