Arc 3.3 - Zhang

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Third Pov

After Rina and Wang Yong arrived safely at Bai Lee's house, they become more like siblings. Rina's attitude toward Wang Yong begin to change, she became more clingy and more soft to him. He becomes the only person she can talk to and play with as her Grandfather's busy handling his business.

Grandfather exports and sells raw rice to the whole country. No one actually knows that he is the owner of this big retailer. He became one of the richest people in the country. Only the people who are close and trusted by Bai Lee know that he's the one who owns the Rice business.

Now, both Rina and Wang Yong like real siblings, everyone in Bai Lee's household begins to forget about their real story. All of the servants are very fond of Rina and Wang Yong because they didn't make any trouble and always respect their elders. They treat the servant like family and that's what made them special.

Now Wang Yong knows about his power. He can light up fire from his own hands. He has been practising in secret how to increase his cultivation without anyone knowing about it except for Rina and Bai Lee. They keep Wang Yong secret for themselves. As the months go by, he gains more power and skills.


5 years later

Rina is 12 years old and Wang Yong is 13 years old.

"Yong gege! Wait for me, don't walk to fast.." Rina runs after Wang Yong who excitedly walked towards the soldiers. They just came back from the war between Ree Country and Yee Country. People celebrate the Ree's army with proud, they succeeded in conquering Yee country as theirs.

"Rina told you to wait for me, didn't I" Rina grumpily said to Wang Yong. She slapped his right shoulder. Wang Yong's shout but not too loud "It hurts, you should not slap gege this hard. Gege is sorry, I'm too excited to see them. Rina don't you think they are cool?!" Wang Yong's said excitedly. Wang Yong's face was beaming when he asked Rina.

"Rina does not know, Rina doesn't find it exciting. Gege..look at me. Do you want to become a soldier?" Rina asks Wang Yong as his facing her. "Hmm... I want to join to be one of them" he said while looking back at the Soldiers.

"But...Rina doesn't want you to go, who will play with me when I'm alone. Rina doesn't want to be alone. Rina doesn't want to see gege hurt." Rina's eyes tear already fell down. She was sobbing.

"Emmm...Rina. don't be like this, gege hate to see you crying. Gege will buy you, sweets, okay?" Wang Yong tries to make Rina stop crying. He kept saying he will buy this and that. He didn't know that the real Rina is already smirking inside. She loves to be treated like a queen and spoiled by someones.

"Hmm..promise me that gege will buy me sweet," Rina said to Wang Yong, she's already stopped crying.

"Ermm...gege promise, now let's go." Wang Yong's hand pulled Rina's wrist to follow him. They walk around the city as today people welcome soldiers from their duties.

They walk together happily, unbothered by the gazes from the other people who looked at them.

Lee Rina and Wang Yong can be described as a Prince and Princess because they both are beautiful and handsome. Although Wang Yong is the real Prince he's already forgotten about the original self. He becomes more happy and open toward people.

"Gege look at's so beautiful" Rina looked at a cat's, it been caged by the seller. The cat meowing for quite loud, Rina looks at the cat with loving eyes. "Can we adopt it? Gege.. can we?" Rina asked permission to Wang Yong with a cute face. "Please, Rina will do everything..please Ge'ge" Rina's hand tug Wang Yong's sleeve. " can but if grandfather gets mad at me, Ge'ge will protect you but you must keep your word. You will do everything I said." Wang Yong's smirk his lips. Rina's look at him annoyed but still nodding her head.

"Uncle, we will take this" Rina showed toward two cats. Uncle's who sell the animal nodding his head. "Here, little girl. Take of these cats with love and care, all right. Their mother just died." Wang Yong's give him one rock of silver and said thank you toward Uncle before they walk away.

"What are you going to name them? This white fluffy is Riri and this cute cat is Mochi. Is not they look cute together. I already fell in love with them." Rina hugs both of the cats on her chest because That uncle didn't give her any bag to bring the cats home.

A servant saw both Rina and Wang Yong see them and tell them Bai Lee's instruct them to go home. Both of Rina and Wang Yong's agreed and board on the carriage before another servant bring them back.

Without anyone noticing, there is one person who's watching Rina and Wang Yong from far.

"See, I keep my promise my dear wifey. Little Rina. Here I come"


"Grandfather look what Rina brought from the festival's. Riri and Mochi. Aren't they cute?" Rina asked her grandfather with a cheerful voice. Bai Lee's facial expression changed when he saw how happy his granddaughter, although he wants to be mad at her.

"Wang Yong?" Bai Lee's called for Wang's name.

"Grandpa's, I can't even refuse her request. She will use another trick to make me agreed with her." Wang Yong said Rina's look at with madly gaze's. 'You said you want to help me!' He makes a smudged face, 'I didn't say how will I help you'.

"Grandfather, please don't mad at Rina, I will feel more lonely after this because Yong Gege decided to join the army. He will be leaving me, I need something to make me happy. Hmmm..Grandpa.." Rina pleaded Bai Lee as Bai Lee's eyes looking at Wang Yong for confirmation whether he's really want to become a soldier. Wang Yong didn't hesitate to nod his head, after Bai Lee's get Wang Yong answered he then sighed softly.

"Ermm..grandfather will give you permission to pet the cats but you must take care of them, I don't want any trouble from it. All the accessories and their poop, you're the one who will clean it don't ask for anyone help...okay?" Bai Lee's said while sipping his afternoon tea.

"Emmm...Rina Promise to take care of them as they're my children." Her cuteness makes both of the guys laughed as she stated so confidently to take care of the cats.

" both of you go and take a bath, and Rina..please keep your promise I don't want to hear any trouble from servants about your cats, okay? Now go" We follow as Grandpa's instructed us to take bath, then had dinner after that.

Its been a year now, when will I meet him? I hope he keeps his promise to remember me.

"Rina..can I come in?" I heard Yong's voice from outside of my room, " can..come in" I yelled from my room, actually, it's not proper for a girl to yelled but I'm too lazy to stand up and open the door.

"I need to discuss with you about my depart from this house because I'm going to join the army in a couple of months from now," He said, wow... I wasn't surprised by his statement because I already expected that this will happened.

"Ermm...Yong Gege can continue..what do you want to talk about?" I asked him while nodding my head after he said that he wants to talk to me.

"If I want to take apart to become an army, I must practice how to defend myself. Therefore I asked one of my friends to teach me... I tell you this because I don't want you to be surprised by someone else in this house. I already talk to grandpa about this and He already agreed with me. So Rina..i want you to behave whenever my friend is here. Okay?" He looks at me with tender eyes.

"Since when Rina does not behave?" I said while smirking at him.

"Really? You want this Gege tell you what I feel when I first meet you?" His questions seem like a dare to me. I raise my eyebrows and said "hmmm..i want to know"

"When I first meet you... I feel like you're devil from hell..because you're so annoying, you like to cut me when we're talking, you never care about me and you seem like an angel with a devil disguised." He said...and there's silence for a couple of minutes before I burst my chuckle out.

"Really? That's what gege thought of me... so that why... Gege doesn't want to talk to me that Rina understands and glad I been a leech to for this couple of months or we're not gonna be this closed, right?" I said to him.. I heard him laughed and nodding his head, agreed with me.

"Gege also glad that you been so clingy to me for these past months, if you're not doing that gege think, gege will just ignore you for a whole year. Now see where we are, I heard people talking, saying that we like sibling right now," he said and tapped my head for a few times.

"Rina glad to be your meimei because you're the best gege I would ask for," I said while look at him with soft eyes. "Me too, gege also think on the same thing as you. Now we're going to end our talking. Good night, Rina" he said while standing up from my bed and walk himself out. Before he gets out I said goodnight to him too.

Hmmmm..what a long day I had. Let's end it.


Second update (◍•ᴗ•◍)

-Edited and Proof readed by MusiMasawi (✿^‿^)-

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