Arc 3.1 - Zhang

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Nara Pov

"Hmm...Yeon, before this you told me that my husband would not remember me right?" I asked Yeon, out of my conscious.

Yeon look at me with a weird face, *Yes, why are asking me a weird question?" Yeon asked me back.

We walked through a long dark roads, I walked beside Yeon, not to fast and not slow. "Before I die, Heng made a promise with me. If there any lifetime again, he will remember me. Can he really remember me?" I asked without looking at Yeon.

Then Yeon stopped walking, so I did the same. "Listen, Nara, I don't know if I should tell you this but Kai's soul is following you. When we were in the second world, he was there with you, beside you, and lived with you." Yeon explained it to me.

"I know that already, why did you explain it again?" I said as we continued our journey.

"I thought, you didn't know about it. Sorry. So back to your question back then, yeah...he will remember you in the next world" We stopped at a light that was glowing in front of us.

"I'm happy, I didn't know the game I'm playing now could make me so happy. I hope I can continue this again and again. To be honest, I never had happy memories in my past life." Suddenly I told Yeon the truth about my past life. The one I lived before I started this whole thing.

Yeon look at me.

"But, you won't be sad anymore. You have me and you have your beloved husband with you" he told me, I nodded my head and agreed with Yeon happily.


"This world is a bit complicated. it's about cultivation. 90% of people in this world are just regular people. And the other 10 % of people are granted with cultivation skills. They've been granted these skills since they were little kids.

In this world, the strongest person is the one who will be the Emperor. They have to fight for it. Every 10 years, there is a competition for the throne. The one who wins the competition will become the Emperor for 10 years. He/She can make new rules and can change everything using their power as Emperor.

Anyone can be the Emperor, if they strong enough to go through all the hardships of the competition, the competition will take two years.

In two years, they will be trained more and more. And the last few months they will fight with the other competitors who also compete for the throne.

The last person will fight with the Emperor. But if the Emperor dies before the competitions, they will have to fight with the strongest amongst the strong people. Until the winner will be announced by an advisor of an Emperor.

Li Yong. Born from a poor family. He the only child. Even though his family is poor, he never felt sad about it. Strangely enough, he was proud of it. Li Qiang father taught him "Don't let people make you feel down with their words, words can't kills you. Show to people you're nothing like them. You're different".

Since then, he never let anyone put him down, 'Strong' is a nickname given by village people to him. He's granted with the Storm skills and can control the weather, but no one knows about it, even his own parents.

When he just 15 years old, his skills already make people amazed and respect him. He has been listed as one of the strongest people in his country. He become a general at such a young age.

3 years later he became the one and only general in his country. In that year also he took part in the competition to take the Emperor place. He want to rules the country with a new rule's.

Lee Jing. She is a quiet person. As her name shows, she was born with a silver spoon. Lee Jing's parents come from a noble family. Her father is an advisor of Emperor. She lives in the castle, growing up together with Princes and Princesses..

She's granted with Water Skill. She can make ice only from the water that surrounds her. She's a spoiled child, her wish always be fulfilled.

When She was 16 years old. She become a beautiful girl. She can be described as a real Princess even though she is not. A few noble guys asked for her hands of marriage, but she refused all of them.

She's secretly fell in love with one of the Princes who live in the castle with her. The one and only person who's very kind towards her. The first Prince.

Wang Yong. The First Prince's who's live the castle. The first blood son of Emperor and Empress.

Since he was a little kid, he has been asked to train with soldiers by the Emperor. He never feel loved by the Empress, his own mother. His mother never showed any form of care towards him but acts so different towards his other siblings.

He was alone in his world until he turned five years old. A cute little girl fell in front of him. She was like a little angel who fell from the sky. At the exact moment she fell in front of him, he fell in love with her.

Wang Yong is granted with Fire skills. He found out about his skill when he was trained by a soldier who is so cruel to him. He left him alone in the jungle. He need to survive without any light or foods.

A/N: You should be thankful to that soldier. You discover your skill because of him. You ungrateful child.

When he tried to make a fire using the wood surrounding him it didn't work. Until he finally did it, but not from the woods. It worked from his own two hands. Since then, he practices his secret skills in silence without anyone knowing about it.

When he turned 18 years old, he entered the competition to snatch a position of an Emperor from his father, because ever since he was little kid, Wang Yong's father was never fair to him. He always cared about his other children but not him. He had been neglected. He never felt loved by Emperor and Emperess, even his siblings never cared about him.

That's the reason why he became so attached to the only girl who isn't a princess in the castle. He took her for granted.

And you Lee Rina. The twin sister of Lee Jing and of course, your story is a bit different. You're not granted any skills.

This a reason why you have been neglected by your own parents.

You were disowned by your parents. They never cared about you. Never in your lifetime. They always fulfilled Lee Jing wishes but never yours.

She gest the new clothes, she's been treated like a real princess and she was taught how to be a noble.

While you were sent to be one of the servants in the castle's, have to make tea's in every single meeting of the Princes and Princesses with an Emperor.

You don't have free time like your twin, Lee Jing. You watched as she fell in love with Wang Yong. You want to take her place but you know you're a twin with a different face. You're not like her. At all.

She was always happy and you've always had a sorrowful life. When you're 16 years old. You become the leader of the maids.

You asked one of the servant to put a poison in Lee Jing's tea but it kill the Emperor instead.

In the end, you were caught by the guard who saw you give an order to one of the servants. You were thrown to the underground prison for the rest of your life. You've never been out of it.

And you never know who is the next Emperor for decades later, until the end of your life."

"Sad right? Your life in this world is so sad. You only want happiness but in the end, you died in sadness and filled with regrets" Yeon look at me, but I looked at him with a confused face.

"What?" Yeon ask me.

"I know I'm the second lead female and my sister is the heroine. But who is the second male lead? Where is my husband, how can I know which one is my husband?" I ask him. This scam system always make me mad. I just want to have a peaceful life with It (Yeon). But Yeon always keeps giving me headaches.

"That..... you have to find out by yourself." Yeon smirk at me.

My eyes widened "No, this is not fair... Yeon!" I chased after Yeon but he kept running away from me. Then, Yeon suddenly turned back and...


Then everything blacked out...


Who Zhang is will be revealed in the next few chapters. Maybe and maybe not he's a twin of the Wang Yong. 😝 Who knows???


Finally i find an Editor who is willing to help me, MusiMasawi thank you for helping me proofreading and edit this chapter. You're the best!!!!!

See you next time guys.

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