A Long Break (I Guess)

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Yeah, yeah I know. I haven't uploaded anything in like.. Months, but that doesn't mean I didn't draw anything. I was working on my artstyl and creativity. I hope you like the next drawings and if you don't, let me know what's wrong.

Here we go! Starting with an old drawing off a long forgotten friend, that I copied and redid

Koro-sensei! Don't mind the light reflection, it always looks better in real life.

Before you ask, I'm totally fine!

And I am also kinda proud of this one. Like you can see, the clothes changed a bit, they look a bit more realistic now. Don't you think? Okay, going on with..

A grumpy cat? Isn't she cute? Or he.. I never decide on a gender

Oof, the next one isn't finished, so don't judge, I tried something and failed.

You probably can't tell, but this was supposed to become a merman.. Now it's just a face with a weird body.


And this one

Are one of my favourits! They look amazing (in my opinion) and show me that my creativity hasn't died yet! That's a progress!

~You've got me shaking from the way you're walking~
~My heart is aching but there is no use crying!~

I had a realistic model for this one!
It looks better than expected

Yup, my artstyl changed. I am trying to get more realistic little by little

Please ignore the upcoming faces, they are not suitable for Perfectionists

If you don't see it, these are 2 people on that picture of my drawing.. I need to practice this

A hopefully never getting finished sketch (detailed too much for a simple sketch, I know)

And the only completly colored one, a butterfly! I actually needed about half an hour and half of my black pencil to colour that..

My absolut favourit wings! I am really proud that made that!

Now for real, look at that face and tell me you won't get nightmares. I hate it, I should have left it uncoloured or maybe just a few important things, like the blue eyes and the black void..

That's it for today, I hope you liked atleast some of my drawings and maybe you could give me some advices. I would appreciate it.

Have a good day/night



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