Arc 2.11 - Heng

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No one PoV

The wedding end after 8 PM. Heng and Rina Family's already getting back to the one of Heng's hotel.

While both of them is back at their own home. They already in their own room. Rina is taking off accesories from her hair and put at cloth room.

She is taking off the make up too from her face when Heng stop behind her and put both of his palm on her shoulder.

Heng pecks on the back of Rina's left ear. "We're husband and wife now" he whispers. "I feel so happy right now, my dream and wish already come true. I still can't get enough of you".

Rina is silent. But she's smiling and just continue taking off her make up. She feel so uneasy with it. Her face needs to breath from all dirty from make up mecury.

Heng smirks. "Don't wanna talk to me, huh?" He whispers again. Now he unzipped Rina wedding dresses so he can access to the crook of her neck, just before her right shoulder. He pecks on the pale and soft skin and nozzling it with the tip of his nose. Inhales the sweet scent his wife has.

Rina react to Heng pecked with moans. Heng grins. He already took off his wedding suit and tie since before leaving the hotel. He chuckles lightly. He licks on Rina's neck. "If this isn't love... I don't know what it is anymore baby" Heng turns Rina's body to face him.

Rina look at Heng with calm gaze. "Hmm?".

"This is not our room anymore baby." Heng said while gazing at his wife softly. "But why? Do we have any other's room?" Rina ask Heng with question face.

"Yes baby. But the room is also in another house. We're not going to stay here anymore" Heng explained to Rina. "But I like here. And why we have to move if we already stay here for almost 5 year. The memories in this house will dissapear just like that." Rina pout her mouth. Showing that she's not agreed to move to other house.

"Memories never dissapear, sweetheart. We just creating new memories every single day. Our memories in this house will never dissapear because we're not apart with each other we just move to the other place and create a new one. And i will never stop following you. Even if i died, i will follow you. My soul. My heart will follow you" Heng explained to Rina again.

*So creepy tho. He so determined person. I know Kai won't leave her alone. He even follow her here* Yeon

Rina smile to her husband. Satisfy with his answered. "Okay baby... Then when we'll move out?". Rina playing with Heng's suit buttons.

"Soon baby, we need to go to our honeymoon trip first." Heng caught Rina hands and kiss her palm slowly. Her face become red. So red.

"You still shy on me baby, even we already become husband and wife. You're so cute, my wifey." Heng play with Rina lingerie strip that she wearing inside her wedding dresses.

"Should we take a bath first wifey?" Heng put his index and thumb finger on Rina chin to make her look straightly into his eyes. "Hmm?" 'He's wifey is so shy right now.'

*Why you acting so shy Nara, so not you tho* Yeon.

Rina blinks. Her eyes drops to the bed. It covered by white bed sheet with red rose petals scatered on it. Heng eyes follows at where looking at. The bed. "So, no taking bath first baby?"

Heng stands behind Rina again. His fingers touch her shoulder slowly. He pecks on Rina's nape softly. Rina is still stands when Heng's fingers already reach between her thigh and touch her slightly.

And then she let Heng turn her body so they can look at each others' eyes.


-Only for Adult-

"Wifey" Heng said slowly, his thumb pressed on Rina's chin and leads her to still when he pecks on her lips.

Rina closed her eyes. She parted her lips and let Heng gets access into the warmth of her mouth. Heng's kisses are so soft and gentle.

And then he slowly leads Rina to sit on bedside. He even pushes her to get into the center of the bed before he pull Rina's lingerie down.

Rina smile dearly to Heng. She covered her heated cheeks with both of her palms when Heng undressing himself slowly while locking his gaze on Rina's beautiful naked body.

Heng keep kissing Rina's lips while taking off his pants. And now Rina is nakedly lying on the beds with red rose petals around her.

Rina blinks. She feel shy. For real.
Not just the holding up her desire but really shy. This is first time she feel embrassed with her own husband. Her cheeks become so red again when her hands touch his six packs.

YEON --> I wanna to throw up..bluekk

Heng smile thinly and leans down to get closer into Rina's hug and kisses while he sits between Rina's spreading thighs.

Rina whimpers when she feels a cold finger coated in generous amount of lube penetrates her clit. She moans into the kisses.

Heng move slowly inside. And he uses his other hand to get his body not pressing too hard on Rina's.

Sweat break in Heng and Rina's body even they do it slowly. More because they hold it.

"hhhhh...." Heng hissed. He pull off from Rina because he nearly eat her up. Its difficult not too, because she is so beautiful underneath him.

Rina smile thinly. She feel all the muscles on Heng's body. Raking her finger lightly on her husband not to paled skin. She try to not dig and scrathes it.

"Ahhh...mmm" Rina moans and taken back her head when she feel the real thing get inside her.

Heng let Rina get used to his size before he start pounding her. Slowly until it become harder. He left Rina's lips to let her breath freely and suck lightly into the crook of her necks.

Rina hold tightly into Heng's hair. "Ahhhhhh.... So good daddy..m..more" Rina begged to Heng's. He pounding her hardly. He can't control his desire more. She's officialy his. The fact that she is his wife make him overhelmed by the feeling.

And then suddenly Heng pulls out of her.
Rina blinks. She thirsty. No.. hungry for her own husband. But she still and look at her husband coldly.

Heng smile teasingly. He flips on Rina's body and then, he pounding in her harder. "Ahh Heng....not t..o..d..eep" Rina begged to him.

Heng put both of her hand abover her head. He know when she said no, it means yes. His daddy figure is out.

"Yes baby girl, you should begged more. Ahhh. I love when you begged. Hmm..."
He groaned and continue pound inside of her.

Heng released both of Rina's hand and Rina's hands scratch the board while enjoying herself. While moaning loudly and lightly in between.

She slowly opened her eyes when she feels Heng slow down. Tae comes down beneath her and kissed her lightly. "I love you, baby girl" he said softly.

Rina chuckles "I love you too, daddy" but she reply to his confession in the middle of making love. Then Heng interlocks his finger into Rina's.


Their wedding ring is clinking.

Rina keeps moaning when slowly Heng continue his pounding slowly inside her. "Ahhh...i'm" Heng grunt while pounding in her.

Heng pecks on Rina nape and let himself burst inside Rina's without condom. Shortly after that Rina comes with a loud moans.


Rina turn her body around to lie on her back and get the better view of his husband.

Heng lean down and pecks Rina on her lips. "I know you're hungry. I'll feed you goods. Wait for it"

Rina trails her index finger on Heng's lower lips softly.

Rina nods " Gosh, I love you so much" she said and pull Heng into hug.

Heng chuckles. He pecks on her cheeks. "I love you more, my little Rina" he says softly and then hug Rina to sleep.


Five years later

Rina Pov

"Baby, i have something to tell you." I look into his eyes. While we sit on chair at our backyard.

He busy with his tab, but when i talk to him. He put everything on the cofee table and hold my right hand in his.

"What, sweetheart?" He rub my hands and gaze sweetly at me.

"Let me get straight to the point. We been trying to get a baby all this years, and i...." He cut my talk with kisses.

"You not gonna tell me to find some girl so i can have a heir right? This is not the topic right?" He look so nervous and a little bit anxious.

"Oh noo... Of course not baby. Why would i asked you to find someone else? I will never leave you, baby. Geez. Why you always make any assumption. Now listen.... i'm pregnant. We gonna be parents!!!!" I says excitedly.

He look so stunned. "Baby? Say something please. Why are you not saying anything?" I said with nervous voice because he not responding.

Suddenly i saw a tear flow from his eyes. "When, you know about this?" Heng asked me why stand up from the chair and sit in front of me. He take my right hand and kiss my palm.

"Last weeks, baby." I says while smile happily. Overhelmed with the news i got from my doctor.

"My gosh, sweetheart. I love you so much. Finally we gonna be a parents. You know even you didn't get pregnant i will love you as the same as always. I always fell in love with you every single days, sweetheart." What he had said make me cry. This guy, my husband always make me melt with his words.

These past few years, none of his word that he break. He always make a time for me even though he's so busy handle business in his company. He never break any promise.

I rub both of Heng's cheeks with my hands. And kisses his lips. "I love you too, baby. This will be a start to our journey." He hug me and kiss my tummy softly.

"I can't wait to see you buddy. I will love you as i love your mother" then he look into my eyes.

"You're my world. Always." He said and kiss my forehead.

"Did you already announce it to our parents?" He ask me while take me inside the house in bridal style and go to our bedroom.

Before he goes up, he close the sliding door.When we arrive at the bedroom, He put me on the bedside.

"Nope, i didn't tell them yet. I want to tell you first."i says. He beaming with happiness. The look on his face showed that he look so happy.

"I can't called you baby girl anymore. It will be used to my another baby girl" he says, touch my tummy cover by clothes.

"Ouh why?? I'm still a baby girl. Don't you dare stop using it. But if you want to use to our daughter, its okay tho. When we in our room, you have to use it" i say, pout my mouth. Not agreed with him.

"You're demanding when it comes to me, my queen. But i will follow your order."
He lie me on the center of the bed and kisses my forehead softly.

"You should take a rest first sweetheart, i will wake you up when dinner is ready." He says and get up from the bed.

When he want to goes off, i pull his left hand. He look shocked and ask me what.

"Don't forget to take your tablet at backyard. And tomorrow can we go to our parents and tell them this good new?" I says. He chuckle at his forgotten tablet. And nods his head while saying yes to my question.

He kissed my lips and forehead again before leaving our bedroom to cook for our dinner.

I turn around and look at the clock, its still early. 6 p.m. but i already feel sleepy. I close my eyes while smiling. Happy.


10 years laters

Heng Pov

15 years i been with my little Rina. Her body become more curvy. Not to my like because she attracts more guys. I'm so possesive of her. She is my world after all.

We both had twins. Names Heng Wei (boys) and Heng Ying (girl). Both of them are 10 years old this year. They both are genius but possesive towards their own mother. Even with me.

Thats why i send them to my parents house for a couple of days. So i can spends my time with Rina.

They will come back today. On 5 of clock.


-Only for Adult-

My wife in under beneath me, she touch my six pack softly. She still addicted to it even after 15 years we been together.

I pounding inside her harder, she still beautiful as ever. She become more beautiful after all these years. My desire and love for her are strong every days.

"Ahhhh...harder, daddy" i snapped when she called me daddy, and pull both her legs on my shoulder and pounding in her more harder.

I groan when i feel my own climax. The pounding become faster and harder. "You still baby girl....ahhh...don't clench to harder baby" i said while pounding in her.

"Ahmmmm" i groaned beside her left ear and burst inside her. Rina moaning loudly when she released her cums. After that both of us breath heavily to get more oxygen after our making love session.

🍋END 🍋

"I'm glad the twins is not here, if not they will knock our door like crazy" she said teasing. She even grins although her eyes are close.

I chuckled and kissed her forehead softly. "Now, pull it out. The kids will back at 5 of clock. And now its already 12 p.m. geez after all these years your daddy kink become more rough." She complaining again. But i just keep smiling, she always complaining but love it anyways. I always rough on her when she calls me daddy.

She confessed that she loved it when in our second anniversary. Even before we married.

"Stop complaining, sweetheart. I know you love it." I says, my voice become more huskier. my fingers trails on her thighs, so soft. She become more curvy but I'm not complained tho. I love the curvy body on her. She look so hot.

"Stop touching it, you will seduce me for another round. And i will out of my energy when the kids already at home." She pout her mouth in a beautiful ways.

"You're so beautiful for me to stop touching you. Even the kids have to protects you when some guys flirt with you. I'm SO want to punch the guys face that asking you out for a date. Like can he not see you hold our kids hands. How dare he is!!" Suddenly i feel mad. Her hands rub my chest softly. Try to calm me and its work. She is my weakness after all.

"But who is the one i'm married with? The most handsomes guy in my whole world. The sweetest husband and father in this world. Even when you loves to spoiled our kid" She says and smile me.

She leans forward and kiss my lips softly.
"Now, lets get up from the bed and take showers. Our kids will arrived soon with our parents." She tap on my chest and getting up nakedly.

She sense the lust in my eyes but ignores it anyways. Then she look at my 'brother'.

"Want to have another round at the bathroom?" She says and her teasing eyes become much more to desire.

I stand from the bed and follow her into the bathroom.

"See, you're the one who always seduce me and i the one who you keep blaming at" i wrap my hands on her thigh when both of us in the tub together.

"Because you're so sexy to refuse."
She turn around and kisses my lips. She positioned herself on my brother.

"Ahhhhhhh... daddy..hhhmm"

..... 💥💥......

20 years later

Heng Wei is now 30 years old. He been taking his father position as the CEO. He been a good leader to all his workers just like his father.

While Heng Ying is an Accountant. She open her own partner company to make her carrier even more big from before. She become more successful accountant as she is fair to others when a make service to other company's.


Rina look at her husband beside her. She smiled weakly. Her face and body become more thin.

She's diagnose as a bone cancer. A few months ago, she puked in her own bathroom and fainted. Heng brought Rina to the hospital rushedly. He so worried and hope nothing happened to her. But, after a few test on Rina. She been diagones a Bone cancer already in stage 4.

Heng is the one who can't accept his wife been sick. She's is his world, but she will leaving him alone. He try everything to help her but the doctor said, her body can't cooperated anymore. Its too late. He keep blaming himself as the worse husband because he doesn't noticed the symptoms she had.

The doctor said, she only had a few months to live. And they can't do anything about it anymore. Although its hard to accept it but Heng been the great husband.

Heng been take care of her. Both of his daughter and son also take a break from the jobs. To take care of their own mother.

Mostly Heng Wei is the one who can't accept that his mother is sick and is waiting for her time to come.

Now Rina is so thin and sickly on her bed. She look at her husband. He already ages but still handsome as before. She feel glad that she had come to this lifetime to spend years with him.

He's such a good husband even when both of their parents already passed away 10 years ago. He always be with her when she needs him. Now, in this lifetime she's the one who had to go.

"Hu..sband" she softly called him. Heng stirred up and wake up from his light sleep as his wife called his name.

"Yes, sweetheart?" He answered her called as fast as he can. "Can you call our kids into our rooms?" Heng eyes is fully tear when he heard his wife request. He know her times has come. He not ready yet, but he must be strong for his child.

Heng run to his kids room, and tell them that their mother want to see them. He ask them to brave their heart before they enter the room.

Rina smile to her kids.

"My child, Ying. I love you so much. You become more more beautiful. You being a kind child even when you were little. You are brave girl and i'm so proud of you when you protect your own brother when he been bully. I know you such strong women now. So be happy and fly whenever you wants okay. I hope you will find someone love you as much as i love you, ma princess. I always love you" Then Ying is breakdown, she crying in the hug of her mother.

"I love you, mom. I really love you. You're the best mom in the world" Ying kiss Rina forehead softly. Then retreat.

"Mom.." Wei already crying when he heard what his mother said to his sister.

"My Wei. You know i love you right.?" She saw her son nods his head weakly.

"Please once i gone, please take care of yourself. I know you're strong and clever man. You can thinks differently from the others. I hope when i was gone you can take care of your father for me. Both of you. Don't leave him alone. If you married one day, please love her as you love me okay. Please take care of her. I will look at you guys from the above. I love you" Her son kiss his cheek softly.

"Why must you mother? I love you..i promise i will take care of father for the rest of my life." Wei says and stand up agains. Ying also nodded her head when Wei say he going to take care of their father. She will do the same things.

"Sweetheart..i.." Rina been cut by Heng kisses on her lips. "Don't say anything anymore. I always will love you. I won't married anyone to replace you. I promise to take care of myself. I wi...ll love you for the rest of my life. I love you my queen. I....I..want to be with you until the end but god say differently. In this lifetime you will go first, the next one we will go together. I promise if we have another lifetime, i will remember you and love you the same. I will find you first my little Rina." Heng said while his tears already flow a river.

"I will waiting for you, husband" she smile weakly. Slowly she take her breath and closed her eyes. She smile softly. Until her breath can't be heard anymore.

Two of them mourned for her mother and while Heng mourned for his wife.

*Let's go Nara* Yeon
'hmmm...let's go. Till we meet again hubby' Nara.


Woww finally the second Arc is finished. So i have another draft for Arc three. Hope you guys will check it out too when i published it. 😚

Thank you so much all this time, eventhough most of you guys are silent reader. I appreciate that you read until the end. 🥰

Okay, see you next week 😊👌

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