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A/N: There are a few additions i have made to my character but those will become clear later! Also sorry for not updating i was a bit held up, sorry! Anywhale, ON WITH THE STORY!!!

BEN Drowned's POV:

As i was watching (AKA ignoring) the news, a certen part caught my intrest. The reporter stated that 'A slaughter at fall shoping center (< made up) has left millions of families devistated. The cause being a seriel killer who calles herself The Mirror Ghost. She is around 5 feet tall and has long black hair. Other than this the police has no idea what she looks like. If seen report to the police imedetly!' They then showed a clip of a tall female in a half-mask brutely massicaring everyone in her sight. This seemed like normal creepypasta behavior until she... SHE SWOLLOWED A PERSON WHOLE! This shocked not only me but everyone in the room! Sally, who had just witnessed this in complete terror, asked "slendy, what is she?" Slenderman had no words for this and quickly stated that he had never seen her before, let alone made her one of us.

Slenderman's POV:

I had no clue to who this Mirror Ghost person was! If you could call her a person. Jeff then stupidly decided to shout, "EJ WE FOUND YOUR TWIN!!!" I mentaly face palmed as Eyeless Jack walked into the room and replied with a simple "But i dont have a twin, let alone a sibling..."

Eyeless Jack's POV: (So many POV changes author-chan!) |yeah yeah, sorry|

"But i dont have a twin, let alone a sibling..." I said, but Jeff just pointed at the tv. When i looked, a clip showed on the screen. The clip reveled a masked girl with long black hair surrounded by police, why would she be my twin? (itallic's mean's thought), after that thought she smirked and bit off the head of the nearest police man. WAIT WHAT? I watched as she fought the entire police force, well 'fought' is the wrong word! Butchered? Yeah, butchered! She buchered them all, exterminating anyone in her path. Afterward she ate half of those she killed and drained the blood of the others. Climbing onto the roof she painted, with the blood, the words 'I am The Mirror Ghost, FEAR ME!' I now see why Jeff said she was my twin, she's a cannible like me! "Who is she? Is she a creepypasta? 'Cause ive never seen her before". Slender looked at me and said "We dont know what she is, let alone who she is".

{ Sorry gonna haveta stop it here! the stupid itallics are stuck on here so ill continue this in the next chapter! Cya l8r! }
Signing out,

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