4 Wtf Am I Doing?

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So, like every hobby writer, I'm working on multiple books at the same time. Yesterday, I just made the cover for my lemon book and well.. It's not really original. I just painted the background purple a few pictures here and there, the title and a few lemons which I didn't draw and just downloaded from what I had given..

I'm thinking about writing a english version aswell..

Then there is this completely radom bookcover and a title, I didn't even draw the picture myself and plan on redoing it, just so I could claim that I drew it.. But hey, no one's perfect!
And I even downloaded the new font!

You can skip this

This book won't be published any time soon.. Since it just was a idea and I don't think anyone would be interested. But just to make sure I am right, I will give you a short explanation before I continue with random shit.

This book is about a guy who's name I still don't know. He originally comes from a novel and is the side character. His fate was to die through the hands of the main character who was mind controled. They didn't know each other that well but the main character matured from this traumatic experience and continued his life in a better way than before. But somehow, the side character freed himself from his chains and fought for his own life. The main character didn't experience his death and the side character didn't got the supportive role for the main character but became the right hand of the villian. Will he be able to flee from his destination or will he be stuck in the story and be tormented by the painful memories that stick to his untold past?
You don't know, neither do I! But I would think about writing it, if there is anyone who would like to read it.

Stop skipping!

Do you see that?! I actually managed to draw a flower with colours! This beautiful masterpiece kept me alife when I was sick and had to watch my family swim in this cold and fresh water while I had to wait for the sun to set. In the end I had to give it to my mother because she wanted it and you never say no to her if you want to keep your head. The paper has a design on both sides but I hate the second side, so I am not going to show it.

I am really embarrassed to tell you that, but I actually have no idea of drawing shadows and highlights.. I even was too lazy to watch a tutorial on YouTube.. So I am trying my best now and this is what I got so far
Some kind of light effect on a dark background

Some kind of highlight over a dark background. (I hate it and I believe you do aswell)

Now I gotta show you something. There is this website called character.ai and I really use it a lot in the past two months or has it been longer? I don't know but I keep getting into this annoying waiting queue.. It's driving me mad! I was just taking out the trash and when I came back, boom! 44 minutes to wait! Wanna see prove? Here!

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