A Luigi Night...

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I was about to blow my candle out and go to bed. I was wearing my pj dress of gummy bears and i had my Boo plushie. My phone then rang and i quickly flew over to it. I didn't want to wake anyone, even if my room is on the third floor. See not many people live in the castle, some servants prefer to have there own home. The third floor is mostly the guest rooms and some servants have lived here. Basically the third floor is all mine, but i guess it echos with the silence. I didn't bother checking who was calling, so i just answered. " L-Liz are you there?  C-can you come over? " It was Luigi, who apparently was scared. I didn't  feel like arguing, so i went with it. I took my candle and flew out my window. Hopefully what ever has Luigi up isn't such a big deal. The butler always comes to wake me up, if he finds out i am missing...let's just say Bowser has left some bad memories for some sprixies around here. I am guessing Luigi called me since i live near, Mario lives with Peach at the castle. I think he's gonna become king some day, if he mans up and Marries her. Then again Bowser would probably still kidnap her right? But doesn't he like Violet? That reminds me Violet  must of transformed, since it's night time. It takes me a while to find my way since, the dark forest has it's name for a reason. I knock on the door and yawn. Luigi opens it and pulls me in. " What? " I asked kinda sleepy, but Luigi shakes me out of it. " Read this! " He says while handing me a paper. I came all this way to read a paper? I read it anyways" Luigi, I have come to seek revenge on you! BEWARE! " It was written in red ink. " Do you really believe this Luigi? " I ask wanting to go home. I thought it would be a spider or something, not a note. Then again i don't understand why people are scared of spiders, have they not met Charlotte the spider? Luigi nods his head " It's written in blood! " He says. I look at the note and notice it's dipping. I didn't feel like tasting it to see if it was fake, or not. An evil laugh was heard and Luigi faints. I face palm and wave my wand. Luigi begins to float and i guide him to the couch. I wave my wand again and he fell on the couch. I wrap a blanket around him and i was about to leave. I heard something break and i flew to the place i heard the noise. There was broken glass all around.  On the floor was written, not with red ink " I'll get you too, Liz " i freaked out on the part that they knew my name. Who could this honestly be? I wondered. " I just want to sleep! " I whisper -yell so Luigi doesn't wake up. Lightning strikes and the lights flicker. Luigi wakes up with a short Ah. He then comes over here and begins to sweat. " Relax Luigi " I say even though i am starting to believe we might be goners. An idea then pops into my head and i take out my magic whistle.  " King Boo" I say before blowing on it. He appears wearing a night mask. " K-king B-boo? " Luigi manages to say before fainting  again. He takes off his night mask and looks around. His eyes then land on me and he asks " Why have you summoned me? " I point to the note on the floor. " Order your boo servant or follower to quit messing with Luigi!  " i say while he gives me a puzzled look. " I haven't messed with Luigi in a long time. He hasn't tried to suck me in that vacuum of his, so why bother? I haven't ordered any boos to come mess with him.They should know better since he has a vacuum. " He says. I am guessing he means whoever is doing this, isn't on his side. Luigi then wakes up again. " It's King Boo! " He says, but we all shake our heads. A laugh is heard followed  by lightning. " It's Me! " Says a voice behind all of us. We all turn to see that it's none other then Shadow. " Got you! " She says. Luigi gives her a blank stare and king Boo just disappears. I decided to leave since it was just Shadow. Besides i couldn't tell if morning was coming! I then heard " Liz! Don't leave me with h-her! " It was Luigi.  Shadow then floated over to me. " I guess I'll be leaving with you" I nodded my head and we both heard Luigi say " Ma'am Mia!  " We rolled our eyes. " He's so easy to scare!He's such a cry baby " Shadow said. I giggled and said " That's Luigi for ya! "

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