Arc 4.3 - Xavier

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Unknown guy's PoV

The way she walk is so sexy even when she wearing a casual shirt and skirt but still look very beautiful and elegant.

I have to cover my expression before she noticed that I was smiling crazily just by looking at her.

"Mr Xavier. Nice to meet you, finally." After greeting him Linda introduced her and her son to me. I tilt my head to look at her.

"Hi..." She greets me, I smile at her a little bit then turn back into serious mode. Try to act cool in front of her.

She look at me with widen eyes before change it second later. I look down and see a little boy who's holding her skirt tightly like he holding his whole life on it.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Xavier. I'm so suprised when Linda said that you will be here too." The way she smiling at me make me want to hide her from the whole world. She is very gorgeous.

"Actually it's my pleasure to finally meet you, Ms Rina and..." I look at the little boy.

"Liam, my name is Liam, uncle." Such a clever boy. His pure and innocent look make me smile at him.

"And nice to meet you too, Liam" I stroke his hairs softly. He finally make soft smile toward me.

"You can take a walk around first, before you decide whether you want to rent it or not. I'm more concern about my client satisfaction" I smile at her.

"Liam, can you sit here with Linda? Mom will take minutes to walk around first" I heard her conversation with her son. Her voice is so gentle like her appreance.

"Alright mom, Liam will wait for you. Don't worry, Miss Linda will keep me accompany with Mr handsome over here" he said. I heard my assistant (Alex) chuckled at his word.

"So am I.. that Mr handsome, little Liam?" Alex show his index finger at himslef while ask Liam. Liam nodded his head.

"Ermm.. you're handsome" he hides behind Linda after saying it.

Then all of us chuckled at his cuteness and shy attitude.

"If you say so, Liam. Mom gonna take a few minutes okay. I will come back." She kissed his forehead before start walking ahead.

"Ms Rina, I can keep you accompany while they are waiting here for you" I said hoping my plan will working, when she nodded her head I'm screaming in my heart.

First we go to the first floor, she look around. I saw her head is nodding and she smile while looking around, look like she approved it. I don't know what in her head when she's looking around. But I think she satisfied with the area in the first floor. 

"Ms Rina. I heard you want to open a bakery shop in here?" I trying to make a conversation with her.

"Actually... it's my dream since I was a little kid. I love to eat fresh baked bread and the smell of fresh baked bread and pastry make me happy. So when I have an oppurtunity to finally open a bakery I become more excited about it. And this place is actually look good. Unfortunately I'm not an expert designer when in comes to interior design." I'm happy when she's telling me about her dream.

Don't worry lady, I will make your wish come true.

We continue to look around while talk a little bit.

Suddenly she jumped on me when she saw dead cockroach on the floor. I take an opportunity to wrapped my arm around her waist.

"It's okay, it already dead" i whispered on her left ear. When I feel she shivered in my armed I smile at it.

She tilt her head to look at me while her hands still on my chest.

"Maybe you should take a picture, it will last forever." I said. She look suprised at how close the space is, between both of us, but then she walked away from my armed.

Somehow I hate it when I didn't feel the warmness between us but I try to act cool about it.

She look at me again then take her phone out. Suddenly I saw a flashflight and hear a click from her phone. Wow, she is  bold. I like it.

"Urmm.. you already said that I can take a picture" she ahrugged her shoulders and trying to hide her embrassement but fail because her face is so red.

Then she walk down the stairs, more like running away from me.

"Carefull there, you will fall down if you walk to fast" I hold her waist softly to make sure she is safe.

"It's okay, even when I fall down it will only scratch on me not you" she said.

"But I hate to see you get hurt" I said gently at her.

"Thank you for your concern, Mr.Xavier." I felt shivered when I heard she said my name. I wonder if she said my name when we....

"Mr.Xavier... Mr...Xavier!" She hit me on my right shoulder.

I feel a pain on my shoulder. She hit me? No one dare to hit me before but she did. I'm amused with her random action.

She said sorry but her expression didn't.

"Sorry, I was spacing out a while ago" This will be my first time saying sorry in my life but I'm sure it will never be the last one.

"It's okay. Actually Mr. Xavier I.."

"Just call me Xavier." I cut her talk. I know it rude but I hate when she being so formal with me. I like the way she called my name without formality. So sexy and soft.

"All right. Ermm.. Xavier just now I want to asked you whether you know anyone that can help me with interior design about bakery shop? I....I already like the space in this building and my dream will finally become true if you... can help me with it" She look very nervous.

I will help her even she didn't asked for it. What my Lady, that what she will get.

"Sure, I will help you" I said. She jumping in her space and smile happily.

Out of her awareness, she suddenly give me a hug. She put her hand around my waist and her face on my shirt. "Thank You Xavier, one day if you need my help, just called me. I will surely help you" she said.

My lady you shouldn't said that, your word will only trapping you in my world.

"Anything?" I mischievously asked her. She nodded her head "yes, anything" she said confidently. dear Rina. I successfully trapped you to come into my world.

"If you refused, what will happen.?" I asked her.

"I'm a woman who never go against her word. Trust me" she said in serious tone. She frown at me to look serious unfortunately it's didn't work out because she look extremely beautiful plus cute.

"Ouh... I'm sorry for hugging you. I...I'm tend to get excited about little thing and without my awareness I already hugged someone" she tried to explained.

I hope you won't hug anyone guy after this except for me. I nodded my head then walk away from her.

We walk back to entrance. "I'm done. And I decide to rent this building to open my bakery at here!." She said excitedly.

They laughed at her excitedness. While I smile at her cuteness.

"Yeah!. Yeah!. My mom make a delicious cake and cookies, Uncle Alex, Aunt Linda, Uncle Super should try it someday." Liam said. He look so pleasant with her mom cooking style.

"Uncle super??" Alex ask Liam. He knotted his eyebrows.

"Yes! Uncle Super, because Uncle is like a superman that help my Mom and me when we need help" I look at him with weird expression. Then I look at Alex, he is chuckled at his word.

My assistant can't keep his mouth shut.

"Yeah, Uncle will try helping as much as I can" I rub his head.

I feel someone staring at me, I tilt my head to look up and see Rina look at me while smiling softly at my action toward her son.

Buddy, I think I need to make you like me first before I tackle your mom and make her mine.

I smirk silently.

"Here, an agreement of this building. You can read it and sign it later. After you already confirm it, you can sent this agreement back to us" Alex explained to her, he give her tenancy agreement.

When we are done with everything I offered all of them to dinner together. So we go separately by two car to Vier's Restaurant.

When we enter together a waitress come to greet us. "Welcome Mr Xavier, would you like private room?" She asked me. I nodded my head.

"Right this way sir" She walk ahead in front of us to show the way.

When she opened the door I can hear Linda and Liam gasped but she jut look around with bored expression.

After that we take a seat, I sit beside Rina.

*The seat arrangement will be like- Xavier is the center, the right will be Rina, Liam, Linda and Alex until it back to Xavier again*

The waitress give each one of us a water before leaving us to decide what we want order.

"Mom. The food is so expensive the only affordable one is orange juice." I heard Liam said. How considerate this child is about her mother pocket money.

When I look she is hesitated to answer his question, I help her. "It's okay Liam, it is all on me. You can order anything you want" He then look at her mother, she nodded her head.

"Thank You Xavier for treating us this time" she said slowly.

"It's my pleasure" I smiled at her then look back at the Menu.

And the dinner goes by..

Rina's PoV

I can feel sometimes he staring at me, his soft gesture toward me and my child make me smile. I remember our conversation at his building, the way he try to fullfill my dream make my heart tickled.

We talk for a while and I'm suprised with his gentle voice when he talking at me and my son. Because I know he is not very gentle toward others. Even sometimes I see Alex and Linda are scared of him.

The waitress too, they look very scared when they try to fullfill what he orders. He is like someone very important in this city.

"Erm.. you have finished eat it. Want some dessert or you want to go back to hotel?" He asked me and look at Liam and wipe Liam's dirty mouth with napkin.

I smile at him, "I think we should go back. Liam seem tired and I feel tired too." I said. He nodded his head and call the Waitress who serves us just now. He pay the bills using his card and give her tips before we go back.

"Thank you Xavier for your kind gesture toward us and treat us dinner. I promise I will treat you back. Just call me I will be there." I said.

"It's my pleasure to treat all of you." He said.

He didn't reply to what I had said. I hope he will take oppurtunities to court me. How dissapointing.

I thank him again before I walk back to Linda's car. She want to help us get back to the hotel.

Suddenly I feel he hold my right hand softly. "I forgot to ask for your phone number." I raised my brows to look at him.

"You said you will treat me back and tell me to call you but I don't have you number so how can I contact you later." He said, I tap my forehead.

"Sorry I forget to give my number, can  I asked for your number, I will make a misscalled" he tell me his phone number. I type it on my phone and make misscalled toward his.

After that he save it and he smile at me. "See you again, Rina and Liam" he softly stroke Liam hairs.

"See you again" I bowed a little at him before I open door for Liam and I. Then Linda drove away from that place.

After we arrived at hotel, I thank Linda for send Liam and me safely back to hotel then we walk-in the hotel.

After we arrived at hotel's room, I ask Liam take a bath first and I take bath after him. After drying his hair and I, I lullabay him to sleep.


I take my phone, after heard my phone ring a couple of time.

'Goodnight my Lady' I saw Xavier send me a message. Smile at his cuteness I reply his.

'Goodnight Xav, have a nice dream'

He reply me back, then put a smiley emoji at the end of his word.

I smile and put my phone beside the bed.

After that I turn off the light and hug Liam properly, I slowly closed my eyes and sleep.

'see you again, my lady 😊'


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