"It's you!"

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3rd POV:

The following days were stressful for the creepypastas. Police had doubled in the last few days thanks to this 'Mirror Ghost' making it impossible for them to kill. "UGH! I cant take this anymore!" Jeff shouted "Why the hell do we have to be stuck in the mansion? We could be out there, killing! You know... the thing we do?!". Slender looked sympathetically and sighed "Jeff, please, you know it is unsafe to leave at the moment".

Time skip to night time, thanks to Jeff's whining: (Jeff: Oi I do NOT whine!)

Jeff's POV:

"Oi BEN get up... Get Up, GET UP NOW!!!" I shouted as BEN tumbled out of bed. "Hey! What was that for?!" I whisper-shouted because BEN had just kicked my shin. "Are the others ready?" he asked "mhm" I mumbled. The others coming with us (on a secret killing spree) were: Me, BEN, Lynx, EJ, LJ, The three proxy's and Smile dog. "Lets go!" We both ran down stairs and out the door where the others were waiting for us.

EJ: Well? Were you seen?

Me: Nah, Not sure about BEN though, I mean, he's wearing BRIGHT GREEN!

BEN: OI! I was NOT seen, thank you very much! Plus your wearing white! Much more seeable than green!

Me: Grrr, I swear one day...

Masky: GUY'S! Lets just go already, before were seen! I already have a bad feeling about this, AND YOUR NOT HELPING!


We all ran to the edge of the woods, always on guard, just incase. Eventually we arrived at city, only lit by the street lamps, and chose our start. I started with a hospital not too far away from where we were standing, and everyone else chose houses not to far away from that.

Time skip to in the middle of the night, because Author-Chan sucks at wrighting killing scenes! :(

(still in EJ's POV)

I came out into the street and met up with Lynx. "Yo, are ya done?" he asked. "Yep all d...one?" I stopped and looked around, "Lynx, can you here that?" "Huh? What are you talking about I don't hear... What is that?". Demonic singing, that's what I would describe it as. We walked closer to the sound to find a dark haired girl, singing, a fire raging around her. "what is she doing?" I asked lynx, straining to hear the words. "Dunno, but I cant make out the words. Do we, go closer?" "Uh, sure, but be careful..." We took a step forward as the raging inferno cut off our escape route. "Well, looks like she wants us to go closer." Another step and the words became clear:

(Any one who can guess which song this is, gets 50 awesome points!)

'La la la, la la la,

Hey, can you hear me? I called out your name,

Where are you from? What is it that's brought you here?

Why wont you answer me? I swear to play nice,

Isn't this fun? This game of hide-and-seek...

I only wanted to hear your voice, skin that's warm, eyes that cry...

I only wanted to see your smile, feel your touch, it's been a while,

Long, long ago, I was a girl just like you,

Father loved me, kept me safe and beautiful,

Oh how I'd love to dance around just once more!

But these cold legs don't move anymore.'

{ I'm probably not going to continue with this, but if you want me to I can... I mean I have a few ideas for this but, I dunno. What do you think? Post a comment down below whether you want me to continue! }
Signing out,

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