Chapter 2

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It was a man, he looked no older then twenty four, but he was probably older then that, he had dark brown hair and hazel blue eyes, he looked about...mmm six foot four and he wore a long black coat that fell to his ankles. The thing that got me was the double bow and arrow on his cheek and neck.

That was an of place to have that.

He studied my room until his eyes rested on me, I blinked as he slowly approached me. "You alright, kid?"

No, not really.

I looked up at him as he crouched down beside me, I looked him straight in the face. "I watched that thing kill her."

"What thing, kill who? The woman downstairs?"

I nodded. "The thing that sicked her blood and stole her soul, my mom's soul."

I noticed him flinch closing his eyes, when he opened them they glowed in understanding and sympathy.

I then heard someone rush into the room. "Nick? Did you find something? Oh, you did."

I look over at the newcomer as he held the door open. He had blonde curly hair and blue eyes he also wore black.

The brown haired man, Nick, looked at his friend with a sad grin. "Talon, she watched."

'Talon' closed his eyes and sighed. "I hate it when that happens." He held his hand out for me to take so he could help me up. "Come on, kid, we won't hurt ya."

I took his hand and he hualed me up to my feet easily, it was so fast that I stumbled, he caught me and laughed. "Sorry about that."

"Its fine."

He rapped his arm around my shoulders as he lead me our of the room. "What's your name?"

"Adarian Addams. Yours?"

"Talon Runningwolf, nice to meet you and the one that found you is-"

"I'm capable of introducing myself Talon." He interrupted. He looked down at me with a cocky grin. "I'm Nicholas Gautier, but everyone calls me Nick."

Talon leaned down to whisper in my ear. "He's the know-it-all, sarcastic one of us all."

I smiled at the comment and glanced up at Nick, who rolled his eyes, then at Talon. "There's more of you?"

He nodded. "Do you believe in the paranormal?"

"Stuff like werewolves, vampires, ghosts, stuff like that? Yeah why?"

He patted me on the back. "You'll find out. Now let's introduce you to our boss."

When we made it to the bottom of the stairs I was greeted with two more men, and of course they were tall.

The tallest had long black hair with red streaks, wore black, I'm not surprised. But he wore an expensive black leather coat, as well as the others, I realized. He also wore a pair of dark sunglasses, even though it was dark out.

The other man had blonde short hair like Talon and his eyes were also blue.
Talon guided me to the the man with sunglasses, who smiled down at me kindly. Even though he seems friendly his lethal aura unnerved me. "Nice to meet you Adarian."

"You know my name?"

"I know may things."

I nodded at the odd comment. "Nice to meet you."

"Acheron Parthenopaeus. Call me Ash its easier and takes less time." He held his hand out to shake at I took it.

Man someone must of hated his guts to give him a name such as that. "That must be hard to spell, a name like that, it'd take me a life time to learn how."

"You have no idea, Adarian," Ash gestured to the man standing at his side. "This is Kyrian Hunter."

I looked at Kyrian, he gave me a tight lipped smile and shook my hand. "Nice to meet you, sorry about your loss."

I sighed. "Thank you for you sympathy, Kyrian, but I have a feeling you've been through way, way, worst."

"I have, but any loss is hard on everyone."

"Adarian, do you have any other living family members?" Ash asked suddenly getting serious.

"My dad, but I never met him."

"No one else?" Talon asked loom ng down at me with a questionable look.

I shook my head. "Nope." Cause he's a demigod, demon nonetheless.

"Can you tell us what happened?"

"Well, I was home alone when suddenly I was tackled by someone and got bit-" I rubbed my shoulder where my red shirt was stained with blood, but it was barely noticeable. "He let go after I kicked him where the sun don't shine and was able to get away from him, that's whey mom got home and became the victim telling me to run as he sucked the life out of her, I froze at the top of the stairs and watched until he dropped her body and started looking for me, then I his in my room where Nick," I waved my hand over at him from where he stood leaning against the railing of the stairs, "found me. Please don't tell me you guys are taking me to the orphanage, I don't want to be an orphan, I can just imagine the insults I'd get at school.....although I can take it, but if they insult my mom....someone's gonna die." I sneered looking down at the wall and muttered. "Unless its a teacher."

Acheron opened his mouth to say something.

"I'll take her."

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