Chapter 3

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Talon and I both turned to look at Nick, I glanced at the others, they seemed surprised, was he that bad?

I grimaced. "I don't know if you can handle me, dude."

"I bet I can. Ash she can stay with me, she'll be safe and I know her and Roxanne will get a long well."

I looked in between Acheron and Nick then back Nick, who was watching me and shrugged. "I don't care who I go with as long as I'm not going to the orphanage."

Ash finally sighed. "Fine."

Nick smirked and left the railing to ruffle my black hair. I grunted, but didn't bother to fix it. "I'm a girl, not a dog."

"Come on Fido, let's get some clothes packed." He said going back upstairs as Acheron, Kyrian, and Talon went to check out my mom's body.

"I hope that's not my new nickname for you." I sighed following him.

He chuckled. "I can call you Fifi."

"God no!" I said horrified as I walked into my room and pulled a duffel bag out from under my bed.

"I'm joking kid." He laughed as he started to open my top drawer, I yelped and scrambled to my feet, slamming it shut. He glared down at me. "What the hell? I'm helping you pack"

I cleared my throat, fear flooding through my body from his intense stare. "That's my, um, undergarments....I kinda don't want you looking in there, sorry, Nick, didn't mean to anger you." And shied away before he could, or decided to, do something to harm me.

Guilt consumed his face as he grimaced. "No, I'm sorry, I understand that you don't want me getting into them. I shouldn't of snapped."

"Have short temper?"

He nodded. "Yeah, real short."

"So that's why the others seemed surprised that you offered to take me?"

"That and something else, what drawer am I aloud to go through?"

"Third and down you'll be fine. And what's the other thing?" I answered, opening my closet door.

He sighed, kneeling down to the third drawer, I placed the bag at his side so he didn't have to get up and get it. "Thanks and you do you believe in demons?"

I froze from getting some shoes from my closet, I leaned back to peek at him from beyond the open door and blinked. "Of course."

He looked over at me, narrowing his eyes suspiciously. Man, the demon in him seriously makes him negative and untrusting sometimes. "You hesitated, why?"

"Uh, I might be a demon myself." Secret spoken and out. Don't use it to kill me now, dude, although, I wouldn't mind it, my life is already screwed. And I got busy with my closest again.

His eyes widened. "You? A demon? What kind?"

"Daeve. What about you, Dark-Hunter? What demon are you?" I asked looking again from the closest at him.

"You know of Dark-Hunters?"

I gave him a droll stare, biting back a sarcastic come back. "I'm a demon, Diamons and all Hunters was the first thing I learned. Then fighting. What demon are you?" I asked again.


I winced. "Well, I'll make sure to stay off you bad side, Nick." Definitely. I grabbed my galaxy bag, and but my chargers for my phone and kindle, then put my headphones and devices in the bag and pulled the leather strings then pushed the leather thingy that kept it close and snapped the flap down.

But it sure does explain a lot. Once he tells you his breed, god, I feel bad for the guy, mentally fighting the hatred and destructive demon every second, for all I know, he's struggling to contain it now so I don't die or get a taste of the Malachai. And it now makes sense of the other's astonishment.

"It'd be best for both of us, 'cause I don't want to kill you, you remind me of someone." He said closing the now empty third drawer and opened the bottom one, stuffing the pants into the duffel with the shirts.

I threw a pair of galaxy converses and mud brown combat boots in there while I slipped on some silver dress shoes. "Who?"


I blinked a couple times to get the simple word through me head. "Really?"

He nodded, seeming to relax my guess he was rather relieved I took it right or the demon finally stopped fighting him. Which if that happened my earlier thoughts of him trying to contain it were true. "Yeah."

I didn't answer, I just waited for him to get done with emptying my drawer. When he was he moved aside and let me get into the top two drawers.

"How old are you?" I finally asked, dropping my socks into the duffel then turned my attention to him, he was sitting on my bed watching me.

So not creepy.

I beat the sarcastic thought down with a mental metal pole. No! Down thought down! Bad brain!

"I'm supposed to be thirty-six but I committed suicide after I walked in on my own mom killed by a Dark-Hunter possessed by a Diamon. But I was twenty-seven. How old are you?"

Wow, poor guy. I gulped. "Fourteen."

"I was that age when I got into this shit myself."


"Huh....Nick?" I looked up at him from opening my drawer.

"Yeah, that's my name don't wear it out."

I chuckled. "Can I ask you something?"

"You've already asked."

I rolled my eyes. "Ha ha very funny Nick."

He chuckled. "What do you need?"

"Can you still teach me how drive?"

"You're learning how to drive? I didn't learn how til I was 15.....damn. But yes I will. Although flying is more a daeve's thing."

"I know how to fly already, I have all my powers, I'm actually fully trained, Caleb taught me, I just need to learn how to drive, which my mom was teaching me how." I grimaced at the memories and held on to the socks in my hands a second longer with a tight grip before I let them go.

"Caleb Malphas?" He looked up at me as I secretly started stuffing bras and underwear in the bag. No need to see my bright undergarments. Nothing to see here.

"Mhm" I nodded. "Know him?"

"He used to protect me while I was learning my powers."

" it ok if he comes to vist? We kinda became friends while training." I zipped the bag shut and Nick got up to pick it up, while I slung the galaxy bag over my shoulder and close the now empty top drawer, I looked at him waiting for his answer.

"It's fine with me, it would be nice to see that demon again."

I smiled. "Thanks, can I get something of my mom's real quick?"

"Sure." He shrugged.

I rushed out of my room to my mom's and took a picture of her and me then stopped short when I went to grab her necklace. That's when it hit me that I'd never see her again and I bit my bottom lip, letting a tear escape as I stared at the beautiful cross.

I delicately grabbed it and slowly but it on.

"Mom, I'll never take this off...well when I take a shower or something, but I'll always carry you with me. I miss you."

I walked out, closing the door and approached my new housemate as he stood outside my room.


I nodded. "Ready."

"Good, and when we get home I'll have Roxanne take care of your shoulder." Nick tapped my shoulder gently.

I glanced at it. "You noticed I was bleeding, huh?"

"Yes, I did, your shoulder is a darker red then your shirt." He gripped the material on my left shoulder and immediately released it, whipping his fingers on his coat. "Also wet and sticky."

I grimaced. "Sorry."

"It's ok, now come on Adarian, take you to my car, then to your new home."

I smiled as he finally used my name. "What about my stuff?"

"I'll have someone get them, I hope you're not attacted to anything other then what you own."

"By what you're implying I'm guessing you mean, you hope I'm not attached to my bed and dresser, stuff like that right?"

He nodded and I followed him downstairs one last time and out the door.

"Just to let you know, if I start crying, it just means it finally hit I won't see her again, I've been holding it in since I left her bedroom." I explained, wincing at how pathetic I sounded as I stepped off the front porch and across the yard to the driveway.

He clapped my unwounded shoulder. "I won't judge, I know how ya feel."

I smiled at him, glad for his understandings in all this. "Thanks, besides, its not right for a demon to cry."

He laughed, taking a set of keys out of his pocket and and unlocked his car. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped.

"Dude, I love your car."

He looked at me as he put my bag in the trunk. And gave me a cocky grin. "Thanks. Now come on, get in."

I slowly opened the black door of the camaro and slide in, closing the door behind me, placing my bag on the floor by my feet. "So Gautier is it spelled differently then how it's pronounced?"

"Yeah it took me years to finally spell it right, I thought my mom hated me for giving me my name."


"Nicholas Ambrosius Gautier can you spell that?"

I winced, it was long, I can see why he thought that for awhile, god it made mine sound easy. "Can I try?"

He shrugged, pulling out of the driveway and on to the road. "Alright. Just brace yourself for laughter."

"Believe me, I'm fricking used to it." I sighed. "N-i-c-h-o-l-a-s A-m-b-r-o-s-i-u-s? Go', G-a-u...-t-i-e-r?" I looked at him with a questionable look and waited for him to laugh, but to my surprise, he gave me a impressed glance.

"Damn Adarian. Alright you know my full name. Tell me yours."

"Thanks and Adarian Kennedy Addams, my initials are literally AKA my mom should of just named me 'also known as' if she was going with that. Then bitch, 'cause a lot of people call me that."

Nick laughed. "Well AKA....I found an nickname, one at least."

I sighed. "Yay me, I would call you Nicky....but I'm scared of what you'll do."

He laughed again but with his mouth closed, so it was more like a 'hump' then a ha. "People called me that when my mom was alive. They don't anymore though." He sighed.

"Oh, sorry. I won't if you don't want me to, Gautier."

"Its fine Addams." He said stopping in from of a gate and waiting for it open, which didn't take long. And drove through.

I blinked at the large house, it was dark but it was light enough of me to see the build. "Wow."

Nick glanced at me with an amused smirk. I looked at him in awe.

"How rich are you, Malachai?"

"Real rich, Adarian."

"I see that....did you bring me here to kill me and take my blood?" If you did, I don't blame you.

"No, I'm being nice and giving you a home." He sighed turning the engine off and stepping out of the camaro.
I sighed in relief as I opened my door and got out, dragging my bag with me, and studied the large two storey house. While Nick just approached the place steadily like it was just another house.

Man I so don't belong here.

"Come on Daeve, you need that shoulder of yours attended to, I'm actually quite surprised that you haven't pass out yet." He called as I ran to catch up with him on the pouch. I shrugged.

"Makes you happy I can just pretend to pass out right here, right now, if you catch me that is." I bounced up and down on my toes, unable to keep still.

He glanced down at me with an amused look. "Wait until Roxanne treats your shoulder, kid, then you're free to pass out."

"Ok, whatever you say, Nick."

He scoffed. "You're very amusing for a demon, nice too."

"Thank you I take pride in that, Caleb made sure I was nice demon," I shrugged, "don't know why, but he did, and how can you drink blood? I have, it was....kinda is discomforting, although it was good. Sorry I'm getting tired and when I get tired I get hyper and ADDish."

"It's find Adri, I myself once was ADD, its also amusing." He opened the door and I gasped at the large living room that went in and connected to the kitchen and the stairs in the far right corner.

"Whoa...but I bet you'll get tired of it sooner or later. And I love your house its huge."

"You seem to love everything I own, Addams." He chuckled as he took his leather coat off, revealing some expensive clothes, and a nice body.

I shook my head, scowling myself. He's older then me, just because he's hot and being nice doesn't mean he likes you that way! That body smokin'. Gah! Stupid female hormones!

"I can make a weird comment and say I love you, but then that'll lead to an awkward moment and I'm not a fan of those moments. And I just met you so that'll make it even weirder. Ok I'll shut up now." I covered my mouth, I didn't just say that, please I wish I didn't say that. Please don't take it wrong, please don't take it wrong. Hormones you're gonna die!

He stared at me with a look of mixed confusion and amusement. He finally laughed, and I let a sigh escape me. Hormones you're cutting it close! Oh so close! You're lucky!

"Nick, you're back early. Oh who's this." I turned my attention to the woman who spoke and smiled at her.

She had her brown hair up in a ponytail and had blue eyes, while she wore a light blue button up shirt and blue jeans, she picked up Nick's coat and approached me. "Hello, I'm Roxanne."

"Adarian. Nice to meet you Roxanne." I shook her hand, smiling down on the 5 foot woman.

Nick grinned and walked off, heading for the stairs with my duffel bag. I watched him mentally making a dramatic scene.

'No my duffel bag! My precious duffel bag! I love you old bag we've been through so much! Rot in hell fucker mawahahahaha. God I'm tired.

"Miss Adarian?"

I turned my attention to Roxanne. "I'm sorry did you say something?"

"Yes, your shoulder, can I treat it?"

"Oh yes, definitely, you can its killing me."

"Well then take your shirt off and let me get the first aid kit, here sit." She sat me down on the couch and I took my shirt off carefully and I watched the stairs for any sign of Nick. I mean its not like I'm not fat, I'm actually skinny and in shape with many curves, I have been asked to join the cheerleading squad because of my body, but I wasn't up to it. But I did not want Nick to see me with my shirt off.

I sighed and looked at my shoulder and grimaced. The Diamon sure did like my shoulder, I was still bleeding and I touched it tenderly, hissing in pain. "Stupid Diamon."

"Diamons are always stupid."

I jumped as I heard Nick's voice from the stairs. I looked up at him and blushed madly. "Really? The one moment I take my eyes off the stairs you come down? And don't look at me, I don't got a shirt on."

He laughed. "Sorry and I won't, don't worry."

"Good, 'cause I'm already embarrassed enough, I don't need to die from it."

He laughed again and I watched as he kept his gaze off me and on the floor, his hand shielding his eyes from the right as he walked behind me.

I smiled. "Good Nicky."

"Really Age?

"Ah, another nickname what have you been thinking of?" I asked as he sat down in a chair to my right, still keeping his eyes off me, but I could tell he was smiling.

"Age, Dryn, Adri, AKA, and Addams."

"Oooo so many, its actually impressive with the time we've met and spoke to each other."

I looked up as Roxanne came back with the first aid kit.

She gasped at my stains of blood on my bra and skin, some of it was dry and and crushy, and it was still bleeding. "Shower, you need a shower, blood is everywhere on you even in your beautiful hair. Come, come, how are you dealing with this?"

She set the kit down and dragged me to my feet and studied my body. "You have a beautiful body Miss Adarian."

I blushed and glanced at Nick, he was watching our feet. "Thank you, Roxanne, I try my best to watched my skinny body, if I won't no one will."

When I looked at Nick again he was looking up, but he was staring at my shoulder, not my chest, luckily, and he grimaced as he watched Roxanne lead me up stairs.
She dragged me through the main hall to the last door on the left. It was a bathroom.

"This is Nick's, don't tell him you were in here."

"Um, ok, I'll clean up-"

"Oh no, no, no I'll clean it up, just get the blood off you."

I walked in and closed the door. "Ok, thank you Roxanne."

I looked around the large bathroom, yeah definitely Nick's, the walls were black and with red boarders near the floor and ceiling, the tiles were black and as I looked around I found the shower, approaching it and took my reminding clothes off as well as my mother's necklace.

This is an awesome bathroom....I want mine to look like this.

Turning the nozzle to hot I waited for it to warm up.

When it was warm I stepped in and closed the door.

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