Arc 3.12 - Zhang

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Not proofreaded, and grammar mistake.

Rina's PoV

Lately I felt weird and suspicious with Zhang Yong act towards me.

He look at me with glaring eyes. And didn't answered my question sincerely. I feel hurt with how his acted toward me but I still smiling at him with sweeysmile.

Now only Zhang Ying and me sat on our bed. I rub my shoulders softly. I felt lonely. I felt afraid of what will happened next.

Is my faith will be the same as the Novel?

I touch Zhang Ying's right hand softly.

"Husband. Can Rina asked you something?" Zhang Ying nod his head and put his full attention toward me.

"what happened to Zhang Yong? Why he seem so irritated to see Rina. And When Rina want to communicate with him, he give Rina a cold shoulder. Why?" I look at Zhang Ying.

I can see Zhang Ying seem nervous with my questions. Is he hiding something from me?

Even I am an evil person, I will never killed anyone without a strong reason. If they want to hurt my family and I, then it will be a strong reason for me to do the same thing.

The one I killed are all the rebels people who think they deserve to be in Zhang Ying positions and have been plotting to killed my husbands and also Me.

I trying to protect my husbands. I somehow know my way of protecting persons I love is wrong but this is the only way I know to handle this kind of situations.

Or maybe this is how I am.

I look at Zhang Ying who is now holding my hands and kiss it softly.

"Maybe he is tired, and not in the mood to talk. Don't think negatively, he love you like always" Zhang Ying then kiss my lips and my forehead before pull my waist and caressed my hairs, he put my head on his chest.

I nod my head and smile softly at his answer even I know he just trying to make me feel ease without telling me the truth. But his words did make my heart feel relax and happy.

He hand slowly caressed my hairs. It make me felt relax and slowly I fell sleep on my husband chest.


Suddenly I felt someone pull me up with a strong forced. But I manage to fight the stranger.

I try to look at Zhang Ying but I didn't see him. Then I saw my maids are all dead and their blood is splasing on my bed.

Another stranger burged in to my room and tried take me away, I tried to free myself when I think i maneged to run away I felt a strong punch on my face that make me fainted.

When I wake up again. I already sat on the chair with my hands and legs being tied up.

I struggle to free myself but didn't succeed.

"Who are you???! Why are you doing this to me? If my husband find you, he will kill you?!" I shout at the stranger

Unfortunately I get slapped by the stranger, I can tasted the blood in my mouth.'s so hurt.

Where is Yeon when I need him?

The strangers laughed at me. I try to count all of them in this dark room. There are 10 people. I know they are stronger than me. I can't fight all of them at once even I'm strong enough to killed a few of them.

"Why are you laughing?! Its not funny you know?" I shout at them.

"Why? You asked me why I laughed? Guys see this girl, she's telling us that her husband will kill us if we touch her. How funny and interesting is that, right?" Then all of them start laughing at me. They're mocking laughed annoyed me.

Suddenly I get punch by them, one by one. I know my body will get bruised. But I pretend I didn't get hurt by their punched.

I laughed at them. Mockingly.

They look at me weirdly.

"Why are you laughing crazy girl, do you feel funny that we punch you or you still have dreamed about your husband will come and save you like a white knight?" I heard their mocking voice and laughed.

"No, I just feel pity with all of you. Is these all you got, huh? Hahahah? You punch like girls, it doesn't hurt me at all" I tried to triggered them.

"So arrogant although you already look like that, huh? Let's see how long will you get cocky?" The stranger said to me, he hold my chin to look at me.

"You will regret once you see this person come in--"

Suddenly I saw someone burged in the room. Someone I knew.

My heart beat so fast.

No....please no.

He walk in front of me with cold expression. Like he doesn't know me. Like he never love me.

"Why?.." with softly voices, I asked him.

He smirk at me, "Why you asked me? Let me tell you a story an interested one"

"There is a girl who pretended like she is a good girl but the reality is, she actually an evil one. She gain a power by being a Queen of Uni's Kingdom."

"She doesn't know the one she loves know everything about her and her evil plan. She did deceived everyone unfortunately not everyone she succeed to put on a lie. There is only one person doesn't believe in her pretend acted. Me"

"Isn't it interesting?" He wipe both of my cheeks, it has bloods because of the punches I got earlier by the strangers.

"You love to see someone dies in front of you right? Let me make you be the persob who dies because of you and make you feel what they had felt" He bring out his sword. He use his power. The fire, he light it on his sword.

I look at him with horror. I shake my head.

"No.. plea-se. Listen to me first Zhang. Let Rina tell you why Rina killed them. Rina did it for you. Ple- a-ase" My voice become stuttering.

He didn't listen to me and begin to torture me.

I scream because of the pain he give me. I tried to use my healer in my body but I can take it anymore when he slash my body. I can feel the blood comes out from body.

I tried to hide the pain. I look at him with pity hoping he will realize his mistake, but he just grinning at me.

I cried when I remember this is the man I love, however in the end he is the one who hurt me. He promised me that he will not.

Suddenly my people (Uni's Kingdom) burge in and kill his people one by one. Unfortunately what Uni's people doesn't know about people is Zhang's has back up people who wait to attack them.

Many of them being killed brutally.

Some of them who are still alive is looking at me and sobbing. I felt so weak and despair.

"S-top, please.'s hurt. A-nnd Let them go... they are innocents" I cried, begging him to stop.

He open the ties that tied my hands and legs. I fell down. I feel weak. I feel pain. My heart is breaking into pieces.

Where is Zhang Ying, where is he when I need him? Where is my husband who promised to protect me, will come to save me?

Am I destiny to died like the novel? Why? Why the one who kill me is him? I can felt the hot tear comes out from my eyes.

Zhang Yong use his sword to stab me deep inside my stomach before pull it out. I can see my blood flew out after he pull his sword from me, I cough the blood out from my mouth.

The pain I try to heal no longer heals me, all I felt right now is pain. I use all my strength to pull him over me.

With trembling hands, I try reach his cheeks and held it.

I can see his eyes begin to wide open and look at me with suprised.

Yes, I have another hidden power. To show my past life and what I had did in past.

I showed him how I protect my husbands from being killed by Zhang Ying's people.


Few months ago

I walk in the meeting hall, I tried to suprised my husbands suddenly I heard familiar voices. Duan Tin Ying, Emperor Assistant and Ran Yin Qin, Prime minister of Rii's Kingdom.

I heard them begin to plot how to kill both of my husbands and I. The detail of the accidentally killed by burglars are plans by them.

I feel shocked and loss of words. Although I never trust them as Royals minister but I'd never expected them to make a plans to kill us.

Therefore. I try to protect my husbands by using my Power as Queen of Uni's Kingdom. I send a letter to my General to help me to defeat them and killed Duan Tin Ying and Ran Yin Qin.

Before they get to killed us, I had killed them. They have 3 followers who follow them, I accused them as murderer who killed both of Duan Tin Ying and Ran Yin Qin.

Zhang Yong killed them and sentenced their whole family to prisoner for the rest of their life .

After I satisfied, I thanked my people before excuses them.

Lucky me no one know about my real Identities and my hidden power.

After the news about the dead of Emperor's Assistand and Prime Minister the insider become more quiters and obediences toward the ruler's of the kingdom.

-End of Flashback-

Zhang Yong hands become trembling. His sword fell off from his hands. He kneels down in front of me with his tears comes out from his eyes.

"Why, di-d you not tell me" He lips is trembling, I can see his face turning paled.

I smiled weakly at him.

"I-I didn't expect my own husband will comes a-nd killed me. The one I love who I thought will protect me for the rest of his life" My hands rubs his cheeks.

I coughed out the blood from my mouth. I can feel the real pain in my bodies.

I can feel my hot tears fell down.

Suddenly I can hear a shout from inside the room.

"No!!!!!! What have you done brother?!!! No.. Please, no" I can feel my body been pulled to someone body. I tried to tilt my head slowly to look at the person who pulled me.

"Husband?" I try to reach my hand to touch him but I can't. I feel weak.

"Ye-s..My little Rina...." I can hear someone sobbing my name.

Ahhh. My another lover who love me. Zhang Ying.

"Ha.... I'm Jealous with the times. It move so fast that I can't feel it anymore. Rina want to my spend time with you for much longer... But I can't" I lean my head toward his chest.

"Promise m-e you will not ki-ll him, a-nd please tak-e care of yourself..." I can felt he caressed my hair softly while sobbing his heart out. His tear fell down to my faces. Its hot.

At least, I know he didn't involves in killing me.

I tried to Listen to his heart beat, slowly I begin to close my eyes.

From today onwards, I don't want to make a promise to wait for him.




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