Arc 3.11- Zhang

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Rina's PoV

A few years ago, before I get married. I found something about this world.

I still remember I had read a novel, I found this Novel at library called as Red Flower. At first I didn't find anything interested about the novel until I realized the plot of the novel is the same as my life right now. In this world.

My name, My husbands name, all the character in the novel I had know.

I had read the plot of this story. And I know how my life will ended. I will be Killed by my own husband.

Wow. What a plot of the story.

In the novel I'm the villain and my sister is a heroine. Why I became a villain? Because of power, I have a superior power among the other. I'm the goddess Devil.

It's sound so funny to me at first, but I realized it's not funny anymore when I don't felt sad to see people dead.

Am I going to be villain like in the novel or Can I changes my faith?.

This novel thing make my mind become mess.

If I want to become a villain, I will become a good villain.

And that's what I've been doing all these times but I keep it secret from My own husbands.

For years, I keep practicing my power. But because I don't any trainer I'm not strong enough to fight many people.

A year before I get marriage, I found Uni's Kingdom where I become a Queen in the Novel. To my suprised I really did become their Queen because the Uni's General know about my existances. He call it as a faith.

For years I become Uni's Kingdom without anyone know about it. Only a few People know who am I, but they didn't dare to reveal it.

To Rii's netizens Zhang Ying is their Emperor and King. While inside the Palace, servant and high ranking people know who Am I. But the never dare to reveal who am I to my husbands because they know the consequences of not listening to me.

I am Lee Rina, the Queen of Uni's Kingdom. That's right. I am a queen. To a strong, powerful and most feared Kingdom.

All these times my husbands trying to search who is the real leader in Uni's Kingdom but they can't find any information about it.

My husbands thought people listen to them but the truth is people listened to my instruction.

There is one time, When I know they plotting something against me and my husbands, I send a letter to my people to killed them slowly and in secret and accussed the other member's who become rebels in silences.

I still remember they begging at me to spare their life but I asked something to them that make them silence and can't answer my question.

"Do You even think about my life before you plotting to kill me and my husbands? No, right? Then why should I spare your life? Give me reasons why should I spare your life."

But none of them answer my questions.

With a smile I instruct my people to kill them.

To my husbands I am the most loving and sweet wife but to others I am the most Evil one.

This is something my husbands must not know about me.

I'm afraid they will run away from me. And killed me.


"Husbands, Today Rina make a dessert called as Flower Petal Mochi. Can both of you try it?" I put the plate in front of them.

They eat it without suspect something strange from it. I put left palm below my chin while looking at them happily.

No, I didn't put anything inside the mochi. I love my husbands with all my heart.

"How was it? Delicious or not?" I asked them.

"Of course, My little Rina this sweet thing melted in mouth. It tasted very delicious and yummy. You're so wonderful my little Rina." Zhang Ying praised me.

"It's so good my wifey" Zhang Yong pat my head, he didn't talk to much. Like always.

"Rina accidentally make it too many, Rina had gave half of it to our servants. Can you also give it to Scholars and Ministers when you have meeting?" I asked Zhang Ying.

"I will pass it to them, and asked them to eat with full hearted. Don't worry about it. Husband will follow your words." Zhang Ying said and continue to eat the mochi.

"Thank you, Husbands. I have to go now, to do my other cores as a wife. See you later my husbands" I kissed their cheeks and forehead separatedly, before I go.

I close the door with happy smile.


Third's PoV

"I asked you to act like everything is normal, Didn't I?!" Zhang Ying face become red as he getting mad at his twin brother.

"How can I? When the woman I been in love since I was little kid is a murderer?" Zhang Yong look at Zhang Ying with glaring eyes.

They sighed together, a heavy one.

"We make a promise to her. We will protect her brother, don't you remember?" Zhang Ying triggered Zhang Yong with the promised they had make on the day of their marriaged.

"I make a promise with my lovely wife not an evil one." Zhang Yong shrugged his shoulder and ignored his brother.

"If one day she died in front of you, will you still act like this?" Zhang Ying asked Zhang Yong. He become stiff.

"Yes" Zhang Yong face doesn't change, he look bored.

"Don't regret anything, Rina trust you the most because You're the one who she fell in love with first before me. If that day happened because of your heartless act, don't ever regtret it. Even she is evil. I will protect her with my own life" Zhang Ying said in serious toned. He feel like to punch his twin to make his realize what he had said.

"She didn't deserve that kind of attention brother, she betray our trust. Why should we protect a monster? She deserve to dies anyway." Zhang Yong look at Zhang Ying who is gaping with his words.

"She deserve to get a chance. I know there is something behind it, I know there is a reason why she do such thing. Don't do this brother. Don't do anything that you will regret for your whole life." Zhang Ying begging to his stubborn brother.

"I won't regret it, never" He smirked at his brother who is shaking his head. He can see regret expression in Zhang Ying eyes.


"You will regret it" Yeon look at them with sad expression.


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