Liz VS Little Mac

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Liz:This one?!

Violet:Yes! This one!

Shadow:OOOOOOOHHHHH! I love this one!


Violet:Why not?


Shadow/Violet:*looking at Liz*

Liz:-_- Just tell it.

Shadow:I'll start. So one day, Team Purple was hanging out. There was nothing to do really. All of a sudden, Vi came with a microphone. "Get ready to ruuuumbleeee! Today, we will be having smashes. People against the members of Team Purple. First...give it up for...LIIIIIZ!" She said. Liz was shocked. She didn't know what was going on. Neither did I. Liz did the O_O face. "B-but, I-I-oh whatever." She said as she flew into the boxing ring.

Violet:here it comes!

Shadow: Violet then said,"Liz VS...Little Mac!" Little Mac got into the boxing ring as well. I slowly took out my popcorn. I already knew this was gonna be good. I have Violet some so she could enjoy the smash as well. "He doesn't look scary at" Liz whimpered.

Liz:I did not whimper!

Violet:Yeeeeeess you did.

Shadow: "You can do it Liz! He's bad with aerial attacks! And you fly most of the time! Just go for it!" I cheered her on. Violet agreed as well,"Yeah! He just likes to punch people." Little Mac did the -_- face. "Why can't I take on Bowser? He doesn't seem that bad...I think...and he's nice to Vi...nice guy?" Liz asked.

Violet:True but...

Shadow:"LM is nice too. You may think he's small...but when he gets a smash ball..." Violet stopped there. "Oh great." Liz said. She zapped LM with her wand. LM attempted to kick her. She dodged though.

Liz:May I tell the rest?

Shadow:Go ahead! I'm gonna eat some more popcorn. *takes out popcorn and eats while listening* Want some Vi?

Violet:*gets some popcorn*

Liz:-_- LM then got a smash ball. He turned into Giga Mac! He was huge! To me. But I'm sure he was huge to Shadowy and Vi! "J-just like Bowser." I stuttered. Giga Mac stomped on the ground. I zapped some magic at him. He blocked it and smacked me. I zapped some more magic and he turned back to Little Mac again. After so many zaps and punches...

Violet/Shadow:LIZ WON!

Liz:I won! Yes I did! And my prize was some ice cream with extra extra extra extra extra extra extra extra sprinkles! Which I would like some right now.

Shadow:*vanishes and comes back with vanilla ice cream*I need sprinkles...

Violet:*comes back with a cannon full of sprinkles*SPRINKLES COMING YOUR WAY!

Liz:O-O Sprinkles!!!!

Violet:*blasts cannon and room is filled with sprinkles*

Team Purple:*under sprinkles*

Shadow:*takes hand out of sprinkles showing sprinkled ice cream* Got it!

Team Purple:*gets out of sprinkles*

Liz:YAYAYAY! *eats ice cream with sprinkles*

Violet:Too much?

Shadow:Nope! Perfect amount.

Violet:Oh okay! *makes a sprinkle angel*

Shadow:*begins to eat sprinkles*

Guess who did this story? MEEEE! Violet_Mario! Heh heh. Surprised? Anyway, hope you liked it! Mittsy out!

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