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This is the profile of my OC (dont steal), Mirror Ghost!

Name: Mirror Ghost

Age: 19

Birthday: The 6th day of the 6th month.

Personality: I can be rather rude and violent but when you get to know me i have a child-like personality and im an absolute prankster!

Clothes: I always wear a black crop-top and black short shorts. I usually have a blue or black cloak draped around my figure, it gives me a more ominous aura! I have black combat boots and choker also.

Mask: My mask is a half mask so you can only see my mouth and has a mirror eye and an eye with the proxy symbol within it (you'll have to search the symbol). The eye with the mirror has 'blood' dripping down from it; my blood is black!

My face: I have a stiched mouth (that doesnt mean i cant talk)! A mirror eye and a proxy eye (at this point in time i have no idea that the proxy symbol is the proxy symbol). I have the 4 types of card shapes tattooed under the proxy eye (if you dont know the types they are heart, diamond, spade and club) and the joker card symbol tattooed onto the lid of the same eye.

Weapons: Mainly a scalple and butcher knives. I also have a knife i call 'The unzipper' which you stab into the neck and, with the curved blade, pull downward. I can use my powers when i please.

Powers: I have UNLIMITED POWER!!! (you get extra points if you can tell me where this meme is from)

Types: I am part human (obviously), wendigo, draconequu, changeling and siren.

Nick-names: 'The cold-blooded wolf queen' and 'The masked she-devil'.

Nick-name meanings: 'The cold-blooded wolf queen' originates from the fact that i am the queen of wolves and that i give no mercy. 'The masked she-devil' comes from the fact i wear a mask and that my draconequu's form looks like a female devil.

I think thats all you need to know but if i forget to add something than i will put an A/N at the start or end of a chapter saying what i forgot and all that! The updates will be slow but i WILL update (hopefully)! I also have a quotev account, called Mirror Ghost, where i co-author a story called 'Fairy of Pain' and create a bunch of differnt quizes!
Signing out,

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