Arc 4.2 - Xavier

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Rina's PoV

I wake up when I felt someone jumping on the bed, "! Look we're at hotel room." Liam jumping excitedly.

I yawned first before I put an attention to his word. "Yes dear, we're at hotel. Beautiful right?" I stroke his hair softly.

"Now go take a bath, you have to accompany mom to hunter a house for us to stay and search a building for us to rent. Mom want to open a bakery shop, what Liam think about it?" I asked my son.

He nodded his head excitedly " biscuit, cake and pastry is so delicious.. Liam will love to eat it everyday" I laugh at his expression. The his face always express each of hid world make we want to hug my Liam.

"Okay, let's get ready. We will just get our important belonging only. We will stay here for one week and move to our new house shortly after we find it, Kay?" He wearing his old clothes that already packed inside his bag, it's already worn out and the color also already pull off. I feel pity when I look at my son clothes because he still look excited wearing his old clothes even it's already worn out.

"But honey, before we search for a house, mom should by us a clothes first" I say.

"No need mom, I can wear this. It's still look okay. We need to save money mom, so you can open a bakery shop" I look at my child with my eyes already full of my tears.

I walk to him and hug him, "Liam.. mom have enough money to buy you clothes, buy a house and open bakery. Don't worry" I smile at him and rub his head. I kneel before him.

"You're my son, mom want you to be happy. With a new clothes mom sure you will be lot happier" he shake his head, showed that he not agreed with me.

"No mom, Liam will be lot of happier if mom pampered Liam with lot love and attention.. hehe.. Liam will love if mom cook Liam favorite food everyday" he face turn red when he talk about what he loves.

Oh god, what did I do in my past life to get this bright and intelligent child.

"Okay.. mom promised to give you lots of love from now on" I hug him tightly and rub his back.

After a few minutes, I pull off from and wipe my tears.

"Let's go" I lend my hand out for he to reach it.

Then we walk out from our hotel room and building. We straightly go to the shopping mall who is not my ex- husband own it.


Uknown guy's PoV

"As your planned, they are here to buy a few new clothes. And another new update, she plan to buy a house and rent a shop to open a bakery cafe" his assistant explained everything about what happened to her and what her next plan.

"Help her up, give 50% discount to every shop she goes in my shopping mall."

"And tell all the house lord when she goes to their agent give what ever she asked as her description of her ideal house. If she want a house of fully-finished, then you need to buy all the furniture that will be needed for the house. And for the shop rent to open her bakery, give her my building for her to rent it with 70% discount. Get it?" After he satisfied he dissmiss his assistant.

"As I planned, she will be mine. Road to make her forever and ever mine." He smiled and continue to finish his own job duty.

"Maybe I should visit her one day. If she want to rent my building to open her business. What a brilliant Idea I have, if she rent my builiding, then I get to see her everyday. What a great plan *tap his chest, proudly*. A bakery cafe' huh?? What a determined girl. Then, let me full all your wishes, baby girl" he talk alone, like a crazy person.

He always become abnormal when it come to her part.


Meanwhile his Assistant running down to reception place, he asked them to tell if a girl with child who wearing red clothes come to their shop give her 50% of discount. It's an order from President. The news spread quickly to all the vendors.


Rina's PoV

This is a weird day for me, this shopping mall are famous because of expensive price and have the most quality clothes but to my suprised it quite cheap for me to buy it.

In the end, I buy quite lot of clothes for my son and I because the price is so much cheaper, like I buy it from bundle shop.

With a happy and satisfied smile I walk out from the shopping mall and come back to hotel to put all my new clothes before walk out from the hotel again.

I took a rest for an hour and eat some food to give me and my son some energy before we continue our journey, to agent place, I try to search for a house to buy and shop to rent.

After I had finished eating my food, we go to an agent house. They told us, it will take 5 day for me to find my ideal house and ideal shop to rent.

Okay, this is also weird for me. As far I know, it will take a month for an agent to find a house and shop to rent that is the minimum. The maximum will be two month. Wow.. this is getting weird but I ignored it.

Exactly after 5 day we go the agent house, she called me and said my ideal house is ready to take a look.

My son and I get ready to look to our new house. I get excited for it because it will be my first time buying a house alone without him by my side.

I wear a black long skirt and white shirt.

And my son wear black swear hoodie shirt. *Sorry I don't know how to describes someone wearing clothes*

Then we both walk out from the building.

I seen my agent waiting for me at the cafe shop in front of my hotel, she wave her left hand at me. I softly greet her with

"Thank you for calling and waiting for me." I held my son hand and walk beside her.

"My pleasure.. aww what cute son you have? Hello my name is Linda" she held her hand. But my Liam shyly greet her hand and hide behind me.

"Sorry, he is a bit shy with a new people. Should we go" I walk right beside her with Liam in my left.

We go in to my ideal house as my own description.

The interior design suprised me a lot because it's so beautiful. I feel like my tear will flow out anytime. But I'm sure this house will cost me lot of money.

"Urmm.. Linda. Can I asked how much the cost of this house is? It's so beautiful and wonderful. Right, Liam?" My son nodded at my question and run to look around the house. To me this house is already beautiful and it's quite luxury.

"I'm glad you like it a lot. Uh...It's only $100,000.00" I turn my head to look at her. What??

"Uh..what?" Hundred thousand just for this?? It's not it quite cheap?

I look at her with disbelieve expression. "Ahh.. you're not lying to me right, Linda?" I asked her. She shake her head.

"There is no way, I'm lying to you. Look I brought this house contract. I'm assure you this house is safe with lot of security technology, its not a haunting house and affordable too" she said. Way more affordable for me.

It's weird. "Thank you, Linda. I will take a look first." I said and walk around the house. But Inside me, I'm still stuggling whether this is reality or not because I still had disbelieve that this kind of lucky actually exist in my life. First the clothes price are so cheap and then this house also turn to be so much cheaper than it looks.

But I ignore the weird feeling again because I won't get this kind of price in another place again.

"I love this place, you can pass me the contract and agreement of this house after we finish our next tour to our rental shop" I said with a smile.

"Liam, let's go. We need to go to another place" I lend my hand to him then he catch and hold my hand tightly.

We go to out next station to the 2 storey building that I want to rent for my bakery cafe'.

After I arrived at the destination, I somewhat see a guy who's sat on the chair inside the shop from a far, I didn't catch his face because he wearing sunglasses.

"Linda, Who is that guy?" I asked her.

"Ouh.... He is the owner of the building that you want to rent" she said. I look at her with widened eyes.

This will my first time to meet the owner of building. I'm glad that I wear a proper clothes.

As we get closer, I can see his face clearly. To my suprised, he is my crush....



I greet him. He take off his glasses then look at me with sharp eyes.

I'm doomed. The guy that I want to avoid is standing in front of me. Da*n.


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