Arc 3.2 - Zhang

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Rina Pov

I felt the soft breeze of wind brush against my face. When I opened my eyes, I saw a figure in front of me trying to light the fire. It was a boy.

"Is not this Wang Yong?" Why did I appear at this moment? Isn't he suppose to be alone? Aish...Yeon!

I came back to reality when I heard a soft sigh from him. I tilted my head up to see his face. He was so handsome even though he was just around 8 years old.

"Maybe if you had any power, you could light the fire up," I said sarcastically. He looks at me with a serious face and continues what he was doing before.

Ignoring me huh? I slowly got up from the ground and got ready to walk away from him.

"Are you gonna leave me alone?" He asks me with a stuttering voice, when I look closely I can see his lip turning blue. He looks so cold. I sighed and sat down again.

"You should listen to me," I said, more softly this time after I saw him still not giving up.

"You shouldn't talk to this Prince in that way," he said seriously. I nearly laughed at him because he looks so serious in that small body.

"Try using your hand without anything in your hands." He looks at me with a confused expression. Without rocks in his hands, maybe he will succeed in lighting the fire.

"Trust me." He put down all the stuff in his hands and used his hands to light up the fire from the woods.

I can see sweat start to appear on his forehead. Wow, he really did believe in what I had said.

After 30 minutes, he begins to lost hope.

"Don't give up yet, keep trying you can do it," I said to him. He sighed a little bit and proceed with what he was doing before.

An hour later, a flame finally appeared from his own hands. Impressed by his gift, I look at him with widened eyes. He looks at me in disbelief.

"W-what just happened?" He asked me with a stuttering voice.

"Are you a witch, how did you know I can lit it up with my hands?" I laughed, a bit too loud because the expression on his face is priceless. He looked terrified of me.

"If I am a witch, I wouldn't help you. Instead, I will just kill and leave you here, alone." I said impassively.

He slowly nodded his head and asked me what I want from him?

"There is one thing I want to know, how did I get here?" Wang Yong's eyes looked at the fire and answered.

"I don't know either. When I arrived here I saw you already lying on the ground and crying." So they abandoned me, huh?

'Thank You---Ummm. What is your name?" I asked for his name. "Wang Yong" He answered. 'Of course'

"Can I ask you something?" He nodded his head.

"Why are you here? Did someone leave you here alone?" He lowered his head down and nodded again. After that, I didn't ask any further because I already knew what will happen. "Do you want to stay here any longer? you see it's getting darker over there. I bet its already late. It's dangerous to stay out here." I said to him.

"Do you want to come with me? Because we need to get out of this place." I tugged on his sleeve softly. "But someone with come and take me back home," he said, the softness of his voice nearly make me didn't hear what he said.

"Are you sure? If I left you here, can you survive alone?" I asked him again, asking for his confirmation. I want to leave him but I know how the story is. The guard didn't come to save him, he's the one who rescues himself.

His eyes are wavering, I can see it. "If you said so...then, I bid you farewell Yong gege" I got up from the ground and walk away from him.

After a miles away from him, I listen to foot's steps. I walked slowly, pretend nothing although I know he following me

"If you want to follow me, walk beside me, not behind," I said sarcastically. The foot's step becomes louder than before, nor did I feel afraid of it. I saw a figure beside me.

"You should have taken my invitation before," I said without looking at his face.

'Yeon, can you give memories of this body?' i asked him, then I stunned for a minute, a glimpse of memories appearing in my mind. 'Wow, Yeon. You sent me into this cruel world with mean people' i said.

[They're not cruel, they're just meaner] I rolled my eyes after I heard what Yeon had said. Duh.

"Erm.. are you okay? Should we stop or should we proceed on our journey?" He shook my shoulder a bit too hard. I look at him with frown expression and said

"Just continue."

After I received the memories, I knew nearly everything. I'm seven years old. I work as a maid in the Palace. My family hates me especially both of my parents. Because they think I don't have any cultivation, they feel ashamed of me. While my sister who has cultivated, they give full attention to her and abandoned me.

Not just that, they actually planned to kill me. They sent assassins to kill me, fortunately, I managed to escape. Now here I am. With this Young Prince's who supposed fall in love with my sister.

With the memories Yeon had given to me, I can remember my grandfather's house, although he's a fierce person, at least he won't kill me. He is the only person I can trust.

I look at the person beside me, I think I can bring this kid along with me.

It took us a couple of hours to arrived in the city. I felt tired already, my whole body's aching and I know he's too, although he said that he's fine for many times.

"Do you have some money?" I asked him. He shook his head. I sighed but didn't show any loss hope. "It's okay, we're near my grandfather's house. I hope he's in a good mood." I said. He just nods his head while following beside me.

We walked a couple of kilometres further, then I saw a huge house with spacious land. I think we had arrived at our destination. I saw two guards in front of the doors. They look at me with a weird expression. One, because I look like one of the beggars. Two, like who the h*lls will come in the middle of nights to someone's house.

"I apologized for my appearance but can I meet Master Bai Lee?" I asked one of the guards. He looks at me then looks at his friend. Then he runs inside the main house.

I wait for a couple of minutes while rubbing both of my shoulders, the cold weather makes my body shivered. I try to warm up the body by exhaling onto both of my hands then rub it on both of my shoulders.

Suddenly an old man comes out of the door. He looks at me fiercely until he realized who am i. His eyes widened. "Rina?" He asked me for confirmation.

"Good evening, Grandfather. How are you doing?" I asked him. I lower my body to show my respect toward's him.

"H-ow... did you live?" I know he going to ask me that question because news about my death is already widespread. I tilt my head to look at my grandpa and showed my index hand toward Wang Yong.

"This young kid saved me from death, he helped me hide from the assassins. He was also nearly killed by assassins who were going to kill me. But he saved me first." I explained to my Grandfather without any hesitation. I know I'm lying half of the story but if I didn't lie, I wouldn't be able to bring Wang Yong with me.

"His parents already died, killed by the assassins." I saw empathy in my Grandfather's eyes. I smirk inside.

"Can you let me live with you, Grandfather? You know right if I go back, they will kill me and him." I said. I looked into my Grandfather's eyes then I heard him sigh.

"I never thought that they willing to hire the assassins just to kill you." Grandfather shook his head softly. He look at me with softening eyes. "Comes inside the house, and you too young man comes inside. I'm sorry for your loss and thank you for saving my beloved granddaughter" Grandfather tapped his head softly and invites us into the house.

I walked in and was impressed with the design of the house. It had a classic and luxurious design.

"Go take a bath and after you're clean, come and have dinner with me. You too young man" he instructed us and I followed the maid to where she showed me. She helped me with choosing the right clothes for me and combed my hair. After I was done, she showed me the way to the dining room. Like I didn't know where is the place. But I was just being a polite person and follow where she goes.

I see my grandpa and Wang Yong already sat down, then I took a seat beside my Grandfather's. He instructed the servant to serve us the dinner. After they were done serving us, he tells them to eat too. I smiled when I saw how gentle and kind my grandfather was.

After we had our dinner, we sat in the living room. I told my grandfather everything because I don't have anything to hide. I also tell him the truth about Wang Yong. He seems mad at me but I tell him If I had left Wang Yong's alone he will die. After that, he accepted my reason.

Wang Yong awkwardly listens to us, he takes time to talk but slowly he opened up and tell us the real story that had happened to him.

The tension we had before is no longer exist when we laughed and feel comfortable together, I looked at two figures in front of me and smile.

This is a good start for me.


First of all, i want to apologize b'cause i didn't update for quite long time. And i want to apologize if this world feel bored to you. Like i told you guys before, i make this book b'cause i love to imagine things. If this world is not cup of tea or not to your expectation i'm sorry for it. I'm not author i just a silent reader before this. So yeah thats all for me. Thank you ☆(◠‿・)-☆

-Edited and proof readed by MusiMasawi

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