Arc 2.10 - Heng

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Third Pov

Time skip ( 7 Years later)

Heng Ruo is Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of his own company. Its all start when he doing his own thesis Five years ago. All Professors and Judges is impressed with his presentation. One of them said if he make it into reality the company will be successful in the future. And 2 years after that he slowly build the company using his own money. Named as He.Ri & Co.

Now after five years, the company is already strong enough until it become Top 5 in the world. Heng Ruo become a billionare in such a young age. He become a main topic in a whole year. Paparazi is everywhere, they yearn for a topic to make it into the scandal. But they got none. He being a royal boyfriend for 5 years. Heng Ruo alreay engaged after he graduated from his university. He become the most wanted husband-to-be material in whole 3 years.

A/N: i wont give a detail what the company is about because it will be so ridiculous. Oppsy. Sorry 😉

Lee Rina. She is now a doctor and taking a specialist. Neurological. She's been busy through the years. Rina want to become a neurosurgeon in the age of 27. That what she told Heng Ruo when they decide what they want to be in the future. She become a hot topic when she was in practical because her boyfriend is Heng Ruo. Rina is actually an introvert person she's not adapt in new situations when everyone in the hospital try to be friendly with her just because her fiance is Billionare.

Rina try to act like none of this hot topic will destroy her career and she just do a normal routine. Although her Fiance's is billionare now, she is humble person. And its makes everyone love and admire her. Their relationship being a whole topic through the year. And they become more famous couple without them knowing about it.


Kang Jian. He is taking over his father position as a CEO of their family business. He and Heng Ruo recently make duo project. And their project attract world business because, one is clever, fierce guy and the other one is good at leadership in business. The project also become a huge success until it become hot issues.

Kang Jian relationship with Lijuan become more and more challenging because they always in break and make up relationship. Its all because Kang Jian's the only Heir of Kang family and his girlfriend ( Lijuan) came from an average family.

Lijuan. She is taking general practice in the same hospital with Rina. They already decided what they want to become since in their second years at University. Although Rina taking a different path from her but they still close as ever. Although sometimes she even get jealous when Rina life is so peaceful from but she try to be grateful for what she have.

Her relationship with Kang Jian is now in the middle of break up but they still together because she that Kang Jian and her are meant to be. She is still a fighter like the old her. Still smack at people talking  back to her like a shit. And that whats make she more stronger than before.

Lijuan become an attention to the whole country because she will never let anyone make her feel down. Sometimes there is even picture of her smacked Kang Jian head been captured by paparazi's. And the tittle of the topic is KANG JIAN'S GIRLFRIEND IS A GANGSTER

Rina and her laughed so much when they read the news about Kang Jian and her. The tittle is funny as hell. Although Kang Jian and her always faught but they make up as fast as ever because their ego is not on the first position. They still being a silly couple of the year.


Xiao Zan is being traveller. He published a books tittled as BOOKS OF LIFE and it become the most hot sell books and he win an awards of traveller.

When is travel out of the country he met a woman of his life. And he invite his F4 group members to be his best man. He is the first one who is settled down. The Playboy. His wife is actually is the leader of a good mafia. And thats the reason why he fell in love with her. Because she smack him down when he flirt with her at the first time they met. It were love at the first smack.

Mei Guong. He is open his own a cafè called as The Mei's. His cafè is so popular because it's different from the others. The menu's are the one that attract people to come to his cafè. His opening his branch in every state of the country. He become a millionare in such at young age. He the only F4 gangs that did not have girlfriend yet.

A lot of girls is queing to be his girlfriend but he not ready to settle down because he thought that he can't handle girl well.

F4 groups are still popular as before. They still become a flower boys of the year. When they graduated from university, flowers already sold out because fangirls giving it to them. Because who can denied their hotness. They always hot as ever.

But that doesn't make any different to them. They still spend time together whenever they can. Marriage and having a girlfriend didn't make any changes in their life as bestfriends.


"Baby, I'm home already." Rina yelled when she enter the house. She climbed to second floor and enter the rooms. She shocked when she see Heng Ruo leaned at headboard's bed. He held a book in his hand. Heng's wearing something captivate Rina eyes.

A/N: just pretend he leaned at the headboard bed. If you guys imagines a different guy its okay tho. This is only my imagination. Okay 👌😊

"Baby, what the freaking cat are you wearing?" Rina ask Heng Ruo. She walk forward to him. She sit at bench of the bed. "You look so sexy, baby. So what's your plan huh? You must be planning something right? Let me guess it.. wait.. don't tell me. Let me guess it first." She said excitedly. Heng Ruo's shake his head and look at his Fiance with loving eyes. Heng Ruo is amused with her talk. 'she always like this. So cute'

"Hmm. Its not our anniversarry. We already celebrate it a month ago. Not your birthday either, it's in October and we already celebrate it too. Hmm. Its not my birthday.. haish.. awhh. Now tell me what are you up to, huh??." Rina said while shaking Heng shoulder with both of her hands. Heng put his book ob the table and look at her straightly. "You really don't remember about it, huh?" Heng said softly.

"Let me remind you back" he cupped Rina face and kiss her lip slowly "the date for today is the day i confessed my love to you, baby" Heng Ruo said to Rina left ear. Rina shivers excitedly. "So this is all about huh?" She said seductively "Let me take a bath first baby, than we can proceed with all what you been planning." Rina try to take off Heng Ruo clothes slowly. But she stop and stand up from the bed.

"Let's take a bath together. How about that?" Rina pull Heng hands with her and take him to the bathroom. When she push the door she stunned. "D-did you do this to me. You're the one who did this right? Its so beautiful baby" Rina turn around and kiss lip softly.

'Its so beautiful'

"Let me serves you, my queen" Heng said softly. He take Rina right hand and kiss at her back hand like a real queen.

Heng take off all Rina clothes slowly until it dropped on the floor. He also take off his clothes. He grab transparent red kimono and wear it to Rina body. She look so sexy.

Heng take Rina hands toward bath tub. She enter first and he follower after her.

Heng pull Rina to sit in front of him. "Baby, I love you. My Queen, my baby girl, my little Rina. My wifey. I love you so much" Heng husky voice echoes in bathroom. He kiss her neck slowly. And wash Rina body slowly. He already put bath Rose Bomb. The smelled relaxing the body. The atmospehere make it even more romantic.

"I love you too, my giant. My king. My Daddy. My little Heng. My Hubby. I love you so much" Rina turn her body and sit on his lap, kiss him slowy and seductively.

The kiss turn into more intense. Heng hands slowly take the kimono off from Rina body. He kiss her neck and left a tagged. Hickey. It become more and more intense.

"Ahhh.. daddy" Rina moans softly.

A/N: continues based on you guys imagination 😉


Two years later

Rina's PoV

Today is our wedding day. I'm waiting at my bride rooms. All my bridemaids already here. I'm nervous. I having a cold feet. I hope i didn't making any mistake.

*Like you never married before Nara -Yeon rolled his eyes- you such a drama queen* YEON

"Rina, you look so beautiful. Finally you guys will be marry. I hope you always be happy and i want my to see little Rina and Heng soon" Lijuan said and chuckles a little bit when she saw my nervous face.

"Now, now. You're the one you will having little Lijuan and Jian er. Geez. Hi there, I hope you will be out healthy and beautiful like your mommy and daddy. Okay. And please behave, don't be like your mother. She is a gangster." I said and laugh loudly. Lijuan slap my hand on her belly softly. She pout her mouth "I'm not gangster anymore. You shouldn't said that. I just being a protective per--son. Huaaaaa" Lijuan crying loudly.

"Aww, aww. Don't cry. I'm just joking. There. There. You're already a good girl Juan. I'm just joking with you" i said while rubbing her arm softly.

Lijuan and Kang Jian married one year ago. Finally after Kang Jian mother's approved her by saying there is no other girls suitable with her son's more than her. After that Kang jian prepare the wedding 3 months later. They already married for 7 months now.

They become more lovey couple day by day. I'm happy for them and also the baby is coming. Aww.

Then, Kang jian come in followed by Xiao Zan and Mei Guang. "Hey, baby. What happened?" Kang Jian hug Lijuan shoulders and kiss her forehead. "I'm saying something about her being a gangster then suddenly she's crying. I already said i'm just joking but her tear still flow down. I'm sorry naa~~ Juan." I said looking at both Kang Jian and Lijuan.

Suddenly i feel guilty. Aww. Than, i heard laugh from beside me. Lijuan is laughing loudly. "Aww. I'm just pretending. Don't make that kind of face. You look so nervous. So i need to do something so you will be less nervous. Now. Now. Cheer up. If not your make up will ruined you know, if you keep frowning.  now Smile" Lijuan said.

Geez. This girl become more cruel after she is married but i still love her.

"You look so beautiful, Rina." Mei Guang said. And Xiao Zan and Kang Jian are nodding their head. Agreed with him.

"Thank you. By the way. Where is your girl huh, Guang. I heard you fell in love with someone" i tease him. His face become red. Ouu. He must like this girl so much.

"She's waiting at Heng's groom room. She and Zan's girl are guarding the door. Heng want to come here but we didn't allowed it. He pretty nervous tho. He afraid that you will run away." Mei Guang said.

How stupid my husband can be. Geez this man. He is the most wanted husband to be. But he scared i will running away. Is there any place i can go. I'm sure he will searching for me if i run away tho.

"Its times to go, baby girl" My father said to me. Then, all of us getting out from the waiting room. Xiao Zan and Mei Guong run to Heng as fast as they can. I chuckled at their attitude. They such a child. Getting excited at their friends wedding. Heng and I always be the main topic to be teased when all of us are gather together.

But i feel grateful because they are such supportive and protective friends that i have in this life time. I will miss this world.

Someone touch my arm and it make me back to reality. "My daughter, we should go now" my father said to me. We wait in front of door. Then i heard piano been playing. Huh, its already start right. I cling my arm to my Father's and we walk through together on the alter.

I see Heng Ruo. My husband. He smile at me. His eyes is full of tear. He in the edge of crying. Awwwe. How sweet he can be. I look around me with my two pools of eyes, my closet friend and my family is there looking at us. This is the moment that i will remember the most in this world.

We stop at the end of alter. I see Heng give his hand toward me, i put my hand on him. Then i heard my father said "Please take care of her and love her truly. But if one day you don't want her anymore please give her to me like i give you to her. I raise her with full of love and i hope you will full fill her needs and give attention to her. I trust you Heng. I know you since 9 years ago. I know you're gentleman. And a man with word but i still want you to promise me that you will take care of her. She's precious daughter of mine. Please take care of my princess" Father voice is so soft, he in the edge of crying. He my only father and i'm the only daughter of Lee's.

I hug my father tightly before i let it go. "I love you, father. You're the best dad, i could ask no more than you. You complete me. You raise me so well. I love you and mother the most. You guys are daimonds and precious person in my life." I kiss his cheeks softly. This father of mine is so soft spoken and gentleman.

Both of my parents is a well known persons but they so down to earth. My father is owner of Oil and Gas company in my country. While my mother fashion designer.

Both of them are so busy but they still have time from me. Since i was absorb into this world they never spoil me with money. I must do something first so i get a rewards. And for that i always appreciate little simple things they give me. They raise me so well. My friends never knew that my parents is richer than them because i never talk high about ny parents and most of the times i wear simple clothes. A shirt and Jeans.

Then i turn around to my husband to be. I smile at him. Before someone said to us, "Do you accept Heng Ruo to be the love of your lifetime and the only person that you will spend for the rest of life. Rich and poor. Health and sick. Through tick and thin time?." I look at him and said, "I do."

"And do you, accept Lee Rina to be your wife for the rest of your life. To be your your soulmate for the rest of your life and accept her in her strong and weakness?" Heng Ruo look at me and smile. "I do."

"And I pronounce you as Husband and Wife. You may kiss your bride" i look at Heng Ruo come forward to me. "Hi wifey. You look so beautiful today and you always look beautiful to me, baby" he said then he kiss me softly.

When we pull off from each other i can see he beaming with smiley face. He so happy. I touch his face and peck his lip one more time. "I love you, my husband" i said softly.

"I love you more" he said and softly peck my lip.

-Congrats! You complete the mission in the second Arc.-

*Nara, you want to stay or you want to leave?* Yeon

'i wanna stay in this lifetime' i said to yeon. My husband is right here. I want stay with him until the end.

*Okay. Enjoy it. Nara*


Next chapter will be 🍋and the end of  Arc 2.

Sorry for the late update and i won't left this story. This is my imagination after all. How could i leave it like that.



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